Article Image Into the heart of the Empire - May in the Free State


Into the heart of the Empire - May in the Free State

Written by Subject: New Hampshire

From the Desk of
Senator Eric Brakey
Executive Director, Free State Project

This May, the Free State Project descended into the heart of the empire — Washington, D.C. — for the Libertarian National Convention.

Most delegates from across the country were focused on who to support for President of the United States — with convention addresses from Donald Trump, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., and the many candidates seeking the LP nomination.

Free Staters, however, spent their time and energy delivering to the country the one message that can actually achieve liberty in our lifetimes.

Thank you to LP candidates Joshua Smith and Mike ter Maat — as well as our old friend Spike Cohen — for standing with Free State delegates like Zephan Wood and Robley Hall to help share the "Move to New Hampshire" message.

In the early days of the American revolution, the free people of New Hampshire and Maine fought to defend their forests from the British military. From those battles, the pine tree emerged a powerful symbol of New England defiance to tyranny.

That's why the pine tree adorns the "Appeal to Haven" flag, which flew above the ships of George Washington's navy.

When the people have exhausted all appeals to earthly authorities for recognition of their inalienable rights, they have the right to make an "appeal to heaven" through revolution — the right invoked by our Declaration of Independence.

That flag made it's re-appearance at the Libertarian Convention from the New Hampshire delegation.

On the back of NH Delegate Reinita Susman (director of the Free State documentary), the flag reminded the body the gravity of our times and the reason libertarians gather to demand the restoration of our constitutional liberties.

For myself, it was a personal honor meeting Gabriel Shipton who has been touring the country advocating for the freedom his half-brother and Wikileaks founder, Julian Assange.

Journalism is not a crime.

For exposing the war crimes of the empire, Julian Assange deserves our commendation, not persecution by the federal deep state.

Of course, with PorcFest only weeks away, we took every opportunity to encourage libertarians to come and experience the Free State.

With a short preview of the upcoming Free State documentary playing on the convention screens, every delegate got a glimpse of PorcFest and life in the liberty homeland.

Thank you to FSP Treasurer, Steve Villee, and Free State luminary, Dennis Pratt, for sporting PorcFest swag to promote our upcoming family friendly freedom festival.

Speaking of PorcFest... ONLY TWO WEEKS REMAIN until we get this party started.

Have you snagged your ticket yet for PorcFest XXI?

Looking for lodging?

Tent sites are sold out, but a limited supply of RV sites are still available. (You can tent at RV sites if you wish, and they also come with electrical outlets).

Rooms are also still available at area inns, motels, and resorts.

We are looking forward to welcoming our guests, vendors, hubs, and speakers.

Personally, I am looking forward to hearing from and asking questions to my role model, Dr. Ron Paul, on Saturday morning for his virtual address to the festival.

Also, we still need PorcFest volunteers!

We want to especially encourage first timers to consider volunteering. It's a great way to make new friends and jump into the community. 

Our registration team is preparing to process arrivals and working to ensure everyone can create their own hubs in our decentralized market of events.

Our speaker team is bringing in exciting guests, like Spike Cohen, Jeffrey Tucker, Gene Epstein, David Friedman, William Ruger, James Bovard, Jacob Hornberger, Martha Bueno, and many more.

Our family team is preparing for PorcuPints — including a massive game of Humans Versus Zombies, a mock legislature to propose laws to abolish, and a reading of "The Tuttle Twins and the Creature from Jekyll Island."

Our security and medical teams are gearing up to serve as PorcRangers and Fr33Aid because a porcupine is always prepared.

Our facilities team is working overtime to ensure access to clean spaces, adequate facilities, and clean water.

In two weeks, all these teams need volunteers to help us make this family-friendly freedom festival a roaring success.

Click here to volunteer for PorcFest.

(Even a 4 hour shift makes a big difference!)

Our friends at Free the People released another in their series of interviews from Liberty Forum this year, conducted by Matt Kibbe. This time, the interview was with your humble renegade statesman.

Matt and I discussed the effectiveness of state-level strategies, including the concentration strategy, to advance liberty and nullify federal tyrannies — with  Defend the Guard, Constitutional Carry, and Cannabis Nullification as examples.

Matt also asked me to share my "libertarian origin story." That story includes a showdown at the 2012 Republican National Convention, in which I was kicked out with fellow Maine delegates for supporting Congressman Ron Paul.

Click here to give it a listen.

On a personal note, I look forward to seeing so many free people at the Porcupine Freedom Festival just weeks away. When you arrive, be sure to say hello. I'd love to meet you in person.

For more news and updates on the Free State Project, please read on.

For Liberty,
Sen. Eric Brakey,
FSP Executive Director


"I know not what treason is, if sapping and betraying the liberties of a people be not treason."

Cato the Younger

The last defender of the Roman Republic, Senator Marcus Porcius Cato represented the forgotten values of past generations who had made his country great.

Throughout his career, he rooted out corruption, which had become rampant throughout the government as the republic grew into an empire.

The Ron Paul of his age, Cato was so principled that a the popular saying among the political class engaging in graft was, "We can't all be Catos."

Worried about the rise of demagogues, Cato feared the populists Pompey and Ceasar both, for their disregard of the Roman constitution. But when Caesar crossed the Rubicon with his army to invade the republic, he reluctantly joined forces with Pompey the Great as the last line of defense for the republic.

To his dying breath, Cato refused to submit to the empire that took the place of his once proud republic. Through suicide, he deprived Caesar of the opportunity to pardon him and cement his legitimacy, driving the new tyrant mad until his final days.

While the republic Cato loved fell to empire, his example inspired lovers of liberty through time, including our American founders. In the dark days of Valley Forge, George Washington staged a play for his troops, telling the story of Cato and his defense of liberty.

