Article Image Ernest Hancock

Letters to the Editor • Revolutions, Rebellions & Uprisings

Communism? Fascism? Totalitarianism?

It has been almost two years since having the foundation of everything I thought I knew crumble to the ground. Since then, I have been somewhat of an adict for the truth; constantly trying to decifer what I\'m being told and why I\'m being told and by whom. What is their purpose? What do they stand to gain?  All of these questions and more race through my mind as I go about my daily life. But last night I found myself in utter shock and disbelief as I sat down with my very liberal friend and watched Bill Maher on HBO.
Seeing since I am anti "republican" and anti "liberal", I can find truth and humor coming from both sides of the political spectrum as I watch these two fish and their minions swim around in their fake political fishbowl and try and pretend to not get along. So as I watched Bill Maher predictably cascade into his "humor" section of the program, I heard him present something that I knew was next on the agenda: food control.
While I realize that the government controls everything to do with the food we consume, Bill Maher, while claiming that the tea party protesters were all fat, suggested that the government lay a tax on food that they deem unhealthy.    
When the nationalized health care debate started, this was the one thing I have been fearing since the beginning. If someone is eating food that will eventually cost the government more money in health care for said person, who is to say that the government won\'t prevent you and I from eating certain foods either through a tax or through strong arm tactics (the newly proposed soda tax is a prime example). This is excactly what Bill Maher was promoting.
It seems as if I have woken up in 1984 and it\'s happening right in front of our faces. When I started shouting at the TV, my buddy asked me what was wrong with that idea. He said that he supports any tax as long as it\'s "progressive" and that some people need to be told what to do and how to live. I then asked him to tell me the percentage of his wages he was willing to give to the government before he got angry or frustrated or how many restrictions the government would have to enforce on you before drew a line in the sand and he couldn\'t.
This wild and disturbing compliance to government seems like a clear path to communism/totalitarianism/fascism  (or whatever you want to name it) and what worries me is that most democrats today have been so turned off by the George Bush presidency that they\'ll willing to give up not only their anti-war rhetoric but truly re-shape what they have believed in for most of their lives.
The democrats of yesteryear were so willing to scream and shout about the no-bid contracts to KBR and Blackwater, the costly wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and some of the most un-patriotic legislation this country has ever seen, but now with their long awaited leader in power, the dumb Texas villain has faded from memory, but so too, has their passion for civil rights and any sense of sanity.

Steve Bear

P.S. Thanks for the tour the other day guys.

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Fascism as per plan!

Home Grown Food