Article Image Love Bus Liberty Tour - June 2021 - Red Pill Expo (Rapid City, SD); Porcfest (Lancaster, NH)


Love Bus Liberty Tour - June 2021 - Red Pill Expo (Rapid City, SD); Porcfest (Lancaster, NH)

Written by Subject: LOV3 Bus Liberty Tour

Love Bus Liberty Tour - June 2021 - Red Pill Expo (Rapid City, SD); Porcfest (Lancaster, NH)

After The Greater Reset in TX, we head to Red Pill Expo in Rapid City, SD for a great line-up of speakers (June 5-6, 2021), Rantoul (KS) Caylor's Supply (bus stuff), and Lancaster, NH for Porcfest/Forkfest

June 5-6, 2021:

On to Rapid City, South Dakota for Red Pill Expo:


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Arrows on images signify video previews are embedded. 

 G. Edward Griffin Author of The Creature from Jekyll Island, founder of Freedom Force, creator of Red Pill Expo: Private Property, Class Privilege or Human Right?

Dave Rasnick, PhD, former research scientist at Abbott Laboratories, author, AIDS advisor to South Africa: Swindle -Scientific & Otherwise, from AIDS to COVID-19

 David Martin, PhD, Developer of advanced computer systems, advisor to industry & governments: 
When Bravery is not Enough – The Economics of Tyranny.

 Bradford Weeks, MD, Founder of Alternative Health Advocates and the Corrective Health Institute: Why are Public Health Policies not Based on Actual Science?

 David Sumrall, Founder of, advocate and organizer of citizen journalism: Proof that the Insurection at the US Capitol on January 6 was Fake

 Andrew Kaufman, MD, one of the most popular and Internet-banned truth-tellers, strikes at the heart of the greatest medical hoax of all time: Virus? Virus? WHAT Virus?


Shiva Ayyadurai, PhD, is an MIT Scientist, a critic of the official COVID narrative, and a crusader for reform:
Would you Like to Know who is Stealing Your Share of the Pie?

 Del Bigtree, vaccine-safety advocate, producer of the movie Vaxxed, and host of
The Great Culling has begun.
So has the Great Awakening.

John B. Wells, host of the talk-radio show, Caravan to Midnight, will be Master of Ceremonies. You will be spellbound by his nowledge of how the world really works.

Alex Newman, author, journalist, Content Mgr. for Red Pill University, Member of Freedom Force Leadership Council: The Dark Side of the Covid Plandemic

 Richard Gage, Founder of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, an expert on the collapse of the Twin Towers and Building 7: 9/11 New Evidence – Final Verdict

 Mary Tocco, founder of, broadcaster, film producer, author: Don't Think Old-Style Vaccines are Safe Just Because New Ones are Worse

Mikki Willis, producer of the world-famous Plandemic video series, Director of the Red Pill Film Festival.
Topic to be announced.

 Peymon Mottahedeh, financial planner, tax consultant, and Founder of Freedom Law School. The Reality of the Income Tax may Surprise and Please you

 Jerry Day, film producer, commentator, Director of RPU Campus Activities: "Don't let it happen" was George Orwell's answer. What was the question?

Christian Gomez, public speaker, video podcaster, and contributing author for The New American Magazine. Treaties: Global Conquest without War.

 Alan Meyers: Forensic CPA, Money & Banking analyst, Member of Freedom Force Leadership Council:
History's Unstoppable Women in Defense of Liberty

 James Corbett, an award-winning journalist living in Japan, publishes The Corbett Report, a listener-supported news source.
A Brief History of Hopeium.*

Why Fight City Hall When you can BE City Hall?
Details to be announced soon.

No, this is not a speaker. It's another truth seeker hoping to deprogram himself at the Red Pill Expo so he can be free of the dehumanizing control of the Matrix.

Perhaps it's time to pack up the car and take an old fashioned cross-country trip – just like the good old days. See America from the ground for a change. Drive through the mountains and prairies. Visit the beaches and historic places. If not now, when?

If you don't have a bi-plane or blimp, don't worry. Rent a car at the airport to get to your hotel and to do some serious sightseeing. From air or ground, S. Dakota beckons.

* Exclusive message for this conference delivered by video.


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Ernest Hancock and G Edward Griffin Show (hour 2) - :

Hour 2 MP3



June 20, 2021:

From South Dakota and a short stop in Rantoul, Kansas for some bus supplies, we head to Lancaster, New Hampshire for Porcfest to be held at Roger's Campground.

Our set up


June 21, 2021:

Podcast Set Up:



June 23, 2021:

Checking out Porcfest:















June 24, 2021:








June 25, 2021:





































































































June 26, 2021:








June 28, 2021:




