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2019-09-06 08:09
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Entered by: PureTrust
Ron Paul has a separate, strong ideology that the Federal Reserve Bank should end. This is in addition to all the rest of the things he talks about, including this aircraft carrier. The FED is a worldwide Ponzi scheme, probably the biggest to ever have come about. Yet this fact about the FED is barely know by anybody, around the world. A Ponzi of this size, when it collapses (as all Ponzi's do) will destroy governments, peoples, nations, and order among all the people of the world, but especially among the people of the USA who ride near (at?) the top of this Ponzi. To maintain this Ponzi, it has to grow. This is why we have spending for things like useless aircraft carriers, as well as whatever other "loan" type spending is done around the world. This spending is keeping the Ponzi alive. When the Ponzi dies, if there isn't some economic solution in place that is better, the world and our lives will be in pure chaos.
2019-09-05 09:45
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Entered by: PureTrust
Greenspan is totally hiding the fact that all bank and lending institution loans are creations of new money. Essentially, the loan is paid off by the signature on the promissory note, before the borrower ever gets the money. This means that there is no danger of the banking system ever losing anything, except if they would happen to have negative interest rates of 100% or more. So far, all principal and interest paid on loans is 100% pure profit for the banks - at least for the FED. The only other danger is if this knowledge becomes wide-spread enough that the people rise up and lynch the bankers for being tricked into paying off all the non-loans that they havepaid over the years. Search on "Tom Schauf."
2019-09-05 09:35
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Entered by: PureTrust
The only response against anti-vaxxers is, if enough people don't get a certain vaccine, and then they get sick from the "disease" in question, their weakened state might cause them to get/start and epidemic of other diseases that are not protected by the vaccines available. I mean, if the vaccine works, then you are protected no matter how many other people get sick. The thing we are finding out is that vaccines actually wreck immune system strength of the "imbibers," so that they are the ones who are causing the epidemics. They might be protected from one or two disease, but vaccines weaken them so that they are susceptible to all kinds of other diseases.
2019-09-05 09:28
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Entered by: PureTrust
The power that any government official has is almost entirely determined by the amount of brainwashing government does on the populace. How's that? Anybody can get together a group of friends who will back each other in Federal District Court claim of threat being carried out by any government official, against the peace of the people involved. Such a claim would at least slow government down. And if there were many such claims across the country, it might entirely put an official out of action. Why Federal District Court? Because it is a jury trial where statute and code doesn't enter in, and the judge has no authority other then to referee the operation.
2019-09-05 09:22
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Entered by: PureTrust
Entryway, bullet-proof-glass, stations requiring everyone to lock-box his guns upon entry, before the door is opened so that he can enter the store. This would at least cut down of the assault rifles that would get in. I mean, if TSA can do it at the airports, why not Walmart? Or is it that WM is trying to become politically aligned in some way.
2019-09-05 09:17
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Entered by: PureTrust
I am completely in line with believing everything that the Bible says, BUT >>> Consider all these archaeological finds everywhere. Some of them take decades or longer to excavate properly. The point? That's enough time to literally MAKE whatever you want the find to show. What if 90% of the archaeologic finds are "sculptures" or some other fabrication, rather than finds? All it takes is a bunch of people sworn to silence before they start to dig - I mean, to sculpture. Most of them didn't know that they were sculpting when they started. And after they found out, they are under contractual threat to not reveal what they are really doing. Besides, a lot of the diggers are college students, digging for free, as part of a program to get their doctorate or whatever.
2019-09-04 17:25
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Entered by: Anonymous
You can contact me at im in one of the videos
2019-09-04 13:38
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Entered by: chris gill
Cutting back like this did Dicks a world of good. NOT! They lost a lot but they were PC. I am sure that counts more to the stock holders than real money anyway...... Or they would dump their stocks. I guess wally world has to learn the same lesson.
2019-09-04 11:32
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Entered by: PureTrust
The difference is that Trump people recognize the good that Trump is doing, and voluntarily give him their support. The Chinese government wants to trick people into given their support.
2019-09-04 10:56
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Entered by: PureTrust
Our nation - indeed every nation - needs Bible-believing Christians with guts. The problem with everyone, including Christine Smith, is that they want to make government leaders into gods. Rather, do what our nation was meant to do. Be a Bible-believing and Bible-understanding Christian. Focus on controlling government people and laws through the local common law and the jury. Recognize what the local common law is by learning the 9th Amendment. And break the illegally used strength of government officials who use government to do wrong.
2019-09-04 03:54
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Entered by: Mike Mason
Have had success stopping code enforcement is there a contact or website one offer help to the people in Ash Fork?
2019-09-03 20:56
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Entered by: Mike Mason
Have had success beating back code enforcement in Maricopa County. Is their a point of contact to help these people?
2019-09-03 20:55
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Entered by: Mike Mason
Have had success beating back code enforcement in Maricopa County. Is their a point of contact to help these people?
2019-09-02 03:25
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Entered by: PureTrust
Negative interest rates! Does this mean that the borrowers are going to earn interest on the loans they make? --- Two Federal Reserve Bank publications show that bank loans are not loans at all, but are really, creations of new money - "Modern Money Mechanics" and "Two Faces of Debt." As creations of new money, there is no debt (at least not at the time the borrower receives his money from the bank). All of his payments to pay off the fake loan are really donations to the bank. See from a former bank CPA that shows all this. In addition, search on "Tom Schauf how lending works" -
2019-09-01 12:31
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Entered by: chris gill
We have an example of dumbassery that will happen if the red flag laws will be as poorly thought out and written. Sue the school and state if you can. Show no mercy!
