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NYT Anti-Trump Jihad

Written by Subject: MEDIA (MainStreamMedia - aka MSM)

NYT Anti-Trump Jihad

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

Time and again, the self-styled newspaper of record exposes itself as a lying machine for diabolical interests — using the power of the press as a weapon against journalism the way it should be.

The Times is to truth-telling journalism what war is to peace, what equity is to injustice, what the rule of law is to flagrant breaches – what yellow journalism is to the real thing.

Throughout his campaign and since taking office, the Times waged editorial war on Trump, largely for the wrong reasons, ignoring the most important right ones.

The broadsheet remains defiant — unforgiving about his triumphing over media darling Hillary, a figure I called the most ruthlessly dangerous presidential aspirant in US history.

The Times (and most other establishment media) either want Trump removed from office by impeachment or weakened by scurrilous accusations and defeated in November 2020.

Russiagate failed. Ukrainegate is Act 2, both scams built on a foundation of managed news misinformation, disinformation, Big Lies, and fake news.

Since blazing Ukrainegate headlines surfaced in mid-September, the Times initiated another all-out anti-Trump jihad — based on spurious material no responsible editors would touch.

Its latest edition features a tsunami as follow:

"Trump Was Repeatedly Warned That Ukraine Conspiracy Theory Was 'Completely Debunked' " — relating to a real Dem/CIA plot against him.

"Biden Campaign Urges TV Networks to Stop Booking Giuliani" — Trump's lawyer and confidante.

TV networks should ban all politicians and bureaucrats who come on air to lie and deceive — notably Joe Biden

"House (Dems) Start Selling Impeachment Inquiry Back Home. Carefully."

The aim of undemocratic Dems isn't removing him from office, requiring a Senate two-thirds super-majority. The scheme is all about aiming for a political advantage in November presidential and congressional election.

So ill-conceived, it'll most likely backfire, benefitting Trump instead.

"Pelosi Pushes for Simple Message on Impeachment as Inquiry Barrels Ahead" — heading for dead end failure most likely, giving Trump's team plenty of ammunition to counter the deception.

"What's the matter with Republicans" — urging GOP Trump loyalists to turn on him.

"Republicans, the Time Has Come," featuring a litany of anti-Trump venom — ignoring his high crimes of war, against humanity, and other wrongdoing, benefitting powerful interests at the expense of ordinary people everywhere.

"Impeach the Malignant Fraudster" — an over-the-top hit piece that's unfit to print, calling on Republicans to "redeem themselves" by allying with anti-Trump undemocratic Dems, their politicized scam all about seeking an edge next year they blew with Russiagate, again with Ukrainegate.

All of the above rubbish is in a single issue, much more this month preceding it, no doubt an unrelenting tide of mass deception to come, an exercise in shooting itself in the foot.

Since September 23, Times editors waged blitzkrieg war on Trump, headlining the following:

"Mr. Trump, Blow Us Away With Your Transparency"

"Congress Steps Up, Trump Blinks"

"Nancy Pelosi Is Sending a Message"

"Why The Times Editorial Board Supports an Impeachment Inquiry" — this broadside by editorial page editor James Bennet

"Note to the Impeachment Investigators: Trump Rarely Acts Alone"

All the above editorials featured anti-Trump mass deception. Two other anti-DJT editorials were published in the past week on different issues. 

When the dust settles in the weeks and months ahead, Trump will likely benefit at the expense of undemocratic Dems — Ukrainegate failing like Russiagate.

Both scams are two of the most disgraceful political episodes in US history, the second one just beginning — given life because establishment media support what demands condemnation, further disgracing themselves.

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."