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Hollow Abbas Suspension of Agreements with Israel

Written by Subject: Israel - Palestine

Hollow Abbas Suspension of Agreements with Israel

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

In 2005, Mahmoud Abbas was anointed by Israel to serve its interests.

Installed by a rigged election with no legitimacy, his term expired in 2009 but it didn't matter. 

Israeli hardliners kept him in power where he remains as long as staying submissive to their will, meaningless rhetoric not an issue.

For over 14 years, he served as Jewish state enforcer in the Occupied Territories, betraying the Palestinian people. More convenient stooge than statesman, he's Israel's puppet.

He long ago abandoned Palestine's liberating struggle, collaborating with the enemy for benefits afforded him and his family.

Betrayal pays well. Middle East expert As'ad AbuKhalil earlier estimated his super-wealth, saying he amassed around $1 million monthly, largely from stolen Palestinian money and other embezzled funds, adding:

His wealth is stashed abroad in Jordanian and other accounts — "not under any national or international scrutiny."

Unnamed PA sources earlier said he has extensive property holdings. His sons Tarek and Yasser also profited hugely from PA projects.

A former Abbas aide called him the "sultan of Ramallah," describing him as thin-skinned and vengeful, tolerating no opposition.

He's in power unchallenged because Israel and the US wants him heading the PA, largely serving their interests by enforcing harshness on the Palestinian people.

Since Hamas was elected Palestine's legitimate ruling authority in January 2006, Abbas collaborated with Israel against its leadership, part of the Jewish state's divide and conquer strategy.

In 1993, he was part of the Palestinian team in Oslo, negotiating the Versailles accord, his signature on the capitulation.

The late Edward Said minced no words calling it unilateral surrender, Palestinians getting nothing in return but hollow Israeli promises, abandoned before the ink was dry.

Throughout Abbas' tenure as puppet president, Israel expanded settlements on stolen Palestinian land unobstructed by him or his cronies, handsomely bribed to capitulate to their interests.

Collaborating with the enemy is treason, how Abbas operated since Oslo and throughout his time as PA head.

He hasn't gone along with what he knows about Trump's no-peace/peace plan "deal of the century" for good reason.

A third intifada might erupt if he capitulated to what no responsible leadership should touch, possibly making him a marked man by Palestinians for elimination, maybe killed for betrayal.

Time and again in response to unacceptable Israeli actions against long-suffering Palestinians, Abbas threatened to suspend cooperation with the Jewish state, never following through with commitment, his rhetoric amounting to hollow deception.

His latest threat came in response to Israel's unlawful demolition of 70 Wadi al-Hummus homes in Sur Baher township, a Palestinian neighborhood on the southeastern outskirts of East Jerusalem.

Israel claimed they were too close to its separation wall, what the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruled illegal in 2004 — a land theft scheme unrelated to security issues.

Israel wants the entire city Judaized for exclusive Jewish development and use, Palestinians ethnically cleansed from land they legally own.

Most Sur Baher Palestinian structures destroyed were in West Bank Areas A and B, under Palestinian jurisdiction, according to Oslo.

It didn't matter and never does. Nothing stands in the way of Israeli pursuit of its agenda at the expense of fundamental Palestinian rights and the rule of law.

Abbas' latest "suspension" threat takes effect on July 26, saying "(w)e will not succumb to the dictates and the imposing of a fait accompli on the ground with brute force, specifically in Jerusalem. All that the (Israeli) occupation state is doing is illegal," adding:

"Our hands have been and are still extended to a just, comprehensive and lasting peace. But this does not mean that we accept the status quo or surrender to the measures of the occupation."

"We will not surrender and we will not coexist with the occupation, nor will we accept the 'deal of the century.' " 

"Palestine and Jerusalem are not for sale or bargain. They are not a real estate deal in a real estate company…no matter how much time it takes, the repugnant occupation is going to be defeated and our future state will be independent."

In 2017, the PA suspended diplomatic relations with the US over Trump's one-sided support for Israel, including his no-peace "deal of the century" peace plan — a symbolic gesture, achieving nothing positive for the Palestinian people.

Abbas and his cronies capitulated to occupation harshness for over 25 years ago, permitting hundreds of thousands of settlers to control Palestinian land illegally — Israel ignoring Fourth Geneva's Article 49, the PA leadership doing nothing to contest its unlawful actions.

The Fourth Geneva provision prohibits "(i)ndividuals or mass forcible transfers, as well as deportations of protected persons from occupied territory to the territory of the Occupying Power or to that of any other country, occupied or not…regardless of their motive."

"The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies."

It's what Israel has done since 1967 — unobstructed by the world community and UN authorities — nor by PA leadership since Oslo (1993) and follow-up agreements.

Ignoring his longstanding collaboration with Israel against Hamas, undermining Palestinian unity against repressive occupation, land theft, and other Jewish state high crimes against long-suffering Palestinians, including three Israeli wars of aggression against Gaza since December 2008, Abbas falsely said:

"My hand is extended (to Hamas) for reconciliation, and it is time to get more serious."

Political analyst Dawoud Yousef downplayed Abbas' threatened suspension of ties to Israel, saying:

"(T)he PA is completely powerless to make these kind of dictates. They exist because the occupation allows it," adding:

"From the Oslo Accords onwards, the PA has been designed and structured to be dependent on cooperation with Israel." 

It's a powerless, Israeli created body to serve its interests. Earlier PA threats to cut cooperation with Israel were "never complete and only meant the ending of high level communications, not day to day interactions between security forces," Yousef explained, adding:

"(T)hese threats demonstrate to an acute degree the complete emptiness of the PA's diplomatic strategy within the current Post-Oslo paradigm." 

"The asymmetry of power wasn't offset by the PA's establishment. It was officially entrenched. (Its threats are) as if the prisoner says that he no longer recognizes his cell."

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