Article Image Powell Gammill

Letters to the Editor • Philosophy: Socialism

Oh Come On Now

• Column

Government is always the enemy? When the bigots come for your gay children- as has happened before, it will be government protecting them. To deny the voice of government is to DENY THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and to refute the founding fathers. It is sedition. To criticize the government is essential: to repudiate it is repugnant. When your family member develops one of the many ways to fall ill, it will be government that made sure they had coverage. A national government. Your argument defending the concept of "acceptable racism" is laughable. It WAS government that came around with progressive thinking and struck down slavery. Ever read a history book? Only the Texan revisions? Our military is our government. Are you anti-military? You dishonor any soldier who ever served this country by claiming they were in service of a junta, not a legitimate government "by the people (voting) for the people" Oh, wait, the stolen elections of George W. Bush. There's THAT! Please reject this regressive mindset: it paints you as a racist rube. Your diatribe is inauthentic.

Editors Reply

You are confused.  It was government that had laws (and still does) against homosexuality, imprisoning them for activity that was consensual and interfered with no one.  It was government that forced psychotherapy on gays including ice baths, lobotomization, electroshock and castration. 
You are confused.  Yes, the CONstitution created the federal government.  Yes, opposing government is opposing the so called "founding fathers" who in secret wrote the damned CONstitution that enslaves us now.  But the founding fathers who gave us our liberty from a King wanted nothing to do with the CONstitution and rejected it forcing the creation of Bill of Rights as a compromise.

You are confused.  I suppose those who repudiate government are repulsive . . .  to government's supporters, obsequious bootlickers and slavering sycophants.

You are confused.  Yes, it will be government -- at the point of a gun -- who makes sure my family members have health care coverage (well, government approved health care coverage) whether they wish it or not, and whether they wish something else or not. 

You are confused.  Do private business owners who have risked their money and labor have the Right to decide how to run and risk their business without interference from the non-contributing government? Or do they not?  That includes deciding whether they wish to restrict their clientèle.  Whether that is a wise or bad decision will be decided by a free market better than a government that by the way was responsible for the laws that barred certain customers (and still do) from entering the premise in the first place.

You are confused.  It was government that institutionalized slavery.  That captured and returned runaway property (slaves).  That oppressed abolitionists. 

You are confused.  As for the military, your own beloved CONstitution makes it illegal to have a standing army (as well as an Air Force).  Of course if you bothered to read it you would know that and I am quite sure happily ignore it.  But our unCONstitutional standing army exists only to expand and maintain our empire.  Though you will be happy to know that recently under Bush doctrine and expanded under Obama, we have a domestic command that is not only growing but practicing not to repel invaders, but to deal with people like me.  And when they get done with me, well lets just say they will want to examine the suitability of your level of patriotism.  Our CONstitutional Navy equally serves to expand and maintain the empire as well---not to repel invasion.  Any soldier or sailor who ever served and failed to come away wondering what the heck they had just wasted years of their life for is still as big an idiot as the day they joined the military (of course exempting those who were drafted from this statement--see slavery above).

You are confused.  There is only one legitimate government, and that is the government of unanimous consent.  I never agreed to be subservient or even to abide by any government.  I had government imposed upon me. That hardly makes it legitimate.  The sole purpose of government is to protect individual Rights (read the Declaration of Independence).  I have yet to witnessed a government that devoted a second of thought to protecting individual Rights.  I have seen government devote 100% of its efforts to steal the labor of those it rules, to maintain the security apparatus for enforcing that theft and to be sure to propagate the idea that government was both a necessity and doing a heck of a job.

You are confused. All elections are stolen. Who gave a majority or a plurality the Right to trample on anyone's Right to life, liberty or the pursuit of their happiness?  Votes are not counted.  All that is required is that state approved candidates are presented for you to show up and vote for.  The vote count is far to critical to leave it up to you to total.

5 Comments in Response to

Comment by Concerned Patriot
Entered on:

cheh uber pwnage dude

CONstitutions and rights are for wimps who value freedom.

