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Reinventing Reality, a NYT Specialty

Written by Subject: United States

Reinventing Reality, a NYT Specialty

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

Like other establishment media, the NYT exclusively serves wealth, power, privilege and imperial interests over peace, equity, justice, the rule of law, and rights of ordinary people everywhere.

Providing press agent services for undemocratic Dems, it's editors invented their own reality, saying:

Dems "deserve a victory lap (for covid relief (sic)."

The measure is far short of what's needed at a time of unprecedented Main Street Depression conditions the Times ignores.

What it called a "giant aid package" — adopted by the House and Senate to be signed into law by Biden or his double — is heavy on benefits for special interests, light on what ordinary Americans badly need but aren't getting.

The $15 minimum wage and other provisions benefitting them were stripped from the measure.

Unemployed individuals and others adversely affected by made-in-the-USA Depression conditions whose income was at or greater than qualifying thresholds — based on  2019 earnings — are getting a meager one-time $1,400 stimulus check.

Millions enduring hard times since 2020 whose incomes exceeded the qualifying level are excluded from receiving it when most needed.

At a time when over 25% of working-age Americans are jobless, the measure includes no provisions for getting them back to work, nothing to stimulate vital economic growth.

Weekly unemployment insurance (UI) for unemployed US workers was not reinstated to last year's $600 level. 

Jobless Americans will get $300 weekly through September 6, a sub-poverty amount.

While something is better than nothing, the measure is far short of what's needed.

Instead of highlighting its inequities, Times editors defied reality, saying:

The bill "aim(s) at rescuing the nation from its pandemic slump (sic)…(an) impressive political win for Biden (sic)…(a) deal that largely follows the contours he proposed (sic)," adding:

"(T)his is a big win for the American public (sic.)"

"The legislation has the potential to cut poverty by a third and reduce child poverty by more than half (sic)."

It's "the most expansive and progressive legislative achievements in decades (sic)."

The above is will deception, pure rubbish, not reality for tens of millions of US households in need.

Amounts received won't cover expenses for food, shelter, medical care, heat in winter, and other essentials.

It'll maintain, perhaps increase poverty, not reduce it.

It's a bandaid approach to dealing with dire economic conditions instead of remedial efforts to stimulate growth by jobs creation.

What's most needed is being ignored.

Hold the victory lap. 

Times pretense leaves reality unchanged for millions of US households in need — while America's super-rich never had things better, benefitting hugely at the expense of exploited and otherwise abused ordinary people by the nation's ruling class.

Separately, the Times compounded its shame by calling Biden "a crusader for the poor (sic)."

Throughout his public life for nearly half a century, he trampled on the rights and welfare of ordinary people while serving privileged ones exclusively.

Now he's so cognitively impaired and out of touch with reality, he's likely unaware of what's in the stimulus measure he'll sign into law on Friday.

Increasingly uninvolved in affairs of state, a double impersonates him, delivering public addresses in his name.

Kamala Harris assumed his role in dealing with foreign leaders, likely taking on other White House functions as well.

On March 8, the Washington Post said she's "spoken independently of Biden to at least six world leaders."

It's at least seven after speaking with Norwegian prime minister Erna Solberg on her own this week.

She's likely heading toward assuming the role of the presidency full time because of Biden's deteriorated state.

Reporters are kept from asking him questions because of his inability to give knowledgeable, jumble-free answers.

Left unexplained is his illegitimate status — selected to replace Trump, not elected, an easily manipulated figurehead in his deteriorated state.

How long with the charade go on? What the Times and other establishment media know they suppress.

What the Times called "a crusader for Americans in poverty (sic)" called his war secretary and Pentagon "the guy who runs that outfit over there" this week, prefacing the remark by saying:

"And I want to thank the sec — the, the, ah former general. I keep calling him general, but my, my…"

He can't remember names of other cabinet members.

Yet in his name, the nation is at war by hot and other means against numerous countries.

At home, the greatest ever Main Street Depression will likely worsen ahead, not improve for suffering millions.

The public continues to be conned into self-inflicting harm from jabs for covid with experimental, high-risk, unapproved drugs.

The state of the nation for ordinary Americans is more dismal than any previous time in memory.

The Times and other establishment media pretend that relief is on the way that includes returning to normality is coming. 

They continue to invent their own false reality — far removed from the real thing.

Things are highly likely to worsen ahead, not improve, including further loss of fundamental freedoms.

Endless human pain and suffering continue unchecked because of media supported Big Lies and mass deception!

VISIT MY WEBSITE: (Home - Stephen Lendman). Contact at

My two Wall Street books are timely reading:

"How Wall Street Fleeces America: Privatized Banking, Government Collusion, and Class War"

"Banker Occupation: Waging Financial War on Humanity"