Article Image Ernest Hancock

Letters to the Editor • Gun Rights

I vow to work to pass legislation that will BAN firearms within a 2 mile radius of any presidential

From: Michael L [     ]
Sent: Tuesday, August 18, 2009 5:36 PM
Subject: cofrom ntact page




    I\'m going to reach down your throat, grab you by your asshole and turn you inside out, you piece of shit.




Let me say You sir are all that is wrong with this country. I hope someday your side arm falls off and goes off so you cant reproduce! You do have a right to fear also because if you don\'t get on some medication or get some therapy someone just may come and put you under observation.
I do hope you come to Washington state where we are highly educated and do not fall for fear mongering and pray on the weak and underprivileged. It\'s funny but when I see people like you or your sheep like followers they all drive junkers and have six kids in the car and have a get er done sticker on the back.
The point is your very disturbed small minded person. I pity you and your kind, But in another 20 or 30 years your kind will be less then 5% of the population.
Ernest Hancock
Publisher, Freedom\'s Phoenix

Dear Mr. Hancock,

The sight of you standing there armed as you interviewed the young man with an assault rifle at the Obama appearance a few days ago prompted strange but familiar feelings deep within me. Familiar, because I\'ve felt these feelings many times in my life, but strange, because I haven\'t had them since the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995.

What I felt as I saw you and the eleven other gun-toting patriots intimidating the Obamunists was something I call the Brotherhood of the Gun.
It\'s hard for me to describe what that feeling is exactly--only that it is a feeling of power which overcomes my usual feelings of inadequacy and impotence. Where once I felt beleaguered by the capable and intelligent, I now feel like a God who has power over life and death. It feels good. I feel invincible.

After doing a little reading about you, I\'ve learned that you\'ve turned this feeling into something real, an actual brotherhood of flesh and blood human beings rather than the rag tag collection of inflatable men and action figures to which I\'ve grown accustomed. Your real life Brotherhood of the Gun is vast. It includes patriots, Teabagger-Americans, and even a few ex-convicts.

One of the latter, Dean Pleasant, is the former leader of the Viper Militia.
He was sent to prison in 1996 for stockpiling arms and explosives and conspiring to bomb federal buildings--a key piece of evidence was a video tape in which Dean pointed out where to place the bombs to bring down those buildings.

I can see why you are so close to Dean. He truly embodies the spirit of the Brotherhood of the Gun. As a bachelor, he remained faithful to his one true love, his rifle named Shirley, caressing her every night in his bed as he drifted off to sleep. And there is certainly no doubt about his commitment to ways of the brotherhood. He was once ejected from a Soldier of Fortune event for being too gung ho.

You just got to love a guy who\'s too gung ho for Soldier of Fortune, and it looks like you do (in a purely heterosexual kind of way, no doubt). You can see it in the happiness you expressed when you shared the joy of urinal targets with him.

I\'d like to become a part of your brotherhood. Please let me know when you next plan to intimidate lesser Americans with a display of your weapons. I\'d also like to return the favor by inviting you to the compound for a weekend of Spartan-style wrestling. It\'s the highest honor a warrior may bestow upon another--to face each other as our ancient Spartan Warrior forbears did, naked and oiled in the circle of manly combat, a valiant struggle for domination until the victor finally drives home his Rigid Spear of Manly Domination.

I\'d like that. Please bring Dean along too. His review of the movie, 300, makes me think he\'d enjoy it.

Heterosexually yours,

Gen. JC Christian, patriot
From:  Jeffery H
I am a gun owner, a proud supporter of the Second Amendment, and an NRA member. That said, I hope that you\'re shadowed by the Secret Service for the rest of your life, and the same goes for your stooge.  

NO president, Republican, Democrat or otherwise, deserves to be subjected to a person carrying a loaded gun within a perimeter of his presence, and I vow to work to pass legislation that will BAN firearms within a 2 mile radius of any presidential appearance.  

Guns and presidents do not mix well, and your shabby stunt will serve to inspire less intelligent people to do things which will not end well, end of story.  

