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Anti-Netanyahu Coalition Formed

Written by Subject: Israel

Anti-Netanyahu Coalition Formed

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

On Sunday, Yamina party leader Naftali Bennett said the following:

"It's my intention to do my utmost in order to form a national unity government along with my friend Yair Lapid, so…together we can save the country from a tailspin and return Israel to its course," adding: 

"Israel's political crisis is unprecedented. This madness must end."

More on this below.

If Netanyahu's tenure ends after a dozen consecutive years in power (since 2009), Israel will still be ruled by apartheid-supporting right-wing extremist militants.

That said, Bibi-led Likudniks only have about 25% support from Israel's electorate.

While most Israelis oppose him, the alternative is just as grim for regional peace, Palestinian rights and most Israelis.

Privileged Jews alone are served, no others. Like the West, most others are exploited.

According to a report by Bituach Leumi (National Insurance), nearly two million Israelis were impoverished in 2020 — around one-fourth of the population, including about one-third of children.

Among ultra-Orthodox Jews, the poverty rate is nearly 50%.

For Israeli Arab citizens, around 36% are impoverished, most others above the poverty line struggling to get by.

The same is true for most Israeli Jews. As in the West, inequality is rife, the middle class of these nations eroding on a path toward disappearing altogether.

Cold hard reality for most Israelis is that the Jewish state is unfit to live in.

Nothing remotely like a political coalition exists for a free and open society that serves all its people equitably.

Israel's dominant political class is right-wing to hard-right, racist and belligerent.

Arabs comprising about 20% of the country's population and their political parties are treated like fifth-column threats — as well as like potted plants in parliament.

Arab Knesset members powerless to achieve positive change.

According to CEO Eli Cohen of NGO Pitchon Lev, a firm whose "mission is to save poor and needy families and children in Israel:"

"A new generation of poverty" exists in the country.

"No plan to eradicate poverty is on the horizon, and every year (things) worsen, without a promise or a goal from the government," to change the unacceptable status quo.

On Monday, Bennett and Lapid will reportedly inform President Rivlin that they formed a governing coalition bloc while still working on resolving final details.

Opposition to Netanyahu is the coalition's common thread, wanting his tenure as prime minister ended.

According to Bennett, "no one believes him anymore."

He and Lapid agreed on taking turns as Israeli prime minister, Bennett serving first until September 2023, Lapid to follow for the rest of their term.

They have until a June 2 deadline to finalize details for majority coalition bloc rule.

Vowing not to resign, Netanyahu accused Bennett of orchestrating "the scam of the century (sic)," insisting that he's still working on forming his own majority bloc.

Calling a Lapid/Bennett-led coalition a danger to Israel's security and future (sic), he asked:

"What will it do for Israel's deterrence (sic)?" 

"How will we look in the eyes of our enemies (sic)?" 

"What will they do in Iran and in Gaza (sic)?" 

"What will they say in the halls of government in Washington (sic)?"

An unnamed PLO official called a Lapid-Bennett-led government "extreme rightist" — no different than Netanyahu rule.

According to the Times of Israel on Monday, " '(s)ignificant progress' was made in the four-way talks between representatives from Yamina, Yesh Atid, New Hope and Blue and White" toward finalizing what they called a "change bloc." 

On Monday, an unnamed Likudnik said Netanyahu "does not intend to give up, and we have seen that the situation is fragile on the right, but it is going to be almost impossible to prevent (formation of a new) government."

If things aren't finalized by June 2, Knesset members have 21 days to agree on a new prime minister.

If fail, a fifth election will be held since April 2019.

While nothing is certain at this time, it appears that a new ruling coalition will be agreed on to end Netanyahu's 12 years in power, after earlier serving for three years in the post.

The Jerusalem Post called prospective change "Israel's first step to sanity."

Haaretz said while details aren't finalized, "Israel hasn't been this close to replacing Netanyahu since 2009."

Separately, Haaretz explained that if Netanyahu is replaced, "for the first time since 1977," Israeli rule will exclude Likud and ultra-Orthodox parties.

Haaretz editors said Netanyahu rules by unacceptable "exceptional means."

"That's one more reason to oust his government and to hope that a government of change is formed in its stead."

While most Israelis likely welcome his "oust(er)," what'll replace him will look like he never left.

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My two Wall Street books are timely reading:

"How Wall Street Fleeces America: Privatized Banking, Government Collusion, and Class War"

"Banker Occupation: Waging Financial War on Humanity" 

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