Russia Bashing Security Council Session

Written by Subject: Russia

Russia Bashing Security Council Session

by Stephen Lendman (stephenlendman.org - Home - Stephen Lendman)

Annually at informal "Arria-formula" Security Council sessions, US-orchestrated fake news is featured about Russia and Crimea.

Following the Obama/Biden regime's 2014 coup in Ukraine — replacing democratic governance with pro-Western — Nazi infested — fascist tyranny, Crimeans overwhelmingly voted by referendum to rejoin Russia.       

They chose freedom over US-installed despotism in Kiev.

No annexation of the peninsula by Russia occurred.

Crimeans chose to return to their motherland, their UN Charter self-determination right.

March 18 marks the 7th anniversary of Crimean reunification with Russia. 

Putin earlier signed a decree, affirming the sentiment of the Crimean people.

Russian parliamentarians overwhelmingly approved it. So did its Constitutional Court.

A Kremlin document said reunification was "based on the free and voluntary expression of will by the peoples of Crimea at a nationwide referendum, held in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol on March 16, 2014, during which the people of Crimea made the decision to reunite with Russia."

In response to the Biden/Harris regime's Big Lie that won't die rubbish about Russian "annexation," refusing to recognize the Republic of Crimea and Federal City of Sevastopol as legitimate Russian territory, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov correctly said the following days earlier:

"(I)t is indeed impossible to recognize the annexation of Crimea." 

"No one says anything about the annexation of Crimea, as there was no annexation at all." 

"Crimea rejoined Russia, and it happened in strict compliance with all the international legal norms."

In late February, a statement in Biden's name said his regime "does not and will never recognize Russia's purported annexation of the peninsula (sic), and we will stand with Ukraine against Russia's aggressive acts (sic)."


The US, colonized Ukraine under pro-Western puppet rule, and Brussels refuse to recognize what the free world accepts.         

On March 12, the latest Security Council "Arria-formula" was held on Crimea.

Russia's deputy UN envoy Dmitry Polyanskiy debunked seven years of fake news claims about "violations of Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity (sic)."

Noting that "99% of speakers" at Friday's meeting pushed long ago discredited Big Lies and fake news about Crimea, he called the informal session a gathering of "fiction writers," adding:

They "compete in making-up the most thrilling story about horrors of life in Crimea." 

"(T)here is no requirement for such a story to have any relation to the situation on the ground."

On Friday, "the composition of this 'fiction club' changed, but one thing remains consistent."

Russophobic "briefers have no (knowledge about) today's Crimea and haven't visited the peninsula since its reunification with Russia."

Their remarks reflect talking points supplied Washington, Brussels, and puppet Kiev regime.

Participants in Friday's session refused to meet with Crimeans to hear from them what life is like as part of Russia.

Their reality debunks the US-orchestrated fake news narrative about the peninsula.


Polyanskiy: "It must be very uncomfortable to spread disinformation in front of those who can easily refute these allegations and deprive this gathering of the only added value for our Western and Ukrainian colleagues: to create (a phony) impression of Russia being isolated and condemned by most of the speakers." 

"You can achieve this only by having all speakers likeminded and streamlined alongside with well-known Western hostile approaches towards Russia."

Polyanskiy stressed that he wouldn't "waste time…rebuffing (phony) claims" made.

Instead, he noted that Russophobe organizers of the session ignored Moscow's request for a "balanced composition of briefers" to present their views for fair and balanced discussion.

Russia intends holding a follow-up SC session on March 17.

"Crimean Pedagogical and Engineering University (director) Mr. Yaqubov together with students and some invited guests will address claims and allegations about Crimea."

They'll present straight talk to counter pro-Western fake news doubletalk. 

Rubbish presented at Friday's session was "light years apart from truth and reality, Polyanskiy stressed.

Similar rubbish has been presented annually at informal SC sessions since 2014.

It's part of US-led Western war on Russia by other means.

Crimea was lost because of the Obama/Biden's 2014 coup, its installed dictatorship and crimes against humanity committed in the process and its aftermath.

Today's Ukraine is a US-installed fascist police state, a festering sore in Europe's heartland.

As for Crimea's status, the issue was closed when it rejoined Russia.

Exercising their self-determination right, Crimean chose to return to Russia where they belong.

They chose freedom over fascism. There's no going back.                     

VISIT MY WEBSITE: stephenlendman.org (Home - Stephen Lendman). Contact at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net.

My two Wall Street books are timely reading:

"How Wall Street Fleeces America: Privatized Banking, Government Collusion, and Class War"


"Banker Occupation: Waging Financial War on Humanity"


