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Thousands in US Fall Ill from Covid Vaxxing

Written by Subject: United States

Thousands in US Fall Ill from Covid Vaxxing

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

Everyone valuing their health and well-being should refuse to be vaxxed with experimental, fast-tracked, inadequately tested, high-risk, Pfizer, Moderna, and likely soon available other covid vaccines.

They're all hazardous to human health and should be avoided to stay safe.

On December 14, mass-vaxxing for covid began in the US.

According to CDC data through December 18, over 3,100 vaxxed individuals in the US reported what the agency calls "health impact events."

It's defined as being "unable to perform normal daily activities, unable to work, (and) requir(ing) care from a doctor or healthcare professional."

For every reported "health impact event," how many more go unreported? 

Likely hundreds, maybe thousands.

All vaccines contain hazardous to human health toxins. Covid ones are especially high-risk.

Ahead of FDA emergency use authorization (EUA) for Pfizer and Moderna entries into the covid mass-vaxxing sweepstakes, health experts warned that large-scale trials, representing a cross-section of society, should proceed their widespread use.

Their advice was ignored to rush hazardous-to-human-health covid vaccines to market at warp speed — recklessly endangering public health.

According to CDC data as of December 18, over 3,000 healthcare staff fell ill enough from covid vaxxing to be unable to work.

A Chattanooga, TN nurse collapsed minutes after being vaxxed — live during a televised news conference.

She received Pfizer's experimental vaccine.

Establishment media are suppressing essential to know information on the high risk of being vaxxed for alleged protection from covid they won't get from Pfizer, Moderna or other vaccines to receive EUAs ahead.

The elderly, frail, young children, individuals with allergies, pregnant or nursing women, anyone in poor health, and everyone on a cocktail of other drugs especially should say NO to covid vaxxing because of its high risk.

Yet hundreds, maybe thousands, of pregnant women have already been vaxxed for covid — risking potential adverse health events to themselves and/or fetuses.

Britain's National Health Service recommended no covid vaxxing for pregnant women. A similar FDA warning wasn't issued.

Thousands of healthcare professionals in the US and abroad are warning against mass-vaxxing for covid because of the high risk to human health.

Hundreds of thousands of Americans were already vaxxed.

It's unknown how many experienced adverse health events because this information is largely unreported.

Big Government, Big Pharma, and their Big Media press agents want nothing interfering with a sure-fire bonanza of billions of dollars in sales and profits from mass-vaxxing   millions of people in the US and abroad.

After mass-vaxxing in the US began, the CDC warned individuals who've experienced a severe allergic reaction not to be inoculated against covid.

Unconscionably, it said that anyone with a history of anaphylaxis unrelated to vaccines "may still get va(xxed)."

Omitted from government, Pharma, and mass media reports is that vaxxing for covid or anything else is an unacceptable Russian roulette risk to individual and public health.

Adverse health events include the risk of developing heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and/or other major illnesses.

Shorter lifespans are risked.

On December 19, Liberty Illinois-based Advocate Condell Medical Center halted vaxxing for covid after four healthcare staffers suffered adverse reactions, a statement saying:

"Out of an abundance of caution, we are temporarily pausing vaccinations at Condell, which will allow us time to better understand what may have caused these reactions." 

"We have eight other vaccination locations in Illinois and three in Wisconsin and are continuing at those sites as planned with no disruption" — a dereliction of duty.

Other healthcare providers are reporting adverse health events.

While more of the same no doubt are coming, it's highly likely that the vast majority of incidents will either go unreported or be willfully suppressed.

Investigative journalist Jon Rappoport explained the following:

"The real pandemic is an outbreak of PCR testing." 

They don't work as falsely claimed, false positives occurring up to 90% of the time.

PCR testing is "meaningless" because of its inaccuracy, said Rappoport.

"The test spits out false positives like a fire hose, creating the impression of escalating COVID case numbers, which are used as the rationale for the lockdowns and the economic devastation."

"Without those fake numbers, the authorities have nothing."

Without worthless mass-testing, they'll be no more reported mass covid outbreaks, no mask-wearing, social distancing, and lockdowns.

Normalcy will return if state-sponsored mass deception ends.

It'll continue without mass-public-rejection of the made-in-the USA scam that caused the Greatest Depression, mass-unemployment, growing poverty, food insecurity, hunger, and homelessness, along with public despair and increasing inability to cope for countless million.

None of the above was natural. It's made-in-the-USA by diabolical dark forces so privileged interests can benefit at the expense of most others.

Instead of improving times ahead, things are likely to worsen because US dark forces planned it this way.

That's the dismal state of things in the US, West and elsewhere.

The lives and welfare of countless millions are threatened with no meaningful relief in prospect.

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My two Wall Street books are timely reading:

"How Wall Street Fleeces America: Privatized Banking, Government Collusion, and Class War"

"Banker Occupation: Waging Financial War on Humanity"