Letters to the Editor • Religion: Believers

From India with Love.

Hello Pastor Anderson, My name is Zaidali and I am a 21 year old student from India. As my name suggests I am a practicing Muslim and I love my Christian brothers and sisters, especially awake humans like yourself, Alex Jones to name a few. I was recently listing to your broadcast on Alex Jones's show on Youtube named "Pastor Anderson Reveals Pre-Trib Rapture Deception" and I must say I enjoyed listening to every bit of it. I completely agree with your points on how the ruling elite are completely hijacking the religious structure to create anarchy midst the population. I agree to the point in which you and Alex stressed that we will have to through struggles and tribulations after which the coming would take place. But somewhere around 53 mins where you were mentioning the process in which 7 kings(world powers) would rule the world and futhure transfer that power to one Anti-Christ. You then mentioned that the apostate Christians would call this Anti-Christ- The 2nd Coming of Christ and the Muslims would refer to him as the Imam. I beg to differ on this point and would want to stress that the belief system that you abide to and true Islam(not the fake contol one that originates from the elite controlled Saudi, Qatar) is so similar. We too believe in the Anti-Christ but refer to him as the Dajjal and we also believe that this Anti-Christ would bring destruction, pain, famine, suffering to the world. Its only after the coming of the Anti-Christ will the coming of the True Messiah happen-Our 12th Imam, Grandson of Prophet Muhammad(peace be on him). We believe that the Anti-Christ/Dajjal would have one eye(which can be symbolic-the eye on the one dollar bill). Further we believe that after the reappearance of our 12th Imam(who is presently in occultation) the second coming of Christ will take place. Both will reunite along with true believing Muslims and Christians and fight the Anti-Christ. For more info you should listen to this small speech by this charismatic young speaker(like yourself). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3RyJWeBhshE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRsTKwmR5pU I am looking forward to hearing from your end. May God bless us all and provide us with patience in these times of extreme tribulations. Peace.
