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Russian Foreign Ministry on Syria, Maria Butina and UK Big Lies

Written by Subject: Russia

Russian Foreign Ministry on Syria, Maria Butina and UK Big Lies

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova (MZ below) said conditions in Syria are improving - despite conflict resolution far from achieved.

"Over the past two weeks, the Syrian forces successfully liberated about 2,000 square kilometers," MZ explained - over 90% of the country free from US-supported terrorists.

In scores of liberated areas, many thousands of Syrian refugees returned to their home towns and villages. 

"(I)ntensive work is underway to create an infrastructure for accommodating almost 1 million refugees and IDPs," said MZ.

Russia continues spearheading efforts to supply food, medical care and other humanitarian aid to many thousands of Syrian civilians.

Russia's Foreign Ministry slammed the disgraceful involvement of the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) and Israel in evacuating White Helmets terrorists from liberated Syrian areas.

MZ blasted the White Helmets saying the following:

"(H)ow come these fearless humanitarian workers need to be evacuated from Syria? (Why an urgency to do it?) Why can't the White Helmets stay there as peace returns to cities and communities?" 

"How come the White Helmets are not there to distribute bread rations or to restore medical aid stations and civilian infrastructure?" 

"Have they thought about Syrian children who have to go to school, and what are civilians supposed to do?" 

"What happened to their commitment to the humanitarian cause? As a matter of fact, it never existed to begin with." 

"All the White Helmets did was contribute to fake stories, in exchange for huge sums of money, on the alleged chemical weapons attacks, and helped spread this propaganda online." 

"They alleged that the Syrian government used chemical weapons against its own people. That is all there is to it. That is what all these would-be humanitarian efforts were all about."

White Helmets are US, NATO, Israel, UN-supported terrorists - not civil defense workers, as falsely claimed. Aiding them is a high crime against humanity.

On July 15, Russian national Maria was arrested in America, falsely charged with acting as an unregistered foreign agent - a bald-faced lie.

In detention, she's been harshly mistreated, her health adversely affected.

Trump regime efforts are "forc(ing) her to cooperate with" its anti-Russia agenda "by making her living conditions as difficult as possible," MZ explained.

Accusations against her are "frivolous" and fabricated. She and other Russian nationals are held as US political prisoners.

According to MZ, Russian authorities continue to be denied information about and access to Sergey and Yulia Skripal, adding:

"Britain continues to ignore requests for legal assistance sent by the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation to London regarding the criminal lawsuit opened by the Russian Investigative Committee on March 16 in connection with the attempted murder of Yulia Skripal in a manner that endangers the general public."

US sanctions imposed on Russia for the incident it had nothing to do with flagrantly violate international law.

They're all about the Trump and Theresa May regimes partnering in waging political and economic war on Russia - risking something far more serious.

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