2019-08-30 11:51
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Entered by: chris gill
Why bother? her campaign get the money back for her to use "for campaign purposes" If they wanted this activity to stop they would make her pay the funds used either to the state democratic party election funds if done in the primary. Or to the opposing party's election funds if done during the actual election race. Or even to the states general fund if the first two options are too extreme. I would also add jail time and loss of office if the misuse of fund are proven to be intentional.
2019-08-30 11:40
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Entered by: chris gill
after seeing Hillary walk and Holder not even looked at. The FBI head dragging his feet on investigations and other departments on the transparency orders from the president. Add the last AG meeting with the Clintons and special deals and wording from the FBI.I think I am entitled to overreacting on no charges being brought up.
2019-08-29 17:21
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Entered by: PureTrust
Maybe Epstein took the time to become a State Citizen, thereby taking himself outside of federal jurisdiction -
2019-08-28 15:15
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Entered by: PureTrust
Remember Trump's race for the Presidency? He was constantly changing his mind about things that he had talked about for ages. Why does anyone think that he would change? Trump's continuing methods are to change directions right along with all the changes the opponents of America make, as they make them. The thing you are calling Trump-lies are simply Trump upholding his oath of office.
2019-08-27 08:06
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Entered by: olde reb
The collapse of the system is inherent in thr design of the Federal Reserve system. Every “dollar” [since 1933] in circulation is created as the principal of a [debt] Treasury security. The obligation requires the debt to be repaid at maturity with interest. The interest does not exist; it has not been created. The only way to pay the interest is to issue more debt and pay the interest due from the principal of the new security. The result is an exponential increase in debt that must be continually rolled over. That is the essence of a Ponzi scheme. All Ponzi schemes have the same termination. Benjamin Ginsberg compiled records of historical repetition of such economic events in FATAL EMBRACE.
2019-08-27 05:38
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Entered by: Ed Martin
What's the motive behind quoting The People's Daily in China who put the label of "capitalist system" on a monetary system?
2019-08-24 16:48
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Entered by: PureTrust
Lots of copper in these motors. Just when Panama is becoming an even larger producer of copper -
2019-08-24 16:31
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Entered by: PureTrust
When they dump our bonds, we need to charge them about 10 trillion percent interest.
2019-08-24 16:29
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Entered by: PureTrust
For a bunch of answers that make sense, watch "The Origin of the Nephilim FULL Rob Skiba" -
2019-08-24 16:16
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Entered by: PureTrust
From : "Those who claim the Nazis visited the moon, Mars and possibly the Aldebaran solar system, often speak of evidence of the 'Bell'. This craft had an unknown energy source that was capable of powering sustained flight beyond earth’s orbit." Maybe the Nazi Bell was a teleportation system that teleported a spaceship one nano-meter at a time. It only looked like the ship was flying. But really it was teleporting countless zillions of times, one nano-meter to the next.
2019-08-24 08:07
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Entered by: PureTrust
Corpus Juris Secundum (C.J.S.) legal encyclopedia, volume 7, section 4 and other sections - - is an officer of the court, his first duty is to the courts and the public, not to the clients - clients are also called “wards of the court” in regard to their relationship with their attorneys - wards of court = infants and persons of unsound mind placed by the court under the care of a guardian - when you hire an attorney, you become a ward of the court and a second class citizen and you admit the jurisdiction of the court in the matter at hand - you can’t hire an attorney if you want to challenge jurisdiction. Search at
2019-08-24 01:20
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Entered by: Ed Martin
Looks like an opportunity for U.S. companies to make a deal/trade with the U.S. "government". No taxes or regulations for no China "operations".
2019-08-24 00:49
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Entered by: Ed Martin
Declining from what? Competent people don't buy in to statist nonsense. "Judges" are incompetent from the get-go.
2019-08-22 08:35
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Entered by: olde reb
Ernest, you have a deep interest in the Federal Reserve. The following is an analysis of how Wall Street Zionists receive money embezzled from the US government using the Federal Reserve system: It is concluded the illegal funds received finance the world domination agenda, whether by war or by imposed debt, which Wall Street has established. The involved accounts, which are government funds handled by a fiscal agent of the government, are subject to audit by the GAO upon congressional request. Perhaps it is of interest
2019-08-21 20:55
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Entered by: PureTrust
Government is a Private Membership Association that attempts to force everyone into a limited membership with them. The limited membership is called the public. Internet and Youtube search on Private Membership Association (PMA). After a lot of effort, some people have found 70 Supreme Court cases, plus 2 or 3 Amendments, and some parts of the Constitution, itself, that show that Government is to work with the public, but not the private. Correct the Constitution. Do it well so that it is a document that is fair to everyone, unlike the thing that it is today. But remember. Most of the Constitution is really fair. It's that people don't understand it. So, just tweak it, very carefully. Then make it part of your PMA. As people from the public join your PMA, they move into an area that Government has no control over (if done right). Even buying and selling inside the PMA is not the same as buying and selling without. No taxation from without, because it is simply members working together within the PMA. Gradually bring private land owned by PMA members into the PMA. This takes the land outside of the public sector >>> the public, which is the PMA of the current government. This is what the Amish do, sort-of. They simply don't have the 70 SC cases clearly set down in their resistance writings, yet they have substantial success. Gradually private land will come under the PMA and out from under the States or the US. If it is done well, people will start to see the advantage to the PMA. We will have a whole set-up of people, engineers, teachers, doctors, nurses, every-field-out-there, who will be PMA members, out from under the control of government, so that they can keep their own profits. What we will essentially be doing is starting the USA nation up right within the US. And the basic methods for this have been allowed by the current government set-up. This way there will be competition for government, right within the nation.