Article Image Ernest Hancock

Letters to the Editor • Philosophy: Socialism

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Repeated attempts on 4/20 and today to enter comments to Stephen Lendman\'s article, "Finance Capitalism aims to enslave the world in neo-feudal debt bondage" have met with nothing - no comments show.  

" "Tooth-and-claw" capitalism is pernicious and toxic. End it or it\'ll destroy us."

Capitalism in its most basic of definition (Merriam-Webster Unabridged online) is the use of "capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market."
There is nothing inherently force-promoting - or "pernicious and toxic" -  about the accumulation of "capital" and its usage to provide the machinery of efficient production of goods and services. (Saved seed by the earliest farmers for the next crop was the one of the first forms of "capital", as were the tools fashioned and owned by the earliest hunters. Additionally one\'s muscles, brain and time are "capital goods" when used to produce consumables. "Capital" is in reality any value that is a means to produce human consumables. Consumables lead to immediate satisfaction of a need or give immediate pleasure.) Capital can only cause harm if and when it works in cahoots with government - this is the "mercantalism" (now better termed "corporatism") that began centuries ago and has never died. Governments and corporatism feed off each other. Without the sanctioned and legalized ability of governments to initiate force, the use of capital by corporations (government created fictional entities) or anyone else would all be entirely voluntary by all parties and could therefore be nothing but exchange to mutual advantage - beneficial to all.

It appears that Stephen Lendman does not understand any of the above or prefers to dismiss it and therefore not to address it at all.

**Kitty Antonik Wakfer

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Editors Reply

Thanks for the effort. I'll post your response as a Letter to the Editor.
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