Comment by 4409
Entered on:

You just completely owned by David Alpha

Comment by Powell Gammill
Entered on:

You are confused.  It was government that had laws (and still does) against homosexuality, imprisoning them for activity that was consensual and interfered with no one.  It was government that forced psychotherapy on gays including ice baths, lobotomization, electroshock and castration. 
You are confused.  Yes, the CONstitution created the federal government.  Yes, opposing government is opposing the so called "founding fathers" who in secret wrote the damned CONstitution that enslaves us now.  But the founding fathers who gave us our liberty from a King wanted nothing to do with the CONstitution and rejected it forcing the creation of Bill of Rights as a compromise.

You are confused.  I suppose those who repudiate government are repulsive . . .  to government's supporters, obsequious bootlickers and slavering sycophants.

You are confused.  Yes, it will be government -- at the point of a gun -- who makes sure my family members have health care coverage (well, government approved health care coverage) whether they wish it or not, and whether they wish something else or not. 

You are confused.  Do private business owners who have risked their money and labor have the Right to decide how to run and risk their business without interference from the non-contributing government? Or do they not?  That includes deciding whether they wish to restrict their clientèle.  Whether that is a wise or bad decision will be decided by a free market better than a government that by the way was responsible for the laws that barred certain customers (and still do) from entering the premise in the first place.

You are confused.  It was government that institutionalized slavery.  That captured and returned runaway property (slaves).  That oppressed abolitionists. 

You are confused.  As for the military, your own beloved CONstitution makes it illegal to have a standing army (as well as an Air Force).  Of course if you bothered to read it you would know that and I am quite sure happily ignore it.  But our unCONstitutional standing army exists only to expand and maintain our empire.  Though you will be happy to know that recently under Bush doctrine and expanded under Obama, we have a domestic command that is not only growing but practicing not to repel invaders, but to deal with people like me.  And when they get done with me, well lets just say they will want to examine the suitability of your level of patriotism.  Our CONstitutional Navy equally serves to expand and maintain the empire as well---not to repel invasion.  Any soldier or sailor who ever served and failed to come away wondering what the heck they had just wasted years of their life for is still as big an idiot as the day they joined the military (of course exempting those who were drafted from this statement--see slavery above).

You are confused.  There is only one legitimate government, and that is the government of unanimous consent.  I never agreed to be subservient or even to abide by any government.  I had government imposed upon me. That hardly makes it legitimate.  The sole purpose of government is to protect individual Rights (read the Declaration of Independence).  I have yet to witnessed a government that devoted a second of thought to protecting individual Rights.  I have seen government devote 100% of its efforts to steal the labor of those it rules, to maintain the security apparatus for enforcing that theft and to be sure to propagate the idea that government was both a necessity and doing a heck of a job.

You are confused. All elections are stolen. Who gave a majority or a plurality the Right to trample on anyone's Right to life, liberty or the pursuit of their happiness?  Votes are not counted.  All that is required is that state approved candidates are presented for you to show up and vote for.  The vote count is far to critical to leave it up to you to total.

Comment by David Alpha
Entered on:
Your diatribe deserves to be torn apart line-by-line.

Government is always the enemy? When the bigots come for your gay children- as has happened before, it will be government protecting them.

It's been proven time and time again that when the government is empowered to do anything above and beyond protecting the individual's liberty that said government becomes destructive to liberty and freedom. From the recent hangings of young Iranian gays to Hitler's concentration camps; from the US Federal government interfering in consensual contracts (defense of marriage act), to the Stonewall raids in New York City, government has CONSISTENTLY been the enemy of the GLTBQ community.

I'll do my own "defending," thank you very much...

To deny the voice of government is to DENY THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and to refute the founding fathers.

And your point is? The CONstitution is all about the powers of government. The Bill of Rights and the spirit of the Declaration of Independence were about the powers of the people to be free from oppressive government.

In addition, when the oppressive government (Supreme court) has the power to declare anything "Constitutional," such as they did with slavery, the inherent flaw in central governance becomes clear.

It is sedition. To criticize the government is essential: to repudiate it is repugnant.

The founders made it clear that an oppressive government not only needs to be repudiated, but eliminated and replaced entirely. Our founding is based on repudiation.

When your family member develops one of the many ways to fall ill, it will be government that made sure they had coverage.

Not quite. It's been the "government" though incessant licensing, usurpation, and interference with doctors that caused health care prices to rise to the point to create the government-insurance complex. I don't want government to "heal" me, I want to be able to exchange goods and services without a coercive, third party element telling me what treatment I can or cannot have. See also: marijuana prohibition.

