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US Election Eve 2020 Unlike Any Others in Modern Memory

Written by Subject: United States

US Election Eve 2020 Unlike Any Others in Modern Memory

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

There are plenty of domestic and geopolitical reasons to be critical of Trump's near four years in office.

Instead of focusing on legitimate ones, establishment media invented others in support of regressive, not progressive, Biden/Harris.

Since the Clinton co-presidency, Dems and Republicans chipped away at New Deal, Fair Deal, Great Society programs — allied in favor of neoliberal harshness replacing them.

That's the disturbing domestic state of today's America, along with police state crackdowns on nonbelievers.

Geopolitically, both right wings of the one-party state are allied in wanting elimination of independent governments.

Replacing them with subservient pro-Western regimes is prioritized.

Trump and Biden/Harris are agree on pursuing US imperial interests, yet differ in one key respect.

Dems favor hot wars along with color revolutions, coups and assassinations.

While Trump continued wars he inherited, he launched no new ones on his own — the only positive thing about his time in office, but an important one.

If Hillary defeated him in 2016, the risk of global war on Russia and perhaps China would have been ominously real.

If Biden/Harris prevail on Tuesday, will the same risk surface again? Maybe so.

Harris is a relative unknown geopolitically. Biden partnered in eight years of Obama regime aggression against invented enemies.

Historically, Dems have been more belligerent than Republicans.

Based on their records, the risk of further preemptive wars is much higher if Biden prevails over Trump.

On all things domestic and geopolitical, that issue tops others in importance — notably if there's risk of possible conflict with Russia, China or Iran.

Attacking any of these countries would risk global war. The possibility should terrify everyone.

Despite his bombast and bravado, Trump is unlikely to go this far — though it can never be ruled out based on hardliners in charge of his foreign policy.

Yet after firing John Bolton, Trump said he "has never seen a war he doesn't like," adding via Twitter: 

"I disagreed strongly with many of his suggestions" — likely referring to his rage for endless wars, new ones along with what's ongoing.

No matter how election 2020 turns out, ordinary Americans will lose.

But if four more Trump years are forthcoming, the world community will likely be spared greater US aggression than already. 

Perhaps as a lame duck president unconcerned about reelection, he'll pull US forces out of Afghanistan.

Maybe Iraq and Syria as well, but based on his record so far, odds disfavor all of the above moves.

Most establishment media are so hellbent for wanting his tenure ended, their hostile bashing is relentless.

On election eve, NYT editors accused the Trump White House and GOP overall of going all-out "to ensure that casting a ballot is as hard as it can be (by) anti-voter fraud" tactics and various dirty tricks, including "voter intimidation."

If Trump defeats Biden/Harris for a second term, establishment media rage is likely to echo worldwide for weeks or longer post-election.

Whatever the results on Tuesday, what happens if the losing candidate — Trump or Biden — refuses to concede is unknown.

Because of economic collapse, one-sided media support for Biden/Harris, likely public rage whoever wins, and all the rest, election 2020 is unlike any others in US history.

In September, militantly hostile to Trump WaPo editors claimed that a "second Trump term might injure the democratic experiment beyond recovery (sic)."

Ignored was that no "democratic experiment" exists to compromise.

Whichever right wing of the one-party state controls things, dirty business as usual doesn't miss a beat — other than differences between Trump and Dems explained above.

AP News falsely claimed that Biden/Harris "vow to unify and save the country" — for its privileged class alone left unexplained.

Reuters claimed Biden's "lead widen(ed) in rust belt" states.

USA Today: "Biden campaign to 'barnstorm Pennsylvania'; Trump vows to go 'in with our lawyers.' "

Philadelphia Inquirer: "Biden implores Philly voters to 'put an end to this presidency' as Trump signals plans to discredit votes."

In the battle for Pennsylvania, a key swing state, and national vote, Pittsburgh's Post Gazette endorsed Trump — its first GOP endorsement for president in half a century, saying:

"Isn't the real question whether he has been taking the country, and the economy of this region, in the right direction these last four years? Can we separate the man from the record?"

"He has put America first, just as he said he would."

He put interests of himself, his family, and cronies first at the expense of ordinary Americans he betrayed. 

The same goes for undemocratic Dems. Neither wing of the one-party state and their prominent candidates deserve support.

When the dust settles post-election — that may not be for weeks — governance of, by and for privileged interests alone will be served for the next four years like most often before.

That's an indisputable fact establishment media won't touch — never have, never will.

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My two Wall Street books are timely reading:

"How Wall Street Fleeces America: Privatized Banking, Government Collusion, and Class War"

"Banker Occupation: Waging Financial War on Humanity"