Article Image Ernest Hancock

Letters to the Editor • Revolutions, Rebellions & Uprisings

Bro, violence is abhorrent to us but watch this if they stab my kids

Brothers and sisters, many things divide us as people who want freedom. Many difference of opinion and truth exist between us and our various factions. One thing I hold indisputable is what me and momma put into our kids. We reserve right of refusal.

This is not a matter of "enlightened consent", our kids are full Chippwea and we have spent some generations "re-reddening". We wish to have this direction over our children\'s lives and it is this: you can be a traditional or a progressive but for now we make your decisions for you".

Such it is in your culture and so it is in ours for we love our children as much as you do. We are not savages, we are a people. Our songs and stories nurture our people and our children

And I wish you to consider another thing encase you think you are doing good: white man\'s medicine has always been death to us. We are not the same. Your illness, we don\'t have antibodies or counter-measures, all we had was trust.

 This trust is broken. Many times over. You lie and lie again, you lie like a carpet, you are liars and your ancestors are liars and you lie and you lie and you lie. Broken are your treaties and your solemn pledges, YOU ARE A PEOPLE WITHOUT HONOR.

As your might send your warriors, your sons and dauters to die for your flag, know that they are covered with the blood of innocents and you are condinging the murder of my people and the sad part is we can forgive you but only if you stop. Becuase your muder now. Fuck you if you can\'t take it, my people survived a genocide and YOU ARE THE PURPETRATORS.

In a certain, very certain way of native justice, you will now suffer what we have suffered. Not becaue of the people we were, but because of the people you are.

I remind you of Cortez, one of your bright and shiny ancestors who gained a commission from his overloards and it took some time for us to translate this, but the first words we had from Europeans was this and no words can possibly make war. Since I cannot find a direct quoete from Wipipedia, I will tell you what you do not want to know for we remember. We are very good at remembering.

As Cortez entered our kingdom he said "herebye do I make you chattel, you are owned proptery, from now on will I persecure you and make your women mine and I will both persecure you and make you suffer, both you and your children". And Cortez made good on his promise, for ever anon you have been a persucution to us, both you and your children.

And even before your guns did you send your attack-dogs to flay both the women and the children before our eyes, for never, ever before had we seen such people as you. Never before did we imagine a hatefull people as you that would destroy a whole continent as you. For selfish and wicked gain did your whole philosopy turn out.

And one of your greatest theoriticians of liberty turn out to be a slave owener.

And did the greatest hero of freeing the slaves is quoted as saying he didn\'t really give a shit. Abraham Lincoln didn\'t give a shit. His lust was for power. It was good he got shot in the head but it should have been one of us that did it.

But for all of this, I have now gone back underground. I am not activated along your bullshit partisan political lines. We have given our advice and counsel like you are our own children. What you do with this now is  yours. I really don\'t care. It was known to us that a nation as blood thirsty as yours would soon run out of food and start to feed upon your own, consuming them, punishing them, eating them alive, what do you care as you are selfish people?

Our nature is fading fast. Soon you will call to the rocks to cover you.

Hatefull, foolish and spitefull people. Eat lead or dirt for none of my ancestors will help you now without love.