Your argument defending the concept of "acceptable racism" is laughable. It WAS government that came around with progressive thinking and struck down slavery. Ever read a history book? Only the Texan revisions?

No one that I've seen posting here has argued for "acceptable racism," and such a concept cannot exist within libertarian philosophy. The US Government was such a monumental FAILURE when it came to "racism" (and other issues) that we are one of the only nations on the planet that had to go to a civil war to resolve such issues.

Our military is our government.

No. It's not.

Are you anti-military? You dishonor any soldier who ever served this country by claiming they were in service of a junta, not a legitimate government "by the people (voting) for the people" Oh, wait, the stolen elections of George W. Bush. There's THAT! Please reject this regressive mindset: it paints you as a racist rube. Your diatribe is inauthentic.

I'm still not sure who you're addressing. Oh, and by "voting" you lend your nod of approval and legitimacy towards the very "government" that couldn't even manage its own election properly (by your own admission), and THESE are the people that are supposed to "protect" us?! Seriously?

Your precious government has given us a military that disproportionately sends blacks and hispanics to their deaths in Iraq and Afganistan. Your precious government gives us a prison system that likes to lock those same people up at rates THREE TIMES HIGHER than whites. Your precious government wages a vicious war on drugs that threatens the few remnants of rights we have left. And your precious government still bans gays from their God-given right of being able to enter into a contract with a fellow human being of the same sex.

David Alpha

Comment by David Alpha
Entered on:
Your diatribe deserves to be torn apart line-by-line.

Government is always the enemy? When the bigots come for your gay children- as has happened before, it will be government protecting them.

It's been proven time and time again that when the government is empowered to do anything above and beyond protecting the individual's liberty that said government becomes destructive to liberty and freedom. From the recent hangings of young Iranian gays to Hitler's concentration camps; from the US Federal government interfering in consensual contracts (defense of marriage act), to the Stonewall raids in New York City, government has CONSISTENTLY been the enemy of the GLTBQ community.

I'll do my own "defending," thank you very much...

To deny the voice of government is to DENY THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and to refute the founding fathers.

And your point is? The CONstitution is all about the powers of government. The Bill of Rights and the spirit of the Declaration of Independence were about the powers of the people to be free from oppressive government.

In addition, when the oppressive government (Supreme court) has the power to declare anything "Constitutional," such as they did with slavery, the inherent flaw in central governance becomes clear.

It is sedition. To criticize the government is essential: to repudiate it is repugnant.

The founders made it clear that an oppressive government not only needs to be repudiated, but eliminated and replaced entirely. Our founding is based on repudiation.

When your family member develops one of the many ways to fall ill, it will be government that made sure they had coverage.

Not quite. It's been the "government" though incessant licensing, usurpation, and interference with doctors that caused health care prices to rise to the point to create the government-insurance complex. I don't want government to "heal" me, I want to be able to exchange goods and services without a coercive, third party element telling me what treatment I can or cannot have. See also: marijuana prohibition.

Your argument defending the concept of "acceptable racism" is laughable. It WAS government that came around with progressive thinking and struck down slavery. Ever read a history book? Only the Texan revisions?

No one that I've seen posting here has argued for "acceptable racism," and such a concept cannot exist within libertarian philosophy. The US Government was such a monumental FAILURE when it came to "racism" (and other issues) that we are one of the only nations on the planet that had to go to a civil war to resolve such issues.

Our military is our government.

No. It's not.

Are you anti-military? You dishonor any soldier who ever served this country by claiming they were in service of a junta, not a legitimate government "by the people (voting) for the people" Oh, wait, the stolen elections of George W. Bush. There's THAT! Please reject this regressive mindset: it paints you as a racist rube. Your diatribe is inauthentic.

I'm still not sure who you're addressing. Oh, and by "voting" you lend your nod of approval and legitimacy towards the very "government" that couldn't even manage its own election properly (by your own admission), and THESE are the people that are supposed to "protect" us?! Seriously?

Your precious government has given us a military that disproportionately sends blacks and hispanics to their deaths in Iraq and Afganistan. Your precious government gives us a prison system that likes to lock those same people up at rates THREE TIMES HIGHER than whites. Your precious government wages a vicious war on drugs that threatens the few remnants of rights we have left. And your precious government still bans gays from their God-given right of being able to enter into a contract with a fellow human being of the same sex.

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