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Putin and Trump Talk, Nothing Changes

Written by Subject: Russia

Putin and Trump Talk, Nothing Changes

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

Both leaders reportedly spoke for around 90 minutes on Friday, "at the initiative of the American side," according to the president of Russia's web site, explaining:

Discussion focused on the "current (dismal) state and prospects of bilateral relations," including for "economic cooperation," adding:

"The two presidents spoke in favor of developing mutually beneficial trade and investment relations. They affirmed their shared commitment to step up dialogue in various areas, including on issues of strategic stability."

The situation on the Korean peninsula, Ukraine, and Venezuela was discussed, likely endless war in Syria as well — though the latter issue wasn't mentioned.

Putin urged concrete steps toward "long-term normalization on the Korean Peninsula…tak(ing) real steps to implement the Minsk Agreements (to end conflict in Ukraine)," and the Trump regime's plot to topple Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and eliminate the country's social democracy.

Russia's president "underscored that only the Venezuelans themselves have the right to determine the future of their country, whereas outside interference in the country's internal affairs and attempts to change the government in Caracas by force undermine prospects for a political settlement of the crisis."

According to White House press secretary Sarah Sanders, both leaders also discussed the Mueller report and its implications. In addition, "(t)hey discussed a nuclear agreement, both new and extended, and the possibility of having conversations with China on that as well." More on this below.

Friday's Putin/Trump discussion was the first contact between both leaders since the November 30/December 1, 2018 G20 summit in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Heightened tensions define Russo/US relations, the world's dominant nuclear powers, risking confrontation by accident or design. 

Irreconcilable differences persist with no prospect for resolution, both countries world's apart on major geopolitical issues — regarding Syria, Iran, Yemen, Libya, Afghanistan, Ukraine, North Korea, Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela.

Throughout his tenure, Putin's diplomatic outreach to the US achieved no positive results, just the opposite, especially since Trump took office.

Hardline extremists are in charge of his geopolitical agenda. He admitted at least largely going along with policies urged by Pompeo and Bolton — at the expense of world peace, stability and security.

Following the Trump regime's announced INF Treaty pullout on February 1, over falsely claiming Russia hasn't honored it, Putin instructed Moscow's foreign and defense ministers not to initiate contact with Washington on this issue over its unwillingness to discuss matters relating to strategic stability.

The historical record is clear. The US can never be trusted, time and again breaching agreements, saying one thing, then doing another, repeated acts of betrayal — with Russia, North Korea, and other countries.

Prospects for anything positive from Friday Putin/Trump talks are virtually nil. US policies are unbending. So is its hostility toward Russia and other sovereign independent countries it doesn't control.

Washington's geopolitical agenda is all about seeking dominion over planet earth, its resources and populations — naked aggression and other hostile actions its favored strategies.

With the most extremist/belligerent regime running things in Washington, world peace and stability are gravely threatened. Unthinkable nuclear war remains an ominous possibility, perhaps inevitable — at the risk of destroying planet earth and all its life forms.

Trump and hardliners surrounding him are hellbent for strengthening the US nuclear arsenal, along with increasing military spending to an unprecedented level — at a time polar opposite policies are vitally needed.

DLT is captive to Wall Street, other corporate interests, and hardliners controlling his geopolitical agenda. His public pronouncements are meaningless when diverge from what his handlers favor.

On Friday, saying the US, Russia, and China are "talking about a nuclear agreement, where we make less and they make less, and maybe even get rid of the tremendous firepower we have right now" is polar opposite consensus in Washington.

Earlier he said his regime will increase the US nuclear arsenal because of growing threats from Russia and China (sic), adding: "We have more money than anybody else by far…Until people come to their senses, we will build it up."

This position is overwhelmingly supported in Washington, both right wings of the US war party on the same page on this and related issues.

Talks with Russia and China on stepping back from the brink won't change a thing. Both countries are treated like mortal enemies, not allies — for their sovereign independence, opposition to US imperial wars, and advocacy for multi-world polarity, an agenda in sharp contrast to Washington's aim for unchallenged global dominance.

Russia, China, Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Cuba, and most other states seek world peace and stability.

Washington's rage for colonizing planet earth to own it by whatever it takes to achieve its objectives makes a world safe and fit to live in unattainable.

If held, US summits with Russia, China, and other sovereign independent nations on major geopolitical issues won't change a thing.

That's the cold hard reality of the most perilous time in world history, the ominous state of things today because of US hegemonic aims.

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."