Article Image Ernest Hancock

Letters to the Editor • Transportation

Twilight Zone on Steroids

Dear Editor:

Here is a story you won't believe. You talk about exposing and fighting corruption in government. After 15 years of documentation and investigation, the evidence and proof of the biggest racketeering operation at state level has surfaced that will have a major impact across the country if ever brought into the light. The man behind this campaign is presently being hunted down Soviet style to be put into the state hospital because they do not want this man in any court room with a jury. HE KNOWS TOO MUCH and can prove it.

This man needs the exposure and support before it is too late and the real criminals behind this fraud under the color of law, get their hands on this man. It will be end of story and it will continue to be business as usual, defrauding the people of this state and across the country out of billions as it has been for generations. Hollywierd couldn't write a better script.

You won't believe what he has been charged with and all the thugs involved disguised behind respectability. Every time a rock is turned over and the roaches scatter, there are more to be found and the plot thickens. You can find more information on this man and his story at,  Richard L Koening, considered the most knowledgeable man on the Oregon Motor Vehicle Code in the state, There is a link, Right to travel vs driving

This man would be worth interviewing. Very intelligent, witty, and a threat to the status quo because he has been trying to expose the truth and the man behind the curtain on his own for years and the hits just keep on coming.

After you read some of his writings, you decide if this man belongs in the state hospital, and how this incredible story of fraud and cover up began. You can connect with Mr. Koenig if this gets your attention through me.

 Thank you for your time in reading this and your consideration.

Respectfully, Rod S

4 Comments in Response to

Comment by Psychictaxi
Entered on:

All of the links you posted go to the same page!  They all have the correct URL showing, but it's the same page with no info and no active links - just the picture of the winged angel and the scroll at the top thanking you for visiting.

Comment by JustinTyme
Entered on:



Comment by Psychictaxi
Entered on:

It gets even weirder.  The cached page has active links, but they all go back to the one placeholder!  I also signed into my .ning account, and it still only shows that one page.

This story is clamped down tighter than a Hawaiian Birth Certificate!


Comment by Psychictaxi
Entered on:

Ok Rod, this was a weird one to research!

You said"...  Richard L Koening, considered the most knowledgeable man on the Oregon Motor Vehicle Code in the state, There is a link, Right to travel vs driving" 

There is no listed (at this moment) in search.  There is no 'Richard L. Koening' referenced anywhere, but I found this one search result with a 'Richard L. Koenig' at 'oregonshout.ning (which is where you are redirected to if you put into the URL bar).

  • Blogs - OregonShout I was driving down the highway and the car in front of me Had an eight ... Richard L. Koenig of Right To Travel~sends Letter to Sgt, Hawkins-public employee of County of - Cached
  • The site only has ONE PAGE as a placeholder, with no links to anything with any information whatsoever.  BUT, as you can see above, THERE WAS A CACHED VERSION AVAILABLE!  The cached page from 12/23/2010 can be seen here:,9cb8201b&icp=1&.intl=us&sig=HawCCrXsvKJMOT5kM1N3bg--

    or do the search yourself, and click on the 'cached' link.  That's the only way I could find any information on this subject.

    It must reeealy be good...  heh heh.
