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Biden/Harris to Continue Toughness on Invented US Enemies

Written by Subject: United States

Biden/Harris to Continue Toughness On Invented US Enemies

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

Dirty business as usual continuity is longstanding US policy.

Both right wings of the one-party state pursue what's hostile to peace, stability, equity, justice, and rule of law — what the scourge of imperialism is all about.

Biden/Harris intend no letup in US war by other means on Russia, China, Iran, and other nonthreatening nations on Washington's target list for regime change.

Over the weekend, incoming Biden/Harris national security advisor Jake Sullivan said Iran's legitimate ballistic program "has to be on the table" with regard to whether the incoming US regime will consider rejoining the JCPOA nuclear deal with Iran and other P5+1 countries.

Iranian ballistic missiles and other weapons are solely for self-defense — not aggression the way US-dominated NATO, Israel and their imperial partners operate.

Their ruling regimes want Iran weakened to be vulnerable to aggression if launched.

Sullivan also called for involving other nations besides the permanent Security Council members and Germany in JCPOA renegotiations.

Biden/Harris unacceptably want "limits" imposed on Iran's "ballistic missile technology," Sullivan added.

He lied claiming that Iran is "closer to nuclear weapons than it was a year ago" — knowing Tehran abhors these WMDs and wants them eliminated everywhere before them eliminate us.

Last month during a press conference, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said Iran's missile program is "non-negotiable," adding:

The incoming Biden/Harris regime is "well aware of" this policy.

Rouhani, Foreign Minister Zarif, and other Iranian officials stressed the JCPOA will not be renegotiated.

Years of talks preceded unanimous adoption by Security Council member states.

Iran's envoy to International Organizations in Vienna Kazem Gharibabadi denounced unacceptable demands by the incoming US regime, saying:

Washington has thousands of nuclear (and other terror weapons of mass destruction)…"

It "proliferated such weapons and the related know-how, used them against (other nations), and threatens others with the possible use of them." 

"Indeed, such a country is not even entitled to talk about non-proliferation concerns."

Despite unbending US hostility toward Iran because it's free from imperial control, Rouhani believes that Tehran's effectiveness in foiling Trump regime maximum pressure "will force (Biden/Harris) to succumb to the people and return to their commitments and break the sanctions."

Separately, Sullivan said Russia will pay a price for large-scale hacking of US agencies — knowing that no evidence corroborated the phony accusation.

Last month, Biden — or his frequently appearing in public double — said "rest assured that even if (Trump) does not take (the phony Russian hacking charge) seriously, I will."

Biden/Harris hostility toward Iran and Russia will likely be matched toward China, Venezuela, and other nations free from US imperial control.

Weeks earlier, China's Global Times said the following:

If the incoming Biden/Harris regime "wants to strengthen the US' rule on the world and unite allies against China by reinforcing foreign relations, especially ties with allies to consolidate the US hegemony, (it) will greatly deviate from international trends." 

"What they will be doing will simply be just a replica of (Trump's) America First ploy."

All incoming US regimes prioritize advancing the nation's imperium at the expense of world peace and cooperative relations with other countries.

Biden/Harris will surely continue that unacceptable agenda when replacing Trump on January 20. 

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My two Wall Street books are timely reading:

"How Wall Street Fleeces America: Privatized Banking, Government Collusion, and Class War"

"Banker Occupation: Waging Financial War on Humanity"