Article Image First Letter of Reprisal


First Letter of Reprisal

Written by Subject: Pirates Without Borders

First Letter of Reprisal

Tsar Date 45.295.374

Throughout my life on land I was dismissed for not fitting into people's expectations of women. I raised my black banner when I realized my advancement was unhindered by prejudice aboard a pirate ship. I quickly learned that the injustices I'd resisted my whole life were not issues of gender, race, or creed, but of dominance.

Landlubbers are infatuated with hierarchy. They let status and class shortcut critical thinking, and view the world through categories and collectives. The purest manifestation of this hierarchy is war.

The Crown recruits and produces unscrupulous sociopaths to wield its coercive power. It neither respects nor recognizes the individual, which means collective torture and murder are inevitable.

The Crown presents itself as our salvation, but only slays dragons of its own creation. If you don't fit into the Crown's agenda you already realize this, but you can also glean it from simple observation. Chaos and catastrophe surround everything the Crown touches.

The Crown is both the perpetrator, and beneficiary of endless conflict, so it's locked in a cycle of brutality and blowback. The first lie of war is that the opposing states are morally different from one another. In reality, all who wear the Crown share more in common with each other than with those they rule. War is justified as defense, but this is just a euphemism for conquest.

The Crown uses terror and slaughter to extort wealth and obedience from both sides. Then it uses our resentment, frustration and rage to turn us against each other. In reality, the Crown owes more to the peaceful people of this world than they owe to it. So, I'll pay no deference to the Crown or it's whip.

Once I took back my autonomy, my objective became to inspire others to abandon their reverence for their shackles. The struggle to free ourselves from the yoke of the Crown cannot be achieved by force. It's time to abandon the collectivist thinking that empowers our adversary, and acknowledge the individual as something real and vital to peace. Time to refuse to contribute to wars of aggression. Time to deprive the Crown of any credibility, and acknowledge that the mass graves are large enough to prove the Crown is unfit to exist.