Article Image Powell Gammill

Letters to the Editor • Gun Rights

The British have Come!!!

What message of any significance could an English Lord, born of the Blood and the gentry possibly have to impart to a group of enthusiastic, Patriotic Texas Teaparty participants that you should burn into your Heart and Soul? Lord Christopher Monckton, Third Viscount Monckton of Brenchley, spoke to a group of around 15,000 Texans on 11-2-09 at the Sam Houston Racetrack and planted a message into all of us in attendance that will endure for a Lifetime. Lord Monckton’s message was pure and simple, as are most Truths, and may be stated in only one word: Freedom!


One seldom remembers that we in America are one of the last places on earth where we have the freedom to own and utilize handguns and other firearms and freely keep them in our homes. Many states even allow concealed carry of weapons to be utilized in the lawful act of self defense. Every state should have concealed carry to give the law abiding citizen an even chance on the streets. In most parts of the world firearms are only to be entrusted in the hands of the governments and they desire us to cower under their petticoats for any protection. In many areas even in the United States that right has been under assault resulting in handgun illegal areas such as New York City and Washington DC and draconian unconstitutional measures.  Did not all of our hearts sink as we watched a famous sports figure led to two years of jail for the audacity of owning a handgun? We could be next!! After a tragic event in March of 1996 where a maniac with a legal handgun killed students at Dunblane Primary School in Scotland all handguns were banned in a single knee jerk reaction by the British Parliament in 1997 and instituted what Lord Monckton considers one of the most spectacular failures of socialism. Gun crimes increased and gun sales have gone deep underground into an economy reminiscent of our own failed experiment with prohibition. As with alcohol during prohibition, firearms are still keenly desired but all who desire them are now criminals who will be jailed whenever they are discovered. Competitive shooting clubs, which were quite popular in England, were disbanded and the weapons confiscated for smelting to ensure the destruction of the weapons. This is the same fate that awaited the tens of thousands of citizen donated guns from the US to England at the onset of WWII. The British just have not learned that an armed society is a safe and polite society and to trust their citizens. The errors of history are repeated time and time again. Let us learn from England’s blunders and at least try to avoid the chains of tyranny!!

Lord Monckton, tall and dapper and wearing his Stetson as an adopted Texan, was full of fire and Truth as he told us that he was here because of the American love affair with Freedom and that this was one of the last areas of fertile soil to spread his warning of the threats to not only our right to bear arms but of the very sovereignty of the United States of America and every country on the globe! Lord Monckton is a true Renaissance man who has called out Al Gore into the street for a showdown much like a true Texas gunslinger calling out a card cheat and a liar into a duel to the death.

 In Lord Monckton’s holster is Truth and correct science with a knowledge that global warning is but a ruse to gain total power over every nation. In Al Gore’s holster are lies and manipulation designed to enslave the population of the earth and place us under an unelected world government through the enactment of the Copenhagen Treaty. Pretty serious charges even for the best of gunslingers to take on but Lord Monckton is a match for any challenger and my money would be on only Lord Monckton to be standing when the smoke clears from the street. Al Gore has avoided having his face in the dusty street only with the tactic of running away from the showdown. Poor old Al refuses to debate facts or acknowledge the Truth and the mention of Lord Monckton’s name will send him running through the streets like the cowardly yellow dog he is. My Friends and fellow Americans, I urge you to watch Lord Monckton’s wisdom on and hear Truth from a lover of Freedom who cares enough about our Freedom to sound the alarm like a modern day Paul Revere. Your Freedom is doomed unless you stand up and come to arms to combat the theft of our Freedom by the Globalists. We come to arms by becoming educated and sharing our knowledge to all who will listen and letting our government and media know we are on to their deceptions and will not let our Freedom and sovereignty die with a stroke of any Presidents pen without a fight! The British indeed have again come to America and to Texas but as a true Friend and a truer Texan and American than most of our leaders. Lord Monckton warns us our nation is about to perish and to warn us that we will not want to live in a country like Britain who stole the soul of their own people.  Dr. Michael Savage has been banned from travel to Britain because he speaks Truth that is considered harsh when they would prefer to perish with their pretty lies. Perhaps Lord Monckton may one day be banned in his own country along with Dr. Savage for speaking the Truth. Lord Monckton asks that all who treasure Freedom rally to the cause and join him in making sure the Copenhagen Treaty is not signed. If the United States loses sovereignty we will no longer control our nation and our rights as Patriots, gun owners and Americans will soon be just a memory for the land that provided the most Freedom, opportunity and prosperity for the most people in the history of the world will have been destroyed from within. Listen to Lord Monckton and I hope you will join me in a rousing “Well Done!” and join a courageous man who is actually calling the entire New World Order out into the streets with his battle cry of “FREEDOM” and “TRUTH”! Indeed the Spirit of William Wallace lives on in many a heart and perhaps one day we may return the favor to Lord  Monckton who, in my opinion, is a true blue-blooded American and Texas by adoption and help him retake England for the Honor of his Country and Queen! A special thanks to Lady Monckton for her contributions and support in the cause of Freedom, speaking with her one understands the meaning of the word “Noble”.

Lord Monckton ended his rallying-cry for freedom at the North Houston Tea Party with a Sonnet in the Shakespearean style, dedicated to the people of Texas and of the United States. I am ending this article by reproducing it in full. Lord Monckton says it should be circulated widely. I agree.

 Freedom once lost is seldom regained. Please consider the future our children will inherit if we surrender to the tyrants of this age and join the cause of FREEDOM! You will find me standing with Lord Monckton with pride and I hope to see you on this side of the line.

Freedom’s Children

By The Viscount Monckton of Brenchley

Navasota, Texas, 2 November 2009


Land of the free, awake! Lone star, arise!

Texas, to arms! Stand to, United States!

Now turns the tide that he who stands and waits

Must miss, by whose inaction freedom dies.

Home of the brave, though foes about thee rally,

Old Glory calls new sons to serve thee still.

Shall these, thy children, lack the might, the will,

When bugles cry, to answer that Reveille?

Freedom is not their right: it is the breath

Each new-born generation fights to breathe:

Our founding fathers’ swords we must unsheathe

To give us liberty or give us death.

Now we, the people, freedom’s children, we

Shall stand, must fight, will win. We will be free

Remember the Alamo!!

T.S. Yarbrough

Oct 3, 2009

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