US/EU Russia Bashing

Written by Subject: Russia

US/EU Russia Bashing

by Stephen Lendman (stephenlendman.org - Home - Stephen Lendman)

On Wednesday after talks with interventionist Blinken, EU foreign policy chief Borrell said the following:

"We agreed to coordinate our efforts in addressing Russia's confrontational behavior (sic) and encourage Russia to abandon this path (sic)."

No Russian "confrontational behavior" exists — how the US-dominated West operates, not Moscow.

A hostile joint statement by Blinken and Borrell said the following:

They're "determin(ed) to further address, in a coordinated manner, Russia's challenging behavior (sic), including its ongoing aggression against Ukraine and Georgia (sic); hybrid threats, such as disinformation (sic); interference in electoral processes (sic); malicious cyber activities (sic; and military posturing (sic). 

All of the above reflect US/EU war on Russia by other means — for its freedom from Western control, unrelated to alleged threats that don't exist.

The above misinformation, disinformation, fake news, and bald-faced Big Lies also aim to distract attention from US-led Western war on humanity internally against their own people and abroad against nations free from their control.

Blinken and Borrell continued their war of words on Russia as follows: 

They "decided to coordinate their response to the shrinking space in Russia for independent political voices (sic), civil society (sic), media freedom (sic),  and the dwindling respect for human rights and the rule of law (sic).

All of the above reflect how the hostile to peace and stability US and EU operate.

Russia pursues higher standards, according to the rule of law — what the US-dominated West long ago abandoned. 

If global war 3.0 is launched, it'll be made-in-the-USA, a major threat to humanity that could happen by willful design.

The US-dominated West poses an unparalleled threat to everyone everywhere.

On all things related to Russia, China, and other nations free from its control, Borrell operates as a US imperial tool, bending to its will.

Along with the Biden regime, he threatened more illegal EU sanctions on Russia.

In response to hostile US/EU actions, head of Russia's Delegation to the Vienna Negotiations on Military Security and Arms Control Konstantin Gavrilov said the following:

US-dominated NATO can't "have its cake and eat it too."

The alliance must choose between cooperative dialogue with Russia or confrontation, adding:

"It is obvious to us that it is impossible to build trust in the military field when the North Atlantic Alliance goes ahead with its activity and builds up presence along Russia's borders." 

"In these conditions, collective persuasions to support the 'package' of proposals put forward by 34 OSCE member states to modernize the VD (Vienna Document 2011) are futile and will have no effect."

Separately, head of Russia's UN Human Rights Council in Geneva delegation Dmitry Vorobyov slammed the UNHRC's resolution on Syria.

As US-led aggression enters its 11th year — resolution unattainable because its hardline belligerents reject restoration of peace and stability to the war-torn country — Russia called the UNHRC resolution "utterly biased, based on unproven stories and false thinking, distorts reality and can be characterized as blatantly politicized."

Syria's representative in Geneva Hussam al-Din Ala, said that states  sponsoring terrorism, occupying parts of the country and impose unilateral measures that rise to the level of crimes against humanity, have no political or moral legitimacy to submit resolutions about the human rights status in Syria, adding:

US imperial partner Britain, "the main sponsor of the (UNHRC) resolution…fabricat(ed) allegations and circulat(ed) political and media campaigns against the Syrian government (in support of the pro-Western) commission of Inquiry on Syria whose reports" falsely blame its ruling authorities for US-led aggression.

US pressure, bullying, threats and bribes got 27 of 47 UNHRC member states to support what demanded opposition.

"Russia, Armenia, Bolivia, China, Cuba and Venezuela resolutely denounced it, 14 countries abstained.

The Biden regime upped the stakes further in Syria by sending a convoy of around 80 trucks carrying weapons, humvee armored vehicles and supplies to the country's northeast.

Jihadists armed with Western weapons accompanied what was sent to continue endless US-led aggression on Syria and its people.

Much the same is ongoing in Afghanistan, Yemen, and intermittently in Iraq — part of endless US war on humanity.

VISIT MY WEBSITE: stephenlendman.org (Home - Stephen Lendman). Contact at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net.

My two Wall Street books are timely reading:

"How Wall Street Fleeces America: Privatized Banking, Government Collusion, and Class War"


"Banker Occupation: Waging Financial War on Humanity"

