Letters to the Editor • Politics: Republican Campaigns


The reason I have little or no hope left for our society recovering from its continual slide into tyranny, corruption and poverty is because so few people are capable of escaping the mind control death trap of the left/right paradigm. A perfect example is this article http://www.eastvalleytribune.com/story/152636 by Floyd and Mary Beth Brown. Everything they are saying regarding Obama’s delusion and narcissism is painfully true,  and the authors are obviously intelligent and capable of astute observation. Yet they quote Newt Gingrich near the end of the article, someone who is certainly as delusional and narcissistic as Obama. This led me to investigate Floyd Brown’s website, where I found exactly what I expected to find: fascist propaganda defending everything the military/intelligence/industrial complex engages in, including torture and illegal/immoral wars. And, of course, defense and support of Bush Jr., the previous delusional, narcissistic so-called president who reeked havoc on the constitution and the economy. Here is just one brief example from an article on Brown’s site entitled, “Obama’s War on Defense and Intelligence” (the title alone dripping with delusion…do they really believe Obama is at odds with the military and CIA?):

Obama also instructed Attorney General Eric Holder to pursue an irresponsible investigation of the methods used to interrogate suspected terrorists after 9/11. The interrogation probe, which is largely seen as a witch-hunt against George W. Bush’s administration, is opposed by seven former CIA chiefs from both political parties. Obama brazenly ignored the warnings of these bipartisan experts and has allowed Holder a free hand. http://floydbrown.com/?p=592

The same right wing fascists who did as much damage to the country and the world as they could for 8 straight years are now posing as decent, freedom loving Americans who will save us all from the evils of the left wing fascists, if only we put them back into power. And, of course, we will put them back in power, and they will instantly shape-shift into the blood-thirsty, lying, thieving, psychotic, reptoid lunatics that we know they really are. If you have any doubt of this, just look at what good ol’ John McCain (the delusional narcissist THEY wanted in the oval office) has been up to recently: proposing legislation to allow the military to arrest, “interrogate” and imprison American citizens without right to legal counsel and without right to trial and to be held indefinitely if they are declared to be an “enemy belligerent” (whatever the hell that is…oh yeah, according to the legislation, it’s whatever the president says it is): http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2010/03/a-detention-bill-you-ought-to-read-more-carefully/37116/

It is sickeningly clear to me that this is not going to stop until the country is completely ruined economically and every last bit of credibility and moral authority we had in the world is gone, and the middle class is utterly destroyed.

During the Bush/Cheney 8 year rampage, there were many people on the “left” who were capable of the same discernment and clarity that Brown’s article exhibits, but who have now morphed into blind, goose-stepping followers of Obama even though he has done nothing but continue the same policies they protested under Bush.

The small percentage of us who are still sane are only allowed to choose which color jack-boot we want to kick our heads in, red or blue. Both “sides” who are trapped in this right/left farce are only capable of shadow projection. The malignant narcissist never engages in self-discovery, only self-delusion. We have met the enemy, and he is us.

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Comment by Brian White
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PS: Just wanted to add the following: The opinion piece by Floyd Brown I linked to above is entitled, "Obama going off the deep end". At last count there were 37 comments to it on the Tribune site, and most of them confirm everything I said above, arguing back and forth along right/left lines. If both Bush and Obama were not enough to break this mindset in people, then nothing ever will.
