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Gratuitous NYT Trump Bashing, Calling Him "a Sick Old Man"

Written by Subject: United States

Gratuitous NYT Trump Bashing, Calling Him "a Sick Old Man"

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

The unacceptable remark implies that he's too ill for a second term — a dubious assessment unsupported by evidence.

A blitzkrieg of anti-Trump reports and commentaries by the Times is all-about providing press agent services for Biden — abandoning what journalism is supposed to be.

Fair and balanced truth-telling isn't what the Times does — or other establishment media — polar opposite their speciality on major domestic and geopolitical issues.

In response to Trump's doctor saying he's "improving," the Times continued to suggest he's too ill to serve.

On Saturday, the self-styled newspaper of record said the "antiviral drug regimen (he's) undergoing…indicated his condition might be more serious than had been publicly disclosed" — citing no evidence.

On Sunday, the Times said his "treatment suggests severe Covid-19." 

On the same day, it reported that while he "seeks to project strength (by leaving) his hospital bed to greet supporters" outside Walter Reed hospital, (his) surprise (was) risky."

It was clearly unconventional, intended to give the appearance of improving health.

He emerged publicly in a bulletproof, hermetically sealed vehicle.

His hospitalization continues, his doctors suggesting possible release Monday to continue recovering in the White House while quarantined.

A statement by his medical team on Sunday said he "continue(s) to improve."

White House physician Dr. Sean Conley said while showing signs of improvement, "there are frequent ups and downs over the course."

On Friday, Trump was hospitalized after a "rapid progression" of his illness, including a worrisome drop in his oxygen level.

While feverish at the White House, he received supplementary oxygen.

Dr. Brian Garibaldi, part of his medical team, said the following on Sunday:

"Our plan for today is to have him eat and drink, be up out of bed as much as possible, to be mobile," adding: 

"If he continues to look and feel as well as he does today, our hope is that we can plan a discharge as earlier as (Monday) to the White House where he can continue his treatment course."

It's unclear when he tested positive for Covid disease, how high his temperature went before dropping, and precisely what treatment regimen he's on.

Why is he being treated with toxic experimental drugs when an effective protocol for Covid illness is known — if reports of drugs he's taking are true?

On Sunday, his national security advisor Robert O'Brien said no temporary transfer of power to Pence is "on the table."

According to White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, Trump exhibited worrisome signs on Friday, but his condition improved.

Recovering from most illnesses at his age takes time.

Pushing the envelope too much, too fast, could cause relapse, perhaps with worse vital signs than diagnosed on Friday or earlier last week.

Polls show Trump trailing Biden with less than a month before November elections.

According to Real Clear Politics, three polls conducted from September 30 - October 1 — after the Trump v. Biden round one "debate," and before word spread of DJT's illness — showed the following results:

A WSJ/NBC poll showed Biden ahead by 14 points.

An IBD/TIPP polls has Biden up by 3 points.

A poll conducted for The Hill has the spread between them at 7 points, favoring the former vice president.

Will Trump's Covid disease change things in upcoming polls?

Will he gain sympathy support. or will his illness fail to affect public sentiment?

The average of all polls monitored by Real Clear Politics from September 20 through October 1 has Biden ahead by an average of 8.1 points.

His lead, including in a number of key battleground states, may be too great for Trump to overcome.

At the same time, a few weeks can be a lifetime in politics.

Much can happen from now to November 3, including another possible October surprise.

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My two Wall Street books are timely reading:

"How Wall Street Fleeces America: Privatized Banking, Government Collusion, and Class War"

"Banker Occupation: Waging Financial War on Humanity"