Article Image Ernest Hancock

Letters to the Editor • Activism

Ben Bernanke Urinal Targets

  I just heard Ernest talk about his 1994 protest against Jon Kyl\'s support for the assault weapons ban. What we need now is to make a YouTube video showing everyone where to download a picture with concentric circles around the photo of Ben Bernanke from Freedoms Phoenix, make the picture water proof and place it in the urinals at newsrooms and government offices.  People around the country who oppose the re-appointment of Ben Bernanke as Chairman of the Federal Reserve bank need a unique way to protest.  You might want a tag line supporting HR 1207.

Editors Reply

I'm sure Ernie would say, "Good idea!  You'll get right on that correct?" 
This does seem to me to be rather undignified...I mean come on this is the Fed Chair we are squirting on.