Netanyahu's Annexation Scheme: Legitimizing Prohibited Apartheid Rule

Written by Subject: Israel - Palestine

Netanyahu's Annexation Scheme: Legitimizing Prohibited Apartheid Rule

by Stephen Lendman (stephenlendman.org - Home - Stephen Lendman)

From its 1947-48 war of aggression on historic Palestine, Israel was and remains a belligerent state, an apartheid state, undemocratic from inception.

Historic Palestine is illegally occupied territory by Israel. 

A virtual state of undeclared war exists between Israel's ruling class and the Palestinian people, including 1.9 million Arab citizens, millions of internal and external refugees, and others.

On or about July 1, the Netanyahu regime will begin implementing its annexation of historic Palestinian land, the latest version of its illegal land grab.

On Sunday, the London Guardian reported that Israel's cabinet is meeting to finalize annexation plans.

If agreement is reached on what Netanyahu seeks, it'll include incorporation of illegal settlements and outposts, along with the Jordan Valley into Israeli territory — about 30% of the West Bank.

According to the Times of Israel, annexation will be incremental, starting with "two or three settlement blocs."

Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi was quoted, saying initial territory annexed "will not include the Jordan Valley."

Israel's Channel 12 and other television news reported that phase one territory annexed will include one major settlement bloc and one or more relatively "isolated" one(s) in the West Bank, adding:

A "second phase" will likely include all other settlements and the Jordan Valley at a time to be announced later.

According to a Channel 12 report, members of Netanyahu's security cabinet are divided on how to proceed.

Reportedly IDF chief General Aviv Kohavi and military intelligence head Tamir Hayman warned that annexation could spark violent unrest in the West Bank, putting Israeli lives at risk.

Disagreeing with this assessment, Mossad chief Yossi Cohen was quoted, saying:

"I don't accept the claim that annexation will necessarily lead to violent responses."

Shin Bet head Nadav Argaman said he believes they'll be a strong Palestinian response — short of "breaking the rules of the game (sic)."

What's unclear is whether Netanyahu will begin implementing annexation ahead of formal Trump regime approval.

Days earlier, Trump advisor Kellyanne Conway said he'll soon make a "big announcement" on West Bank annexation, adding:

"There are conversations being had" on this issue in the White House.

Claiming DJT "seeks to bring peace to the Middle East" is belied by endless regional wars he's pursued throughout his time in office.

Moving the US embassy to Jerusalem and his no-peace/deal of the century/peace plan alone made him an enemy of the Palestinian people — along with more one-sidedly supporting Israeli interests exclusively over fundamental Palestinian rights than any of his predecessors.

Most likely this week, Trump will endorse annexation gradualism, along with maintaining the pretense of US support for a two-state solution.

What was possible long ago was never likely in any viable form because the US and Israel reject it — just the illusion of statehood on isolated cantons, surrounded by hostile settlements, self-determination the way it should be denied Palestinians earlier and now.

Hamas warned that annexation will amount to a "declaration of war."

Last week, Britain, France and Germany said "(a)nnexation  would have consequences for our close relationship with Israel and would not be recognized by us."

A statement signed by about 1,000 European parliamentarians said "acquisition of territory by force…must have commensurate consequences," calling on European leaders to "act decisively" in opposing the scheme.

A statement by nearly 50 UN experts said "(t)he international community has prohibited annexation precisely because it incites wars, economic devastation, political instability, systematic human rights abuses and widespread human suffering," adding:

If annexation occurs, a West Bank "Palestinian bantusatan" would be left, consisting of "disconnected land completely surrounded by Israel and with no territorial connection to the outside world."

"This is a vision of a 21st-century apartheid."

Last week ABC News reported that discussions between White House and Israeli officials were ongoing "to formulate a proposal" in line with Trump's (dead before arrival) deal of the century/no-peace/peace plan.

Special rapporteur for human rights in Occupied Palestine Michael Lynk minced no words, saying:

"International law is very clear. Annexation and territorial conquest are forbidden by the Charter of the United Nations."

The West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem are illegally occupied territory under international law.

Israeli settlements and planned annexation are illegal.

Not according to Pompeo, defying the UN Charter and other international law, saying last week:

"Decisions about Israelis extending sovereignty to those places are decisions for the Israelis to make (sic)."

According to him, international law is null and void when conflicting with US and Israeli interests.

Fundamental Palestinian rights don't matter. The rule of how is how the US interprets it — serving its own interests and its allies, clearly at the expense of world peace, equity, and justice, notions Pompeo and other US hardliners reject.

The bottom line on annexation is that it'll formalize what already has existed since 1948 on 78% of historic Palestine, all of its land since June 1967.

Palestinians already are isolated on disconnected cantons — with no leadership serving their interests.

Their only option applies to all exploited people — sustained nonviolent resistance for fundamental rights inscribed in the UN Charter and other international law.

It's their only chance for eventual liberation that remains unattainable any other way.

The unacceptable alternative is living under formalized Israeli apartheid in perpetuity.

Adopted in 1974, the UN Apartheid Convention banned the practice, calling a "a crime against humanity."

VISIT MY WEBSITE: stephenlendman.org (Home - Stephen Lendman). Contact at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net.

My two Wall Street books are timely reading:

"How Wall Street Fleeces America: Privatized Banking, Government Collusion, and Class War"


"Banker Occupation: Waging Financial War on Humanity"

