Honduras/Chile Si, Yanquis No

Written by Subject: Imperialism

Honduras/Chile Si, Yanquis No

by Stephen Lendman

On November 28, Xiomara Castro — wife of ousted Honduran President Manuel Zelaya by the Obama/Biden regime in June 2009 — defeated right wing opponent/accused embezzler/money launderer Nasry "Tito" Asrura in a runoff election to become the Central American country's first female president by an overwhelming 53 - 34% margin of victory.

Until the Obama/Biden regime's coup, she was her nation's first lady from January 27, 2006 to June 28, 2009.

When President-Elect Xiomara Castro takes office on January 27, 2022, Manuel Zelaya will become the nation's first gentleman.

In the meantime, she'll likely be visited by one or more US dark forces — elements John Perkins discussed in his book, titled Confessions of an Economic Hitman, saying:

"(H)ighly paid professionals cheat countries around the globe out of trillions of dollars." 

"They funnel money from the World Bank, (IMF, and other international lending agencies, as well as) other foreign aid organizations into the coffers of huge corporations and the pockets of a few wealthy families who control the planet's natural resources." 

"Their tools include fraudulent financial reports, rigged elections, payoffs, extortion, sex, and murder." 

"They play a game as old as empire, but one that has taken on new and terrifying dimensions during this time of globalization."

Their mandate is plundering nations for profit. 

It's controlling their resources. 

It's impoverishing and bankrupting them. 

It's trapping them debt bondage.

It's ruthlessly exploiting their people, eliminating ones standing in the way of achieving their aims.

Nations refusing to go along are targeted for regime change.

Washington stops at nothing to achieve its diabolical aims. 

Tactics include bullying, intimidation, punishing sanctions, assassinations, coups, aggression, and virtually every other dirty trick in the book imagineable.

Media propaganda supports what demands exposure and condemnation.

On December 12 and 13, Biden regime under secretary of state Uzra Zeya met with Xiomara Castro in Tegucigalpa, the Honduran capital.

According to the state department, she came to discuss Biden regime "objectives and priorities for ongoing and future engagement."

They're all about wanting no change in Honduran subservience to US hegemonic interests in a part of the hemisphere it considers its backyard.

Zelaya earlier explained that the Obama/Biden regime warned him against signing Hugo Chavez's Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA), saying:

"The US warned me." 

"If you sign the Bolivarian Alternative to the Americas (ALBA), you're going to have problems with the US." 

"I signed it, and six months later, I had problems." 

"When you give (hegemon USA) competition in the free market, they stop being capitalist." 

"They become retrograde, authoritarian, and they play coups, wars, invasions."

President-Elect Castro most likely will be targeted in similar fashion to her husband if unwilling to sell her soul — and the rights and interests of the Honduran people — to a higher power in Washington.

Chilean President-Elect Gabriel Boric faces the same dilemma.

On December 19, the former student protest leader was elected Chile's youngest president at age-35 by an overwhelming 56 - 44% margin over right wing opponent Jose Antonio Kast.

Assuming office on March 11, he promised to institute and expand economic social programs in a nation that largely abolished them after the US ousted social democrat Salvador Allende, replacing him with Augusto Pinochet-led fascist rule in 1973.

In Honduras, the Obama/Biden regime's coup largely eliminated economic and social justice under Zelaya.

Unemployment, underemployment and poverty rose sharply.

State terror and exploitation of working class Hondurans became official policy.

Death squad abductions, killings and other human rights abuses were linked to Honduras' military, police and private security firms.

Campesinos were brutalized and murdered at home, work, in transit, while demonstrating, or abducted and later found dead. 

Many were tortured and otherwise abused before killed.

Much the same happened in Chile under Pinochet.

A US-supported reign of terror followed his usurpation of power — including abductions, torture and cold-blooded mass-murder.

Following US-orchestrated privatization of state enterprises came mass layoffs, sweeping deregulation, deep social spending cuts, wage freezes or cuts, unrestricted free market access for western businesses, corporate-friendly tax cuts, trade unionist crackdowns, and harsh repression of economic and social justice advocates.

For nearly half a century after Allende was deposed and killed on an earlier 9/11 in 1973, US-installed tyranny was the law of the land in Chile.

Will Xiomara Castro and Gabriel Boric turn things around in their countries after taking office?

Will Honduran and Chilean economic and social justice under their leadership eliminate the scourge of exploitive neoliberal harshness, institutionalized inequality, deep-seated corruption and tyrannical rule?

Will they avoid or be victimized by what happened to Zelaya and Allende?

Hegemon USA is intolerant toward nations free from its control, especially ones in its self-declared backyard.

Cuba has been free from US control since Fidel Castro transformed US-installed tyrannical rule into a free, open and socially just society.

Can Honduran and Chilean governance ahead emulate what he achieved in similar fashion?

Can much the same spread elsewhere in Latin America?

During Fidel's public addresses, crowds chanted Cuba Si, Yanquis No!

Will similar chants be heard in Honduras, Chile and elsewhere in Latin America ahead?

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