Article Image Powell Gammill

Letters to the Editor • World News

The High Seas

Today, again are stories of attacks on shipping and the falure of modern navies to stop the attacks.  It should not surprise you that modern navies can\'t hault the attacks, simply because the shipping owners and insurance companies want assurances that the haulting of the pirates will not cause more damage then the toll the attackers demand. This becomes not a problem of haulting the ships but one of paying a toll to cross the dangerous waters and putting one group of pirates to safeguard the shipping lanes.  Todate we have twenty to thirty huge navy ships with hundreds of sailorson them.  The cost of this is ten times the cost of making it a simple business. I suggest the ship owners begin talks with the biggest pirate in the area.  He is then charged with protecting the shipping at a fixed rate per ship.  The toll, if you will.  He then has to keep the others away from the shipping.  He can do this any way he wants, blow them up or hire them.  If he fails the navey will be back to destroy his base and town. There you have it.  A ship has to cross the waters.  The ships owners or insurance company sends ten thousand dollars to a bank account.  The Toll owner gets the message the toll has been paid and he has to protect the ship.  No one is shot.  They make money, its as American as a navy contact. So, instead of our navy spending huge amounts and not being able to blow the guys out of the water, the new management team can blow others out of the water, shoot them in the streets and make the waters safe.  Hell, it sounds like a job for Blackwater!   To tell you the truth, a few hundred men, five supply ships, fast attack boats, three attack helicopters and a lot of firepower and even I can make the waters safe.  No news people and no crying about the attacks on coastal towns. But the cost would be greater then even one super ship sent to the bottom and that is why they are not in favor of force.