Article Image Ernest Hancock

Letters to the Editor • Philosophy: Anarchism

Don’t be mad at me because I am sovereign. - by Ray Powell

by Raymond Powell

Don’t be mad at me because I am sovereign. I do not recognize your authority. Your attempt at authority over me is false. I do not recognize false authority. There is only one authority. That is the natural law of God. I choose to use the word God because I think it is an appropriate way to express my understanding. Please do not jump to conclusions about what the word means to me.

Man did not create gravity. That is a natural law of God. If you choose not to recognize the natural authority of gravity as you fall from a high place, I suggest that you are missing something important. The flesh on our bodies is considered to be food to a great percentage of the life on this planet. That is the natural law of God. If you choose not to recognize the natural authority of a lion as it eats your flesh, I suggest that you are missing something important.

On the other hand, if you do chose to recognize the authority of another man or woman or group of men or women as they attempt to coerce you into the recognition of some non-natural law that they have fabricated, I suggest again, that you are missing something important.

If you are missing some of those important things, please don’t be mad at me about it! I am just a simple, sovereign man.

Nature or Nurture?

Whether it was nature or nurture, I cannot tell you. But from the youngest age I can remember, I had no recognition of authority; Not my parents, not the school, not my employer, and when I was self-employed, certainly not the state. Maybe I have bent slightly a few times as a sign of obedience to authority in an effort to most wisely choose the real battles in which I will engage. But my will has never been broken. I have never had that deep, life-changing experience that I have witnessed so many go through; the experience of “learning my lesson”; the lesson of obedience. Now that I have reached a level of wisdom from which I can recognize my journey, I know that I never will learn that lesson; because I have learned the true lesson.

There is no longer any need for emotions to become involved as they have throughout my life when I unknowingly entered into direct conflict with false authority. I do not recognize false authority, and I will not submit to it. I will say that to you, and I will say that to anyone who attempts to force me into recognition of some false authority. Treat me as you see fit, but do not expect my acknowledgement of, or obedience to, your false authorities.

Is it my problem or yours?

That answer is easy. If we come into conflict over your recognition of false authority, and my lack of recognition of it, the problem lies with you, not me. Don’t expect me to bend. However, you should expect a loss of trust, and potential inability to communicate effectively about meaningful tasks.

Many people believe that life operates as a democracy; that since I, as a minority in my recognition of these seemingly simple concepts, am therefore wrong. I do not accept that. That, in itself, is a belief in the false authority of the majority. Whereas, the natural law of God does not require belief; it just is.

Playing the game vs. Recognition of False Authority

There is an important distinction between one who chooses to “play the game” and one who truly recognizes false authority. The understanding of this concept necessarily leads to the discussion of the non-aggression principle; that is, I am free to live my life as I see fit as long as I do not infringe on your ability to be free to live your life as you see fit. You see, the problem is that, often times, people that generally acknowledge the importance of that natural law of God, are tricked into recognition of authority based on their own natural human flaws.

Whether intentional or not, we all find ourselves coveting others from time to time. That is, wanting what they have. If we see them acting freely, we covet that freedom. If we feel that our freedom is unfairly restricted by the rules of the game we decide to play, this natural human flaw then sometimes leads us into convincing ourselves that another man or woman must play by those same rules! And where do these rules come from? That’s right, false authority.

In the end, playing a particular game by a certain set of rules, often tricks people into the recognition of authority. To simplify, playing by rules, as the simplest means to an end, combined with the natural human instinct to covet others freedom, leads us to justify the breaking of the non-aggression principle, which is a natural law of God.

There is no honor when there is recognition of false Authorities

How often do we see people use the complicated game playing / coveting logic to justify their actions, but then come into direct conflict with others because those others recognize a different authority then they do? How much of our life is therefore spent battling each other over what authorities we should recognize? How easily do those false authorities manipulate our expectations as they change the rules on a whim? How often do we see agreements made between individuals break down because they submit to a higher authority than that of their own personal honor to each other?

When the elite meet to lay out their plan for the world, they have no court to rely on to ensure that they follow through with their agreements. They are governed by no one and no thing. Yet strangely enough, while they obviously have a flawed sense of morality, they do, at least, have honor. Unlike us poor slaves, they recognize no authority. It is no wonder how they can look down upon us as lowly peasants; because they recognize no authority, and they can truly know honor.

The Natural Law of God- The only authority - Ray Powell

Like the elite, I choose to not recognize false authority, and therefore, I can know honor. But unlike the elite I do recognize one authority; The Natural Law of God. Do not ask me to explain what that means. I hold these truths to be self evident… __________________
Ray Powell

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by rayzer
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Uh oh! Now Ernie has branded me as an ANARCHIST! 

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