Article Image Ernest Hancock

Letters to the Editor • Revolutions, Rebellions & Uprisings

Thanks FreedomsPhoenix


I am writting to you in regards to thank you so much for your web site on all the important news that the regular media whether its the newspapers or television stations never report.We are missing a great many leaders with vision in this country and no one wants to come forward for fear of being shot down. It also appears that the American people are walking into a trap and letting it happen. We cannot be called Americans anymore per our greed or service to self attitudes. People today just do not want to hassel with the government in a more confrontational way. Petitioning anything with the government doesn\'t solve nor help fix anything. Those in our government are set in their own world the way this country should be runned. I personally just do not understand why we continue to let those in DC do what they do as we are all victims from their decisions. I feel this: non-volience will never achieve what needs to be done in this country. One Million people with guns is the only solution just as our Founding Fathers had done. When those in DC place themselves above the rest of us in law, just as the cops and other law enforcement depts do that are illegal, we have to disent and eventually realize what sacrifice truly means for Liberty and Freedom. Therefore it is imperative we must change our way of dealing the those that are suppose to be our servants. We cannot have any empathy for those that use violence against us differently. They are bent on destroying us. Humans are set one way especially when someone above them and I mean high above them pays them or threatens them. While I will await 2012 for the Pole Shift to make change happen, it will look at though we will enter into a "Mad Max" way of life. The Strongest will survive! I write this to you because alot of times I think that while you are a great service as a patriot informing Americans to the great Deceit going on, later it will not help at all until we stop talking and do the walking to actually destroy those that are our enemies of the Constitution and our Country. I am sure  you have received many letters similar to mine possibly. Many Americans want to do something but do not know how. There will be a time when we will know exactly when to do so. Or.....fall as the German People had with the Nazi\'s, letting them control them completely. Its the Devils work of course. We all are witnessing History and will have to opportunity to either change it or go along and see the horrors through our eyes and the Germans did. I truly believe, those in our government will never change until we physically and must use violence to take back what belongs to us. When those in Government see this happening, ,then fear will grip them big time. Til we line those Traitors up against the wall and shot them, an example will be shown to all. ITS THE ONLY WAY! Otherwise, look forward to a very very sad and controlled life by those that do not give a damn about you or me.