You need to have your head examined, and if anything, you\'ve made Ron Paul (who should have been at least nominated as the GOP candidate) look bad.  

Rights have NEVER been unlimited and they\'ve always called for common sense in their excercise. The right to keep and bear arms, and to carry them in public, is sacrosanct to our freedoms but your stupidity will only serve to inflame those who wish to deprive law abiding gun owners of their rights.  

I firmly believe that you are a paid shill for the liberal left gun grabbers. Only AN IDIOT would dream of doing something this stupid. I hope Obama has fired his entire Secret Service detail and hired an entirely fresh set of eyes and ears, and I hope they arrest you if you so much as twitch a finger in the direction of the president the next time you think of pulling a stunt like this.  

It\'s not about Obama, it\'s about protecting the Commander-in-Chief, regardless of who he is.  

Jeffery H

Mansfield TX 

You are a nut case!!! You do not care less about anything. You stand for nothing, just rateings. Can you say goodbye to your advertisers?  How is everything working out for Glen your friend.

Editors Reply

Some emails

(I've removed their email addresses and full names... 'cause I'm a nice guy :)

16 Comments in Response to

Comment by Tom W.
Entered on:

I vow to work to pass legislation that will BAN firearms within a 2 mile radius of any president that comes within two miles of me!

Comment by rainyday
Entered on:



Comment by Sean King
Entered on:

I'd love it if a law were passed to "ban firearms" within 2 miles of the President. 

Considering I live within 2 miles of just about every Presidential visit, I'd greatly appreciate someone coming and kicking in my door and seizing my personal property all in the name of protecting someone who's surrounded with the best security the world has to offer.  I mean, let's be reasonable; it's the President after all.....why stop at the 2nd Amendment when you can also violate the 4th?





Comment by Patriot 2012
Entered on:

And Mike? 

 YOU are the Enemy of Gun rights activist.

Comment by Patriot 2012
Entered on:

Jeffery H.

This current president is not our president and you damn well. Obiviously you have your head up your own ass regardless of your gun attitude rights. Sorry bub, we can carry our guns where ever the hell we want. Who the hell are you to tell us no? Whats the matter....chicken or scared someone will shoot the president? Only criminals would do that. Get  a LIFE

Comment by William1950
Entered on:

 The Second Amendment was written into the Constitution of the United States of America, at its birth because the founding fathers of this new nation did not trust governments.  They had fought a war, that they should have lost and were only supported by France because it was a cheap, in money and American Blood, way to tie up navel and military resources of the British as France raped the rest of the new world. (Get it into you little minds France was shocked when the British gave up).

Back to weapons, because GW and the other founding fathers knew that if the colonials had not had their own guns, his little war would have never gotten off its feet.  Weapons in the hands of the citizens are a greater deterrence to overly active politicians in their run to rule the people.  That is the foundation of why Americans have guns.  The politicians feel they could do such a better job if the did not have to fear armed citizens coming for them with a knotted rope and guns!

We can have peace of the sheep or an open country because of the Wolves, I understand the politicians love the sheep....but the few wolves keep them from killing the flock they are suppose to be protecting.....At best a politician is a jackal....

Comment by foundZero
Entered on:


Despite your oblique references, I believe I have made my position clear.   I WANT A PONY.

Whichever political candidate supports my position gets my considerable influence.

And brother, if anything I say ever makes you sad, you have an easy-out.

Nobody takes Oyate seriously unless they have to.

Comment by Morpheus
Entered on:

Would the said ban on guns within the 2 mile radius of the president apply to all the people who work for the government as well?  I was under the impression there was equal protection under the law.  It is interesting how the 2nd ammendment clearly states "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."  This sounds like an infringement to me.  But then again the government isn't using any other part of the constitution that protects the rights of the people, so this usurpation shouldn't matter to them anyway.

Comment by Barry Hess
Entered on:

I am thoroughly taken aback by the shrill vitriol spewing like venom from folks who will claim to be 'normal, level-headed patriots', if you ask them.  Wow.

