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Certificate of Occupancy - Origination Project

Written by Subject: Property Rights

Sent from a Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock Radio Show Listener

Friday January 17th, 2020:


Listening to you with Ileana.  I wanted to forward this to again in case you missed it on CO's.

I am happy to call in and talk about this a bit with you two if you like...

Please see hptps://

Wednesday December 18th, 2019:

Am super busy but threw and hour at this project for you per your request in the show with Bob yesterday…

Here is a good starting point for you Ernie…

25 pages from 1978, Loyala law, Legal precedence listed.

*I summarize for you with quotes below. Then you can choose to read in entirety if you like.


Inspecting the Castle: The Constitutionality of Municipal Housing Code Enforcement at Point of Sale

Kathleen L. Barber

"…In 1964,housing codes became a statutory condition for receiving federal subsidies for housing assistance." The adoption of housing codes proceeded apace under this stimulus; by 1968 most cities over 50,000population and half of the cities under 50,000 population had adopted housing codes.'…"

"…In the early 1970's, communities began to require that an inspection of property be made at the point of sale, and that an inspection certificate or certificate of compliance be provided by the seller to the buyer. Disclosure of code violations would presumably influence the sale price, and the money would be available to make corrections, which are mandatory within a specified period of time. Such ordinances were passed in 1973 by Pasadena, California3' and Cincinnati, Ohio,31 in 1974 by Charlottesville, Virginia, 3 and in 1976 by Shaker Heights, Ohio…"

"…The Pasadena Ordinance was challenged on constitutional grounds in Currier v. City of Pasadena.4" The trial court found that the warrantless search of residences mandated by the city's inspection ordinance violated both the fourth amendment of the United States Constitution7 and article one, section thirteen of the California Constitution. On appeal, the California Appellate Court re-versed the trial court's decision and upheld the ordinance. …"

Slippery Slope Starts with "business premises":

''… The constitutionality of point of sale code enforcement is also strengthened by the Supreme Court's opinion in See. The See Court found that business premises could reasonably be inspected "in many more situations than private homes.'' 32 Thus, a business which is already regulated by a licensing process might be subjected to warrantless inspections.3 3 The Court explicitly refused to question "such accepted regulatory techniques as licensing programs which require inspections prior to operating a business or marketing a product.'' 34 Thus, under See, when a business operator takes out a license, he or she theoretically agrees to whatever inspections maybe necessary to assure compliance with the conditions of the license. .."

"… The sale of a home is not necessarily analogous to marketing a product, but it is a transaction which occurs in a commercial set-ting. Inspections at point of sale intrude upon the sanctity of the home at a time when the owners have already opened up the house to the public for the purpose of completing a sale. Of course, the  

owners have not, as have licensed businesses, completely opened up their home by merely putting it into a commercial milieu. However under the rationale of See, they have at least significantly diminished their privacy expectations under the Constitution. It seems clear, therefore, that an inspection at point of sale policy is not inherently unconstitutional, though the program still must conform to the strictures of the fourth amendment. Inspection can-not be made absent a valid consent, or the issuance of a proper warrant…"

Ok,,, from that last quote read remainder of the doc through the conclusion (last 3 pages). Then you can decide if you want to read the entire document. I do recommend you do that when you have time..

That should get you started. Based on those precedences listed, we get the rise of this.

You also really need to look at the Council on Foundations when you have time as well.

This is the building of the parallel regional/local governance structure that is being established to control/replace local elected government with these globalist backed tax exempt orgs.