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Predictable Media Response to Dubious Novichok Poisoning of Alexey Navalny

Written by Subject: Russia

Predictable Media Response to Dubious Novichok Poisoning of Alexey Navalny

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

Russophobic establishment media never miss a chance to bash Russia for things no evidence suggests it had anything to do with.

German claims about Navalny's poisoning by a novichok nerve agent are dubious at best, Russophobic fake news at worst, what's highly likely.

The most deadly of all known toxins kills in minutes from exposure.

Hospitalized alive in Germany two weeks after falling ill, whatever happened to Navalny wasn't from novichok poisoning.

Establishment media are all over the issue, jumping on a phony pretext to bash Russia unjustifiably. 

The NYT falsely called Navalny a "threat…never (to be) publicly mentioned (by the) Kremlin" — because he poses none, the Times should have reported but reinvented reality to falsely claim otherwise.

Separately, the Times defied reality, debunking a credible diagnosis by Russian doctors, saying a metabolic disorder caused his illness, falsely claiming he "was certainly not suffering from low blood sugar (sic)," adding:

He was "poisoned with a military-grade nerve agent from the Novichok family (sic)…that was used at least once before in recent years in an attack on a Kremlin enemy (sic)."

Alleged Russian poisoning of Sergey and Yulia Skripal in 2018 by a novichok nerve agent was long ago exposed as fake news.

What caused their reported illnesses and Navalny's was unrelated to novichok exposure.

On Wednesday, Trump regime Deputy Secretary of State Stephen Biegun said the White House is discussing action against Russia in cahoots with Germany and other Western imperial partners.

Like countless times before, the NYT falsely accused Moscow of "act(ing) concertedly to undermine American and European institutions and violate international norms (sic)" — a US, NATO, Israeli specialty, not how Russia operates.

CIA-connected Washington Post editors falsely said "Putin thinks he can get away with poisoning his adversaries (sic)," adding:

"Once again, (he) has been caught attempting to murder a leading opponent using a weapon banned by international treaty (sic)."

Instead of reporting truth and full disclosure on this and other issues, WaPo features managed news misinformation and disinformation time and again.

The same goes for virtually all establishment media, mouthpieces for wealth and power interests, notably supporting Washington's imperial wars on humanity by hot and other means.

Wall Street Journal editors reported same fake news, quoting Navalny associate Leonid Volkov saying:

"(P)oisoning (him) with novichok  is exactly the same as leaving an autograph at the crime scene" — ignoring no Kremlin motive to want him harmed.

Angela Merkel was quoted, saying Navalny was "meant to be silenced" — suggesting Russian responsibility for what no evidence suggests it had anything to do with.

Journal editors falsely claimed that "(o)pponents of the Kremlin have a way of ending up poisoned (sic)."

Accusations without proof beyond a reasonable doubt are baseless.

None exist that suggest Russian Federation poisoning or otherwise harming critics — a CIA, Israeli Mossad specialty the Journal and other establishment media consistently ignore.

Some other Russophobic headlines were as follows:

Reuters: "Putin critic Navalny was poisoned with novichok nerve agent, Merkel says (sic)."

AP News: "German government says test showed nerve agent novichok in samples from Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny (sic)."

Fox News: "Putin critic Alexei Navalny poisoned by nerve agent novichok, Germany says (sic)."

CNN: "Trump silent as world leaders call for answers from Putin on Navalny poisoning (sic)"

National Pentagon Radio (NPR): "Alexei Navalny Was Poisoned With Novichok Nerve Agent 'To Silence Him,' Merkel Says (sic)"

UK owned and controlled BBC: "Navalny 'novichok poisoning' a test for the West (sic)"

London Guardian: "Using novichok against Navalny is a Russian message of menace (sic)," adding:

"World leaders can be in little doubt: the evidence leads directly to Moscow and Putin (sic)."

Qatar owned and controlled Al Jazeera: "Nerve agent novichok found in Russia's Alexey Navalny: Germany (sic)"

Separately, a statement by US National Security Council spokesman John Ullyot said (alleged poisoning of Navalny) is completely reprehensible (sic)," adding: 

The Trump regime "will work with allies and the international community to hold those in Russia accountable (sic)" — despite no evidence suggesting Kremlin responsibility for what happened to Navalny.

A White House comment said it's "deeply troubled (sic)" by Navalny's condition.

Britain's Boris Johnson tweeted:

"It's outrageous that a chemical weapon was used against Alexey Navalny (sic)," adding: 

"We have seen first-hand the deadly consequences of novichok in the UK (sic)." 

"The Russian government must now explain what happened to Mr Navalny (sic)."

"We will work with international partners to ensure justice is done (sic)." 

European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen denounced what she called a "despicable and cowardly" act (sic).

Putin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said "we are ready and have an interest in full cooperation and exchange of data on this topic with Germany," adding:

"Before (Navalny) was taken to Berlin, a whole set of tests were carried out in our country in accordance with all international standards. No poisonous substances were detected."

A Final Comment

In November 2017, the Arms Control Association (ACA) reported that "Russia finished destroying its chemical weapons arsenal, once the largest in the world at nearly 40,000 metric tons, and criticized the United States for its delays in doing likewise."

The 1993 Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) mandated the elimination of CW stockpiles everywhere by 2007 —  extensions granted to some countries, "most recently to 2020," the ACA reported.

The US maintains large stockpiles of chemical, biological and other banned weapons in flagrant breach of the CWC, Israel guilty of the same high crime.

In September 2017, OPCW deputy director general Hamid Ali Rao called Russia's total elimination of its CW stockpile "a momentous occasion…a historic milestone."

In stark contrast, the US, Israel, and their imperial partners are serial lawbreakers, operating by their own rules exclusively.

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My two Wall Street books are timely reading:

"How Wall Street Fleeces America: Privatized Banking, Government Collusion, and Class War"

"Banker Occupation: Waging Financial War on Humanity"