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Biden Prioritizes Confrontational Toughness on China

Written by Subject: China

Biden Prioritizes Confrontational Toughness on China

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

On all things related to nations from from US control, toughness is longstanding policy by both right wings of the imperial state.

Remarks by Biden and hardliners around him suggest little or no change in confrontational policies toward China.

Calling Beijing Washington's "most serious competitor," Biden added that his regime will "confront China's economic abuses (sic), counter its aggressive, coercive action (sic), (and) push back on China's attack on human rights, intellectual property, and global governance (sic)."

All of the above apply to how US-dominated Western countries, Israel, and their imperial partners operate in stark contrast to China's pursuit of peace, stability and cooperative relations with other nations.

On Tuesday at his Senate Finance Committee confirmation hearing, Biden's deputy Treasury Secretary nominee Wally Adeyemo stuck to regime talking points in bashing China with remarks like the following:

Calling the country the "top (US) strategic competitor, he added that "(w)here China is not willing to play on a level playing field (sic), it's important that we hold them accountable in the international system."

He called what appears to be continued US hostility toward Beijing, "demonstrat(ing) to the Chinese that they're isolated when they violate the rules (sic)."

Accusing its leadership of "unfair economic practices" is all about reacting to how the country is heading toward displacing the US as the world's leading economy.

Like most others in Washington, Adeyemo supports use of unlawful sanctions as a policy tool, saying:

They "must play a role in responding to authoritarian governments (sic) that seek to subvert our democratic institutions (sic); combating unfair economic practices in China and elsewhere (sic); and detecting and eliminating terrorist organizations that seek to do us harm (sic)."

The above remarks reflect how Washington repeatedly blames countries free from its control of its own rule of law breaches -- including support for terrorism it pretends to oppose.

Biden stacked his regime with hostile to China hardliners.

Blinken called the country Washington's "greatest strategic threat (sic)."

In relations with Beijing, Biden said he'll pursue "extreme competition."

He'll likely continue toughness his predecessor instituted.

A Pentagon China task force is reviewing US strategy toward the country.

Biden's war secretary Austin said he'll pursue "laser-like focus" to restrain Beijing from becoming dominant on the world stage politically, economically or militarily.

China expert Ely Ratner will head Biden's task force on the country.

Last year, he urged curtailment of its technological advances and South China Sea dominance.

He also called for partnering with other nations in confronting China on trade and human rights.

Biden's national security advisor Sullivan called for a "chorus of voices" with US imperial partners to confront China on the world stage.

Treasury Secretary Yellen vowed to "use the full array of (US) tools" against what she called "abusive" practices by China.

Commerce Secretary Raimondo slammed what she claimed are actions by Beijing that are "anticompetitive, hurtful to American workers and businesses, and coercive (sic)."

Biden's trade representative Tai will head his regime's anti-China trade war.

Biden's UN envoy Thomas-Greenfield pledged to counter Beijing's "authoritarian agenda (sic)."

Beijing's official People's Daily broadsheet slammed Washington's notion of "democracy, human rights and freedom," calling them US "social Darwinism", adding:

The US "US should stop preaching to China on human rights."

"China's human rights construction has brought tangible benefits to all Chinese people, while the US human rights view is more suitable to be used to brag about and as an ideological tool to launch attacks against others."

Based on public remarks by key Biden regime officials, confrontational toughness will define Washington's agenda toward China on his watch.

A Final Comment

According to investment firm Raymond James:

"Early staffing decisions (by Biden) indicate…a potentially longer than expected timeline to any adjustments in US tariff policy" on China and other nations, adding: 

"Incoming staff do not feel an urgent need to make near-term policy changes, including adjustment to tariffs, as the general sense is they have been less disruptive than originally feared."

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My two Wall Street books are timely reading:

"How Wall Street Fleeces America: Privatized Banking, Government Collusion, and Class War"

"Banker Occupation: Waging Financial War on Humanity"