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Tyranny in America Updated

Written by Subject: United States

Tyranny in America Updated

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

The mother of all scams instituted by US dark forces last year took post-9/11 tyranny to a diabolical new level.

What remains of free and open US and other Western societies are earmarked for elimination.

Abolishing fundamental freedoms altogether nears completion. Yet most people are unaware of what's going on in plain view.

In interfacing with others in my residential building and neighborhood, I'm appalled at the state of public ignorance.

Explaining reality engenders disbelief, indifference, or anger directed at me.

Without public awareness of nearly full-blown tyranny in the US and West, we're doomed to loss of virtually everything just societies most cherish.

I've said it before, and it bears repeating.

The nation I grew up in long ago no longer exists.

Replaced by police state-enforced totalitarian rule, full-blown tyranny is near at hand.

Naomi Wolf believes it arrived.

In her 2008 book, titled "End to America," she explained the road to tyranny in 10 steps, as follows:

1. "Invoke a terrifying internal and external enemy."

The above followed the 9/11 mother-of-all-state-sponsored false flags to that time.

Multiple wars on invented enemies followed abroad — combined with war on fundamental freedoms at home.

I explained what followed 9/11 in a detailed article titled: Police State America: A Look Back and Ahead.

Over the past 20 years, US state terrorism worldwide hardened to its present form.

2. "Create a gulag."

The US has the world's largest by far, operating at home and abroad in multiple countries.

Guantanamo is the tip of the iceberg abroad. 

I discussed the US system in numerous articles — including The US Gulag Prison System and Mass Incarceration in America.

Abroad I wrote about Torture and Abuse in America's Global Gulag.

I explained America's appalling human rights record domestically and abroad.

3. "Develop a thug caste"

Wolf calls its elements "paramilitary groups of scary young men (used) to terrorize citizens."

In US Black and Latino inner-city communities, police all too often terrorize discriminated against residents harshly in other ways.

4. "Set up an internal surveillance system"

Mass surveillance is pervasive in the US and West.

Big Brother is real. It's no longer fiction. It's part of unchecked extrajudicial power in the West.

5. "Harass citizens' groups"

The FBI and other parts of the US national security state created a legal and extrajudicial total surveillance society through technological and infiltration means that includes targeting activist groups like the Black Panthers for elimination.

6. "Engage in arbitrary detention and release"

Wolf explained that it's a plot to scare people into compliance.

7. "Target key individuals"

"Threaten civil servants, artists and academics with job loss if they don't toe the line," Wolf explained

8. "Control the press"

Censorship in the US is the new abnormal. It's all about controlling the official narrative, wanting conflicting views suppressed.

Digital democracy is the last frontier of media freedom in the US and West. 

Is it next on the target list for elimination by dark forces wanting unchallenged control?

Will my writing and other free expression like it be criminalized ahead — on the phony pretext of protecting national security?

9. "Dissent equals treason"

Will speech, media, and academic freedoms be eliminated this way in the West?

10. "Suspend the rule of law"

Wolf says we've reached this stage in the US and West.

Weeks earlier, she said we've "arrived at and begun to inhabit "Step Ten" of the 10 steps to" tyranny.

Emergency measures are in place in many states, she explained.

Vaccine passports may be required in the US and West for unrestricted access to public places — including for employment and education.

Following draconian lockdowns last year, millions of US small business were forced to close permanently for loss of enough revenue to keep operating.

Social distancing restricts or prohibits the First Amendment right of assembly — on the phony pretext of protecting public health.

Mandatory face masks in most parts of the country when indoors — and in Massachusetts outdoors — don't protect and risk harm from longterm use.

Big Tech is censoring critics of draconian covid-related policies that are all about destroying our health and freedoms, not the other way around.

"(H)ijacked" science was replaced by medical tyranny.

Truth-telling is increasingly considered treasonous.

Fundamental freedoms are disappearing with scant public opposition against the transformation of America into full-blown tyranny — on the phony pretext of protecting us.

As long as scant resistance at most exists against what's going on, countless millions in the West and elsewhere may perish.

Full-blown tyranny enforced by police state ruthlessness may make survivors wish they went with them.

VISIT MY WEBSITE: (Home - Stephen Lendman). Contact at

My two Wall Street books are timely reading:

"How Wall Street Fleeces America: Privatized Banking, Government Collusion, and Class War"

"Banker Occupation: Waging Financial War on Humanity"
