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Straight Talk by a Volunteer Donetsk Freedom Fighter

Written by Subject: Freedom

Straight Talk by a Volunteer Donetsk Freedom Fighter

by Stephen Lendman

US citizen Russell Bonner Bentley arrived in Donetsk to become a volunteer freedom fighter against the scourge of Nazified Ukraine.

Aged-61, codenamed "Texas," he he came with this aim in mind — "as a soldier (and) a human aid volunteer," he explained, adding:

The fabricated official narrative has nothing to do with reality on the ground in Donbass.

While Russian forces go all-out to protect civilians and nonmilitary infrastructure, Ukrainian Nazis "use human shields" — with full support and encouragement from US-dominated NATO.

For Western darlings, it's "not just a tactic. (It's hardcore) strategy."

"Hiding behind their own civilians is (flagrantly illegal), cowardly…treacherous (and) dastardly."

Anyone not believing that Ukraine is infested with cutthroat Nazi thugs is deaf, dumb and blind to reality.

Kiev's "Nazi battalions are genuine Nazis," Bentley stressed, adding:

"They have swastika tattoos. They say 'Heil Hitler' and 'Slava Bandera.' "

Their crushing defeat in Mariupol "marks the beginning of the end of" Russia's liberating SMO, Bentley believes.

Since he arrived in Donbass years earlier, "it's been horrific" because of US/Western support for Nazified Ukraine and its elite Nazi fighters.

Their presence is like "a mad dog or poisonous snake" on the loose in your neighborhood.

Bentley was in Odessa on May 2, 2014 when US/Western supported Nazi thugs burned Ukrainians opposed to tyranny to death in the city's trade union building.

Those managing to escape were lethally shot in cold blood or beaten to death.

Mass surrender this month by Nazified thugs in Mariupol was a major Russian triumph.

Not only will these thugs no longer terrorize Donbass residents or anyone else again, but their attire and bodies adorned with swastikas and other Nazi symbols reveal their despicable ideology and agenda to everyone paying attention.

It's in stark contrast to how Russian forces operate humanely "and still"triumph as they're doing.

Based on polling results about Russia's SMO in Ukraine, most Americans are "brainwashed" by propaganda TV, Bentley stressed, adding:

"They have no critical thinking skills. They're politically and historically illiterate."

They're why Gore Vidal and oral historian Studs Terkel called the USA "the United States of amnesia."

They're mindless of reality past and present. A minority of Americans understand what the majority fail to grasp.

It's clear by their ignorance about what's going on in Ukraine.

I explained what's going on to a friend about reality on the ground, saying the following by email:

Russia isn't the bad guy falsely portrayed by the US-dominated West and their press agent MSM.

Since the Soviet Union dissolved in 1991, the Russian Federation never preemptively attacked another country.

Vladimir Putin authorized Russia's SMO in late Feb. because over 100,000 US-controlled Ukrainian forces were mobilized in preparation to invade the breakaway Donetsk and Lugansk republics bordering Russia, as well as the Russian Republic of Crimea.

Russia acted to prevent what could have been disastrous.

Its aim is demilitarizing and deNazifying Ukraine, along with protecting its security — its legitimate UN Charter right.

Americans relying on propaganda MSM to learn what's going on are mind-manipulated to know nothing more than the fabricated official narrative on all major domestic and geopolitical issues.

Separately, there's no ambiguity about the fate awaiting Ukrainian war criminals — based on eyewitness testimonies and other indisputable evidence.

Their "crimes will not go unpunished," Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova stressed, adding:

"The leadership of the Donetsk People's Republic plans to create an international tribunal on the territory of the republic to" hold them accountable for crimes too grievous to ignore. 

"Its charter is currently being worked on. We welcome this initiative."

According to DPR leader Denis Pushilin:

The tribunal will focus on "maximum publicity (and) transparen(cy)."

It's vital for "as many people as possible (to be) made aware of the unacceptable war crimes of the neo-Nazis."

Along with 2,439 POWs in Russian custody from the bowels of Mariupol's Azovstal steel plant, hundreds more Ukrainian Nazified and conscript fighters laid down their arms and surrendered.

Accountability awaits the guilty.

Ones found guilty of murder, torture, rape and/or other high crimes will never see the light of day again except from behind prison walls and bars where they belong.