Article Image Powell Gammill

Letters to the Editor • New World Order

Global Depopulation: Republican Nightmare More Frightening Than Obama 2012?

Politcally crippled when he lost control of the U.S. House of Representatives, leftist Obama is desperate to get re-elected. From now up to next year, he could create chaos and declare Martial Law. 

But is the Republican nightmare more horrifying than Obama 2012? In the people’s freaking mind, the answer to this question swings like a pendulum.Euphoric about their "victory" in the last mid-term election, Republicans will go hammer and tong to stop immigration and implement their horrendous population cutback policy. The rational behind the radical campaign to depopulate America is to win the heart of Americans by assuring them that zero immigration and sterilization will improve the quality of life in the United States.

Eliminating millions of people to ensure a "better life" for the few sounds like it is pure madness to me. It’s an oxymoron from hell.

The effect may be foreseen in this expose’. Connecting the Dots: Mass depopulation on its way and the Secret Team's management of the world … the horror link is here: ...

I want to share with you an e-mail copy-furnished to me by a disgruntled Republican:

"Sir, the Rparty is all right except that it is not anymore what it used to be. Today the voice [and posturing] of the Rparty emanates from at least three major sound bytes [leaderless] -- the old, real Rpartyers [Lincolnians], the Hawks, and the Conservatives. Let me identify them to you ---

"The Lincolnians adhere to the old principles upon which the party was founded. They do not compromise their principles in high and low waters. Their historical importance to the American people [the real Rparty] is timeless – they are today what they were before. You and I knew this very well. In our existing political divide, if the Departy has a real party opponent, there is none other than the real Rparty. It is from this rank and file that I fought my battle like you do not only against all the other opposite party opponents, but also against antagonists and disguised party deserters from within [i.e. radical Libertarians hiding inside our Republican shell giving the Rparty a bad name … enlightened Libertarians like you are all right, but the angry ones whose brains are in their fists and their bad politics is in their mouth … oh, oh …no siree!].

"The modern Conservatives write off Lincolnians as obsolete – unrealistic, party discards that could no longer serve the American people’s wishes in modern times. Vis-à-vis the Rparty, they are also known as the "rebels", mavericks if you may, of which Sen. John McCain is considered the invisible head. This group became the Great Compromisers. They adapt. They are "liberal" Republicans that think like Democrats on one hand, and also Lincolnians on the other. In principles, they are technically like bats – neither bird nor beast, but something else, depending on the hue and cry of the time.

"In the election, the Great Compromisers are usually between what the Departy and Rparty stand for. While they are against the pathway to legalization [I call PTL for short] of undocumented immigrants which they brand as "amnesty", they hold the Hawks in contempt for criminalizing them and intending "to shoot them down like criminals" to borrow your phrase, for declaring American citizen children born in the U.S. to undocumented immigrants, social outcast, for cutting their innocent youngsters off medical, education, food stamps for the foodless, and from other social and welfare benefits which the U.S. Supreme Court had long held and declared as part of the law of the land: No, you can’t do that to children born in the country as American citizens …!

"We can stop illegal aliens from being what they are, in so many ways, but not this way. This posturing is not only inhumane but also in direct violation of our fundamental law. Sensible Americans recoil from this savagery, looking at it as totally disgusting because it is coming from the angry voices of politicians from hell. Conservatives scoff and deride the Hawks and ride on the back of millions of immigrants who call this inhumanity barbaric.

"In economic terms, justifying this mean-spirited move against the innocent children of undocumented immigrants to save our tax money, was a hawkish stupidity because we are the greatest donor to poor countries the world had ever known, in billions and billions of dollars annually! But here, not a penny to children born in the U.S. that are American citizens??? That’s a nail in the coffin comes Election Day. Millions of immigrants had already spoken against it in 2004-08.

"The populations of the States in the United States are All IMMIGRANTS, and technically speaking, including the American Indians originally from other continents that came to this land millions of years ago.

"What I really wanted to tell the Republicans is that if you want to defeat Obama in 2012, no you cannot be mean … just don’t do what you did in 2008! You cannot be nasty and despicable to immigrants and hope to win their support no matter what sweet talks you would disarm them with to gain their sympathy. Only those who use their emotion not their brain that ought to know better, may go along with you. But even that is doubtful because they are immigrants and their heart is for anyone who immigrate to this country. Their only objection is for immigrants who should not come here illegally. And we are not leaving a single stone unturned to see to it that they do – but short of acting like barbarians.

"The Conservatives are also in error in declaring pathway to legalization [PTL] as "amnesty". Their opposition to PTL deceives the public. Amnesty pardons "crimes", mostly applied to political crimes. PTL DOES NOT PARDON illegal aliens who committed crimes while they are in America – in fact PTL does not include them. PTL is therefore NOT an amnesty. For treating the public as mentally retarded with a gambling if not foolish expectation that Americans were not capable of understanding this ludicrous trickery, the Conservatives paid a high price in the 2004-08 elections.

"Lastly, it is with the "angry" Republican Hawks that I find my being a Republican a disgrace. Since the Dems lost in the last mid-term election, they beat their chest with clenched fist shouting out loud their "victory" with vengeance. By the way, they didn’t win. The hated Obama administration and his bad-performing stool pigeons ran against themselves and lost. It was the votes against Obama and the Dems that gained House leadership for the Republicans. Had immigration and population control been the issues, not Obama’s "criminality" that hangs heavily in the people’s mind, the Dems would have won the last election.

"In Congress right now, you hear voices of "war" against the Dparty for 2012, reviving the Rparty’s extremist agenda of Contract with America not only against illegal immigration but a complete denial of immigration to reduce an imagined overpopulation of [population control in] the United States of America [???]. We bookmarked Obama’s horrifying changes of what he wanted America to be, but I have all the terrifying data of population control -- actually of "killings" to occur in America, and to carryout a global depopulation agenda lead by U.S. under the leadership of the Rparty. In the final analysis, this would make Obama’s transgressions punching our credulity softer with kid gloves in comparison. The American public is not that so dim-witted not to notice this difference when they get hold of the ballot and vote. We have a very recent history to prove it.

"As a Republican, am I proud of these Rambo Republicans acting like good guys to save America and the world but actually are Machiavellian bad guys who would stop immigration completely [impossible] and kill people [outrageous!] to reduce population? [My database backs up this serious anomaly.] Nahhh … wrong kind of local and international Republican "leadership"!

"It would seem that this Republican nightmare is more horrifying than what we fear Obama would do, desperate as he is, to get re-elected in 2012!

"Yours truly, E.S."