The torch of liberty has passed from many generations. From Cato to Jefferson to us. It is our responsibility to keep that torch burning for all future generations.

For more on Cato the Younger, we recommend "Rome's Last Citizen" by Rob Goodman and Jimmy Soni.


What's Happenin' In NH?

We now are gearing up now for the Porcupine Freedom Festival!
Have you purchased your tickets yet? Don't miss out.

Uncle Ron Wants YOU!
(To volunteer for PorcFest.)

Have you considered taking your PorcFest engagement to the next level?

From PorcRangers to Registration, and from PorcuPints to Fr33Aid, there are many ways to lend a helping hand to your fellow porcupines. This is a people-powered festival and we need you!

 Click here to volunteer for PorcFest.

Even a 4-hour shift makes a big difference


Upcoming Events

New Mover Potluck Parties! 

Manchester - First Tuesday

Bardo Farm - First Saturday

Seacoast - Third Sunday

North Country - Third Saturday 

Local Meetups!

Manchester - weekly, Tuesdays

Plymouth - semi-monthly, Wednesdays

Weare - semi-monthly, Wednesdays

Seacoast - weekly, Thursdays (changes town) 

Upper Valley - monthly, last Tuesday

Nashua - weekly, Sundays

Gilford - monthly, third Saturday 

Ossipee - monthly, second Sunday

Madison - monthly, second Saturday and third Tuesday

Grafton - monthly, second Saturday

Keene - weekly, Sundays

Concord - monthly, second Wednesday

This is only a small sample of what's going on in the Free State! Recurring topical events include agorism, family play time, range shooting, and crypto. Find upcoming events across the state on our calendar.


Read All About It!

This month, the NH Senate voted for the first time to end cannabis prohibition.

Disagreements remain, however, between the House and Senate on the best manner to legalize cannabis. Some critics argue the Senate version of cannabis legalization (following the model supported by Governor Sununu) relies too heavily on government control and central planning.

Read all about it from InDepthNH:

CONCORD – For the first time, legal, adult cannabis sales in New Hampshire were approved by the state Senate Thursday night, raising the potential for the state to set up as many as 15 state-run shops by 2025.

The vote shortly after 9 p.m. was 14-9...

The bill is not the same as the House version which looked at a license sales model rather than a franchise model which has more strict control by the state and is supported by the governor.

This difference in versions means it must go back over the wall to the House to find consensus after the Senate Finance Committee reviews it and fleshes out the money involved and where it could go. 

The last step will be to see if it passes the test of the governor who has laid out a pathway to what he sees as "inevitable" and the Senate bill is largely what he was looking for.

Click here to read the full article.


Have you been watching our new weekly show?

A new episode of The Porcupine Report is released every Wednesday at 7:00 PM, featuring news and interviews with exciting liberty guests inside and outside New Hampshire. Here are this month's episodes:

Episode 15 - "Trump, RFK, and the LP" with Carla Gericke

Episode 16 - "PorcFest is Coming" with Constance Spencer

Episode 17 - "Build Your Own Free State" with Dennis Pratt

Episode 18 - "Rumble at the LNC" with Bill Barger

You can find The Porcupine Report on FSP's social media platforms: X, Facebook, and YouTube. You can also subscribe on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or any of your favorite podcasting apps.

Our Executive Director, Eric Brakey, has also been joining other podcasts and radio programs across the country to promote the Free State Movement. 

We The People TV, discussing PorcFest alongside Constance Spencer

The Daily Controversy with Chris Reid

Politics, Politics, Politics with Justin Robert Young

No Way Jose! with Jose Galison

Good Morning Liberty! (at the LP Convention)


In Case You Missed It

WE'RE #2! U.S. News and World Reports has ranked New Hampshire the #1 state for public safety, economic opportunity, crime, and internet access. (Despite all this, Utah somehow edged out NH to be ranked the #1 best overall state to live. We would contest this.) Of course, NH was also ranked #1 for freedom in the recent Freedom in the 50 States Index.

WHO SAYS WE HATE THE ROADS? Thank you to the Lakes Region Porcupines who, for the last several years, have adopted a local stretch of the highway and kept it clean of litter. Free Staters are good neighbors to have!

WELCOME WAGON. This past week, a motley crew of Free Staters helped Noca unload his U-Haul from California and move into his new Dover apartment. With appreciation, he wrote:

"Thank you, Thank You, Thank You!! Such a warm welcome to my new home!! Mark, Brandon, Jeff, Michael, Gaston, Eric, David -- you're the best! ???? And thank you Chris for arranging it all! Looking forward my new chapter in the Free State!"

STORAGE CLEAN-UP. After organizing the FSP storage unit in preparation for PorcFest, Free State volunteers enjoy community, good food, and a few drinks at Backyard Brewery in Manchester.

NEW MOVER! Director Brakey greets a new mover, Mike, at the SHELL clubhouse in the Seacost. Originally from Hawaii, Mike moved this month from New York to the Free State. He says his experience at Liberty Forum 2024 sealed the deal.

Welcome Mike! Congratulations on liberating yourself.

Free State > Empire State


Handy Tips

Considering a move here, but need help sorting through it all? Check out:

The Free State Job Alert on Facebook

A handy guide to landing a job in New Hampshire

This heads-up form to let us know you plan to visitintroducing yourself and letting us show you around just might be the key to finding your perfect job!

Follow the Free State Project on social media for your daily dose of inspiration! Click the links in the footer.


Need a reminder of what we are building? WATCH THIS and THIS and THIS and THIS.  


'As Seen' in the Free State ???? 

Free Talk Live