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Warm Weather No Likely Antidote to COVID-19

Written by Subject: Healthcare

Warm Weather No Likely Antidote to COVID-19

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

Common colds occur most often in cold weather, though can happen any time of year anywhere.

Symptoms are similar to COVID-19. The latter can be much more serious. Both are contagious, the coronavirus much more so.

Common colds usually last a few days and end. No cures exist. They're caused by one of countless viruses that produce respiratory symptoms, rhinovirus the most common.

The common cold is the world's leading illness, resulting in more healthcare provider visits and absences from work, school, or other activities than any others each year.

Like COVID-19, common colds are contagious. Colds and the flu/influenza are separate illnesses, the latter more serious. 

Both illnesses are spread by inhaling aerialized droplets from coughing, sneezing, speaking or breathing, along with touching an infected surface.

Everyone is at risk of a common cold, and most people have them at various times, a minor short-term annoyance, children more vulnerable than adults.

Occasionally a common cold can cause a secondary eye, ear, or other infection, but not often.

Flu is another story, especially for elderly, anyone with a weak immune system, or complications from other health issues.

It can cause pneumonia and in some cases death. When in doubt at times of illness, see a doctor for professional help.

According to Harvard School of Public Health scientists, COVID-19 may not vanish in warm weather.

Epidemiologist Marc Lipsitch said "not enough of a seasonal fluctuation…exists (for COVID-19) to go away in the summer in the absence of intervention."

It's also unknown how much immunity results from recovery after infection.

China and South Korea reported numbers of reinfections among recovered patients.

According to Science magazine, ending COVID-19 lockdowns "will be a dangerous process of trial and error," suggesting no end to what's going on any time soon.

Nearly all world countries have been affected to some degree or a greater extent.

Bending the curve and slowing transmissions aren't enough to declare victory.

Lipsitch believes it's "unclear how we will get to the shore."

According to epidemiologist Caroline Buckee, "(h)ow to relax the lockdown is not something around which there is a scientific consensus." 

She sees a long haul ahead to get over the hump and stay there. So does infectious disease researcher Megan Coffee, saying progressing will have to be by "tak(ing) baby steps."

US testing and contact tracing lag way behind China, South Korea, and other countries.

Germany's National Academy of Sciences proposed reopening schools gradually, beginning with youngest children, staggering breaks, and making face masks mandatory for everyone.

When social distancing is eased, reimposing it will likely follow if increased outbreaks occur.

Professor of Global Health Ashish Jha called for business and public health interests to work cooperatively in navigating through current troubled waters, including more all-out efforts to test, control, and treat outbreaks when occur.

Developing a cure for COVID-19 and other coronavirus strains, other than toxic vaccines that can do much more harm than good, would be ideal.

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