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Threat of US War on China?

Written by Subject: China

Threat of US War on China?

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

Former US diplomat Chas Freeman accompanied Richard Nixon on his historic visit to China in 1972 that was all about enlisting its leadership to aid Washington's aim to contain Soviet Russia. 

Earlier Freeman said the following:

"When our descendants look back on the end of the 20th century and the beginning of this one, they will be puzzled." 

"The end of the Cold War relieved Americans of almost all international anxieties" — real or invented. 

As the world's sole remaining superpower, the US "did not rise to the occasion."

"We are engaged in a war, a global war on terror, a long war, we are told."

"How can a war with no defined ends beyond the avoidance of retreat ever reach a convenient stopping point?" 

"How can we win (any war, let alone the hearts and minds of millions) with an enemy so ill-understood that we must invent a nonexistent ideology" for justification.

Last year, Freeman accused the Trump regime of "trying to dismantle China's interdependence with the American economy, curb its role in global governance, counter its foreign investments, cripple its companies, block its technological advance, punish its many deviations from liberal ideology, contest its borders, map its defenses, and sustain the ability to penetrate those defenses at will," adding:

Trump recklessly "declared open season on China…unleash(ing) an undisciplined onslaught" — biting off more than he can chew, picking a fight he can't win. 

Days earlier, Freeman explained what he called "the growing peril of (US) war with China over Taiwan," adding:

"(T)he door (to peaceful relations with China) may be closing."

"The United States risks sleepwalking into a war with China it does not want and cannot now win." 

"Such a war would likely end US primacy in East Asia." 

"It certainly would poison prospects for great power cooperation on planet-wide problems."

Is the unthinkable possible over the Taiwan question that China considers part of its territory or for any other invented reasons by US hardliners from both wings of its war party?

A half century after Nixon agreed to a one-China policy between the mainland and Taiwan, it's now eroding.

Dominant US hardliners support Taiwan's independence from Beijing, its self-determination on the world stage — for use as a dagger against China's heartland, similar to how the US uses Ukraine against Russia.

Note the glaring hypocrisy. No similar sentiment exists in Washington for long-suffering Palestinians whose homeland for centuries was stolen by Israel with US/Western encouragement and support.

The same goes for other oppressed people, yearning to breathe free at last, denied the right they deserve.

Normalized Sino/US relations in 1972 and for many more years thereafter was built on a one-China foundation, promising Beijing that formal US relations with Taiwan would not take place.

That's no longer the case. High-level US officials routinely visit the island state for talks with its ruling authorities.

Large-scale US weapons sales are approved — all of the above angering Beijing.

Freeman: A "$250 million quasi (Washington) embassy (in Taipei is) guarded by US marines." 

"The United States has returned to Cold War-style championing of Taipei's diplomatic relations with third countries, punishing those that switch relations to Beijing." 

"There are reports that there are once again American military personnel in Taiwan teaching its armed forces how to conduct operations against the mainland." 

"Taiwan has reemerged as a major purchaser of US weaponry." 

"On November 12, 2020…Pompeo…trash(ed) the 'one-China' stipulation by declaring (inaccurately) that 'Taiwan has not been part of China.' " 

The Taiwan Relations Act (1979) "terminated (US) relations with the governing authorities on Taiwan."

Ignoring US law, the Trump regime established them illegally.

Freeman: This hostile action "ensure(s) that virtually no one on the China mainland believes a purely peaceful resolution is still feasible."

"It's been a long time since the danger of war over Taiwan has been as great as it is now."

By breaching its commitments to Beijing, the US "established a reputation in China for faithlessness that precludes anyone there trusting    (its) further commitments."

"All three parties – Beijing, Taipei, and Washington – are nearing the point at which we can no longer avoid very unwelcome choices." 

"Beijing now sees no credible prospect that the issue of Taiwan's relationship with the mainland can be resolved by peaceful means without at least some element of military coercion."

If occurs, will the US intervene militarily to aid the island state?

Will it risk unthinkable war with China neither side can win?

Freeman: "A shifting balance of power, stiff-necked nationalism in Beijing, delusions of immunity from harm in Taipei, and a strange mixture of bravado and inattention in Washington provide all the ingredients for a tragedy." 

"I see no easy answers for any of the participants to halt their march toward catastrophe."

Attacking China over the Taiwan issue or any others by the US would be madness.

Given US rage for unchallenged global dominance, nothing can be ruled out.


Freeman earlier served as Deputy Chief of Mission and Charge d'Affaires at US embassies in Bangkok (1984-1986) and Beijing (1981-1984). 

He was State Department Chinese Affairs director from 1979-1981. 

He was Nixon's main interpreter during his historic visit to China in 1972. 

He also served in the Middle East, Africa, East Asia, India and Europe.

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My two Wall Street books are timely reading:

"How Wall Street Fleeces America: Privatized Banking, Government Collusion, and Class War"

"Banker Occupation: Waging Financial War on Humanity"

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