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Jimmy Dore shares some hard truths:

Written by Subject: Deep State- Shadow Government

Jimmy Dore shares some hard truths:

"The world's terrorists are the United States.  Look what we did to Iraq.  Look what we did to Libya.  Libya is the most successful country in all of Africa.  She created the 8th wonder of the world, how they brought water and turned deserts into farmland.  

Everyone had a home, everyone had education and healthcare.  And we turned it into a failed state, run by terrorists, with an open slave market.  Who did it?  Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton did it.

 [Why did they get rid of Gaddafi?]

Because he was going to create an African currency that could compete with the dollar and the euro.  And they cannot allow this to happen because the US controls the world, because the US dollar is the world's reserve currency.

That's why they can impose sanctions on all these countries.  And so they do what they shouldn't do - they weaponize the dollar.  

They say: "This is help to people in Ukraine, people in Taiwan."  This is not help, but money laundering.  It's about breaking up countries and putting them in the hands of Blackrock and Vanguard.  That's what we're talking about.

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