The person who said they'd work for legislation to prohibit protecting one's self (if only from a rogue SS agent) within a 2-mile radius of POTUS, and the one who said your part in all this was to be a "temptation gateway" for other, more dangerous souls to follow suit.  Both gave me a moment of sad amusement.

It looked to me like somebody was mad that the bussed-in Obama supporters were really over-shadowed by 'the black guy with a gun'.  A waste of money, and now there's no footage of fawning supporters of this novelty president.

Thanks, Ernie; The more they squeal--the more they feel.

As always,

Comment by foundZero
Entered on:


Hi, I'm Oyate. You might remember me from last night where I alternately played the victim, the persecutor, the outraged liberal and the outraged conservative. But if you'll permit me to drop character for just one moment, I wanted to tell you about a special series of commemorative dart-boards featuring the unforgettable mug of Ernest Hancock, brought to you by the Franklin Mint.

These exquisite reproductions in quality cork feature a stunning reproduction of the hated Hancock, surrounded by a border of Presidential blue within a circular brass inlay. Available only in limited quantities for only $49.95, you can also qualify for 5 easy payments of $49.95 if you so desire.

These designer collectables are sure to bring you and your family many hours of enjoyment. Call now! Operators are standing by!

[This offer void where prohibited, partial assembly required, kids get your parents permission, possible side effects may include nausea, vomiting and eventual death, consult your physician, copyright 2009 all rights reserved]

Comment by foundZero
Entered on:


Much as we appreciate what you are doing, why couldn't you find a WHITE guy to carry your gun for you? It's eeriliy reminiscent of the days of slavery which I know you and your warped and twisted friends want so desperately to return to. And not like it's not bad enough for you to have your own little Kuntakinte following you around, you had to dress him in Brooks Brothers just to spite us.

You dirty bastard.


More Outraged Liberals

Comment by foundZero
Entered on:

Mr. Ernest,

I can't read so good but I'm looking at your website and does it say "Declare Your Fancy Pants With Ernest Handjob"? A friend of mine recomended I look at your web site but I'm not into any fag stuff. Please clarify.

-Coyote Joe the Cowboy

Comment by foundZero
Entered on:

To E. H., publisher,

Dear Sir,

On behalf of those of us in the U.K., we'd like you to know that being forceably disarmed isn't all that unpleasant when properly done over a nice cup of tea and some proper English biscuits. At that time, a concerned citizen can say "I say there, that's really rather brusque", thus properly registering one's dissatisfaction with the powers that be. I really can't think of any stronger way to get one's point across. So I'm afraid you Americans have got yourselves into something of a muddle. Rights aren't any good if you can't ask for them like a proper gentleman.

Hip hip! Cheerio!

Comment by foundZero
Entered on:

Mr. Ernest,

I coming to you from Nigeria my friend and I needs special favor from you which will make us rich. My father was very rich connections in Nigerian government but has difficulties securing large amounts of cash in secret bank account. I can pay you generous sums of money if you can receive check from me and also stop carrying guns to meet Obama. Please reply soon to me my friend as this opportunity will not lasts long.


Ngwembe Inabwatu from Nigeria who hates guns.

Comment by foundZero
Entered on:

Dear Mr. Hancock,

Because of you, I will work tirelessly to pass legislation stating that it is unlawful to posess a firearm on the same planet as our president. That's right, every single time Obama comes to planet Earth you guys would have to give 'em up.

I know this must sound extreme to you and your radical cohorts but it really doesn't happen all that often.


Gun Grabber Gary

Comment by foundZero
Entered on:

Dear Mr. Hancock,

While you are out aggrandizing yourself and manipulating public opinion, some of us think you should give Oyate a pony for all his great writing. That's it, it's all he wants and it's not asking too much IMO. I think it would show the world that you aren't such a selfish prick if you gave Oyate a pony. On the other hand, if you choose to stick with your selfish, slimy ways and not buy Oyate a pony well that's just fine with us. Go ahead and be that way. I knew there was a reason for hating you.


The Concerned Citizens Who Want Oyate To Have A Pony (TCCWWOTHAP).