Biden Regime Mulls Stiffer Anti-Russia Measures

Written by Subject: Russia

Biden Regime Mulls Stiffer Anti-Russia Measures

by Stephen Lendman (stephenlendman.org - Home - Stephen Lendman)

Biden regime war on Russia by other means risks turning hot along its border with Ukraine.

After escalating cold war last week by declaring a phony "threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the (US) by" Russia that doesn't exist, the Biden regime unlawfully sanctioned 32 Russian officials, tech companies and entities for invented reasons.

Nothing ever legitimizes illegal US sanctions against any nations.

Yet they're repeatedly imposed on many targeted nations, using them as weapons of war by other means — part of longstanding US war on humanity in pursuit of its hegemonic aims.

The Biden regime expelled 10 diplomats from Moscow's Washington mission.

It falsely accused Moscow of US election meddling, cyberattacks, and "other acts of disinformation and interference (sic)."

Effective June 14, it targeted Russia's ruble and non-ruble denominated debt — what's issued by its Central Bank, Finance Ministry, and National Wealth Fund.

According to Bloomberg News on Saturday, it's "evaluating the impact of (the above) and is prepared to (go further) if the Kremlin fails to" cease what it didn't do before, and no evidence suggests it intends anything hostile toward the US ahead. 

In sharp contrast to virtually every high crime of war and against humanity imaginable by the US and its imperial partners, Russia fully complies with its international obligations.

Citing further Biden regime options against Russia, Bloomberg added:

Its hardliners may "bar US financial institutions from the secondary market for ruble-denominated bonds issued by Russian state banks."

They're "waiting to see how Putin responds" — beyond measures already announced.

On Friday, Sergey Lavrov said Moscow could act against US business interests, but held off for now.

According to Bloomberg, the Biden regime "is also watching global markets to see the impact of its latest measures, including on the ruble, and any shifts in foreign ownership of Russian ruble bonds, according to the people."

"Interest rate decisions by Russia's central bank and capital flows will also provide important clues."

On Monday, the Kremlin said further hostile Biden regime steps taken will trigger a tit-for-tat response.

Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said "(w)e are not the side that initiated this exchange of sanctions."

"You know this is the favorite tactic of the US. We do not agree with it. We do not accept it." 

"But the principle of reciprocity is an absolute constant for us."

Last week, Biden's impersonator called for "dialogue and diplomatic process (sic)." 

At the same time, a hostile White House executive order imposed illegal sanctions, expelled Russian officials from the US, and targeted the country's debt.

The US side has no intention of stepping back from the brink of possible direct confrontation with Russia, China, and other nations free from its control.

After three months in office, Biden regime recklessness risks setting world hot spots ablaze.

With likely more of the same in mind, it risks direct confrontation with nations able to hit back hard if attacked.

The nuclear clock already approaches midnight. Will it reach it on the Biden regime's watch?

VISIT MY WEBSITE: stephenlendman.org (Home - Stephen Lendman). Contact at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net.

My two Wall Street books are timely reading:

"How Wall Street Fleeces America: Privatized Banking, Government Collusion, and Class War"


"Banker Occupation: Waging Financial War on Humanity"

