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Russian Deputy UN Envoy Slams Hostile Western Actions

Written by Subject: Russia

Russian Deputy UN Envoy Slams Hostile Western Actions

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

Dmitry Polyanskiy addressed the First Committee of the UN General Assembly on Monday.

His remarks featured straight talk like other Russian officials.

He justifiably slammed unacceptable "disinformation and demonization of Russia's actions at the global stage" by US-led Western countries — continuing of longstanding Russia bashing.

Time and again, the West "groundlessly accuse(s) Russia of all 'deadly sins' in the area of international security." 

"We are (wrongfully) blamed for breach of agreements in the field of arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation, non-compliance with the regime of non-proliferation of chemical weapons, aggressive ambitions with regard to enhancement of our military capacity."

"(T)hese accusations have one thing in common."

They're "anti-Russian slogans without any evidence behind them."

The US-dominated West's "parallel reality" falsely blames Russia for high crimes and other wrongdoing committed by these countries.

The pattern repeats with disturbing regularity. The same holds for other independent nations unwilling to bend to Washington's will.

US-led Western actions "provide a disguise for all their unconstructive and exceedingly dangerous steps."

"(R)eal facts are as follows:"

US regimes bear full responsibility for "erod(ing) the architecture of agreements in the area of arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation."

The US unilaterally and irresponsibly abandoned the ABM  and INF treaties, the JCPOA, Open Skies, and other international agreements.

It refused "to work on creating a WMD-free zone in the Middle East."

It failed to eliminate its chemical weapons arsenal. It maintains and uses deadly CWs, biological, radiological, and other banned weapons in all its preemptive wars on invented enemies.

Along with upgrading its nuclear stockpile, it asserts the unilateral right to use these weapons, including against non-nuclear states.

International treaties, conventions, and other agreements are obstacles to be discarded in pursuit of US aims for dominating other countries.

That's why its ruling regimes "undermine them."

"(A)ccusations…thrown onto us are nothing more than an attempted blame shifting. Anyone who bothers to turn to facts will easily make sure of that."

"Same story with the renewal of the New START." 

"We have been saying from the very beginning that we are ready to extend the treaty without any preconditions." 

"But the American side constantly 'ups the stakes' by either coming up with growingly absurd reasons not to do so or by putting forward clear ultimatums."

The US and colonized Western nations it controls wage war on Russia and other independent nations by other means — along with their hot wars on invented enemies.

Polyanskiy highlighted the OPCW's fall from grace, its credibility lost by surrendering to the will of a higher authority in Washington.

It operates as a "puppet in the hands of (Western interests) to punish the 'unwanted' and promote (US-led NATO) geopolitical interests."

It "engage(s) in violations, manipulations, and falsifications" — clear proof of its wrongdoing exposed by Russia and organization whistleblowers.

The Navalny novichok poisoning hoax is another example of Western duplicity.

No evidence supports its claims because none exists — Russia falsely blamed for a non-incident.

The OPCW is part of the falsified Russia bashing scheme.

Will colonized Western nations one day declare independence from US control?

Will their sovereign rights be prioritized over US interests?

Will they pursue cooperative relations with Russia, China, Iran, and other nations the US wants transformed into client states?

Will they prioritize world peace, stability, and observing rule of law principles over endless wars, other confrontations, and hostile relations toward nations not subservient to Western interests?

Or will the hugely dangerous status quo continue, risking global war with super-weapons able to destroy planet earth and all its life forms?

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My two Wall Street books are timely reading:

"How Wall Street Fleeces America: Privatized Banking, Government Collusion, and Class War"

"Banker Occupation: Waging Financial War on Humanity"