Article Image Bail hearing for Ian Freeman - Crypto6


Bail hearing for Ian Freeman - Crypto6 - Thurs May 20 @ 2pm EST. Can join via zoom...

Written by Subject: Courtroom and Trials

This is the bail hearing for Ian Freeman of the Crypto6. The summary is six people were arrested in New Hampshire for using Bitcoin and the US government is effectively trying to outlaw it while also going after key political activists that they've been trying to take out for 5+ years. The judge is going to make the final decision today about his release conditions and hopefully release him. Check out if you want to learn more.

If you are at all able to please do join this zoom meeting as it is open to the public and the more people who join the better. This sends the message that there is a strong support base and something is wrong with the prosecutors case.

Summary   Thurs May 20 at 2pm , Further Review of Detention Hrg, USA v. Freeman 21cr41-1-JL (MCHOC)
Description   JL Team is inviting you to a scheduled ZoomGov meeting.

NOTICE: Pursuant to Local Rule 83.8, all persons participating in court proceedings
remotely by videoconference or teleconference shall not photograph, broadcast, or televise
any of these court proceedings. This prohibition applies to counsel, the parties, the media
and any member of the public.

Counsel shall notify the clerk's office in advance if there are any matters pending before the court that should be presented under seal.


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Meeting ID: 160 853 7204
Password: 471379
When   May 20, 2021 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM (Eastern Standard Time)


JL Team is inviting you to a scheduled ZoomGov meeting.

NOTICE: Pursuant to Local Rule 83.8, all persons participating in court proceedings
remotely by videoconference or teleconference shall not photograph, broadcast, or televise
any of these court proceedings. This prohibition applies to counsel, the parties, the media
and any member of the public.

Counsel shall notify the clerk's office in advance if there are any matters pending before the court that should be presented under seal.


Join ZoomGov Meeting

Meeting ID: 160 853 7204
Password: 471379
One tap mobile
+16692545252,,1608537204#,,1#,471379# US (San Jose)
+16468287666,,1608537204#,,1#,471379# US (New York)

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        +1 669 254 5252 US (San Jose)
        +1 646 828 7666 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 160 853 7204
Password: 471379
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Meeting ID: 160 853 7204
Password: 471379