Abuse of Russian Political Prisoners in America

Written by Subject: Russia

Abuse of Russian Political Prisoners in America

by Stephen Lendman (stephenlendman.org - Home - Stephen Lendman)

Thousands of political prisoners languish in America's gulag prison system, including Russian nationals - subjected to abusive and humiliating treatment.

Maria Butina is the latest Russian national arrested and detained without bond, falsely charged with operating as an unregistered Russian agent.

She's a deep state scapegoat, guilty of no crimes, invented ones only for political reasons. Russophobic US dark forces are going all-out to prevent improved relations with the Kremlin and Vladimir Putin personally.

That's what targeting her is all about, wanting adversarial relations with Russia maintained - unjustifiably justifying countless trillions of dollars spent on militarism and endless wars of aggression.

According to Russia's Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, arresting and detaining Butina is all about Russia bashing, explaining her treatment in custody is "blatant…arbitrary"and abusive.

"She is treated in jail as a dangerous criminal. She has been placed in a solitary cell and is under round-the-clock surveillance."

"Prison guards are constantly on duty near the entrance, and they rushed into several times at night to allegedly conduct checks. They switched on the light and did not let her sleep."

She's subjected bad food, uncomfortable cold, and isolated confinement, denying her free movement or ability to walk for exercise.

She's innocent of illegitimate charges against her - solely for political reasons. "No doubt (she) did not commit any crimes," Zakharova stressed.

Russia's Foreign Ministry said Sergey Lavrov told Mike Pompeo that US charges against her are "fabricated (and) unacceptable."

So is her abusive treatment, other Russian political prisoners treated as harshly. Politicized persecution in America is commonplace.

The Obama regime imprisoned Russian national Konstantin Yaroshenko on false charges. No evidence proved them.

He's an unjustly framed commercial pilot/businessman. He endured "extreme government misconduct," he said, including "torture, brutal and inhumane treatment in detention."

Russian national Viktor Bout was victimized like Yaroshenko, arrested and imprisoned on false charges.

Unjustly called a "merchant of death," he ran a legitimate air cargo business. He was mistreated in prison, denied proper medical care.

Russia's embassy in Washington complained about the "endemic" mistreatment of Russian nationals in US prisons - for political reasons, for the "crime" of being a national of country America considers an adversary. 

They're deplorably abused in custody, including months "buried alive" in solitary confinement.

Vadim Mirerin is another Russian political prisoner in America. A Foreign Ministry statement expressed "serious questions regarding the circumstances of (his) arrest" and abusive treatment.

It's the wrong time to be Russian in America, its nationals in the US and elsewhere vulnerable to hostile treatment by its Russophobic regimes.

VISIT MY NEW WEB SITE: stephenlendman.org (Home - Stephen Lendman). Contact at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net.

My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

