Article Image James Bovard


Podcast: My Latest Brawl with the TSA by James Bovard

Written by Subject: Transportation Security Agengy/TSA

Here's the story of my latest security checkpoint clash with those fine public servants from the Transportation Security Administration.  I filed a formal request for a video of that patdown six months ago. But TSA treats the Freedom of Information Act like the F**k Off Information Act and they are ignoring their legal duty to disclose.  But hope lives eternal – maybe in today's mail? Admittedly, I have given up hope for the return of my illegally-seized cigar cutter.

I discussed my TSA patdown at National Airport in the Los Angeles Times but here's the step-by-step, paw-by-paw, nitwittery-by-nitwittery full rendition. Alas, TSA continues to be a Full Employment Program for low-watt Sherlock Holmes types. (Here's a link to a USA Today story I did last week quoting women who vividly recounted how TSA abused them.)

The  Future of Freedom Foundation   set up a podcast page for this and my prior broadcasts here.
