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Certain Outcome of US Election 2020

Written by Subject: United States

Certain Outcome of US Election 2020

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

No matter which right wing of the one-party state triumphs when so-called US elections are held, things remain largely the same.

Nothing mattering most to most people changes — nothing since New Deal, Fair Deal and Great Society programs became the law of the land.

Notably since the Clinton co-presidency, neoliberal harshness became written in stone Dem and GOP policy.

On all things domestic and geopolitical, peace, equity, justice, and rule of law governance eroded toward disappearing altogether.

For most of its people, the US is unsafe, unfair, and unfit to live in.

Never a democracy — a notion the founders and their successors scorned — today's America is increasingly totalitarian, Machiavellian, plutocratic, kleptocratic, and thirdworldized.

It's run for personal gain by the nation's ruling class, at the expense of ordinary people at home and abroad.

It resembles what's referred to a banana republic — a repressive society where a small percent of the population enjoys a disproportionate share of wealth and power.

Ordinary people are exploited, not served, persecuted for challenging authority.

Unemployment, underemployment, impoverishment, and loss of fundamental freedoms define how these societies are run.

Inside the bubble is paradise – outside dystopian hell. Growing millions of Americans struggle to get by while its privileged class never had things better.

A massive disconnect exists between high equity prices and Depression conditions for ordinary Americans.

The US resembles what Hannah Arendt described in her took titled "The Origins of Totalitarianism," a ruling class dictatorship based on the following:

"(1) an elaborate ideology;

(2) single mass party (duopoly rule);

(3) (state) terror (to enforce control);

(4) a technologically conditioned monopoly (over mass) communication;

(5) a monopoly of weapons; (and)

(6) a centrally controlled economy."

Whatever the outcome of election 2020, governance of, by, and for the nation's privileged class at the expense of ordinary people will continue unchanged.

So will wars by hot and other means on invented enemies — more of the former under Biden/Harris if chosen by US dark forces.

State terror will remain official US policy no matter the outcome. 

All independent nations unwilling to sacrifice their sovereign rights to a higher power in Washington will be targeted for regime change.

Dominant media will continue feeding the public an exclusive diet of managed new misinformation, disinformation, and junk food news — suppressing what vital for everyone to know.

Censorship may become even more the new normal than already.

The chasm between wealthy and powerful Americans and all others will continue to widen, the nation's middle class targeted for elimination altogether — rule-serf governance to replace it.

Nonbelievers will face increasingly harsh crackdowns — how all police states operate.

Wall Street and other dominant corporate interests will keep consolidating to greater size and control over how the nation is run — leadership in Washington serving their interests.

Election 2000's presidential winner may not be known for days or weeks.

Perhaps nine Supreme Court justices will have final say as in 2000 — one-third of the body appointed by Trump.

According to Wall Street on Parade's Pam and Russ Martens:

"The Fed appears to have put its finger on the scale for Donald Trump," saying:

Fed policy that's supposed "to remain fiercely independent from politics and politicians so that Americans can trust that it is setting monetary policy on behalf of the American people" is pure fantasy. 

"Jerome Powell, the current Fed Chairman, has failed miserably in that regard."

His actions show support for Trump, including having dined with him last year.

He also attended a Jeff Bezos party at his mansion. Ivanka Trump and husband Jared Kushner were among the invited guests. So was JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon.

Last week when the Dow traded below its 200-day moving average — a key indicator of where it's heading up or down — a Fed press release "gave an upbeat signal to the market…indicat(ing) (its) own version of a stimulus boost…"

The action erased most of the day's losses.

Trump or Biden triumphing on Tuesday may matter to Wall Street and other corporate interests.

It won't make a dime's worth of difference on Main Street. 

Governance serving privileged interests exclusively will continue unchanged.

So will hypocrisy, not democracy — tyranny increasingly the law of the land.

Fundamental freedoms will keep eroding until eliminated altogether — how all banana republics are run.

The nation I grew up in long ago is gone, dystopian police state rule replacing it.

Vladimir Putin earlier explained how things work in Washington, saying the following:

US presidents "come and go, but politics stays the same at all times. Do you know why," he asked?

"Because of the powerful (entrenched) bureaucracy," he stressed. "When a person is elected (US president), he may have some ideas." 

"Then people with briefcases arrive, well dressed, wearing dark suits, just like mine, except for the red tie, since they wear black or dark blue ones."

"These people start explaining how things are done. And instantly, everything changes. This is what happens with every" new US president.

Names and faces change. Governance continues like always. 

Presidents have very little wiggle room in the overall scheme of things.

They have a choice – go along to get along or risk impeachment or removal from office by more sinister means.

US elections are subterfuge, unrelated to the popular will.

That's the disturbing reality of today's America, a fantasy democracy from inception.

Ordinary Americans have no say over how the nation is governed.

Voting changes nothing. 

The only likely difference this time is possible public rage regardless of the outcome.

If Trump triumphs over Biden — what's clearly possible — dominant media will likely dog him relentlessly for four more years instead of featuring fair and balanced reporting.

For now, campaigning is over. The outcome awaits.

It's known in advance — the triumph of privileged interests over the general welfare, how all US elections turn out.

VISIT MY WEBSITE: (Home - Stephen Lendman). Contact at

My two Wall Street books are timely reading:

"How Wall Street Fleeces America: Privatized Banking, Government Collusion, and Class War"

"Banker Occupation: Waging Financial War on Humanity"