Russian Foreign Ministry Briefing

Written by Subject: Russia

Russian Foreign Ministry Briefing

by Stephen Lendman (stephenlendman.org - Home - Stephen Lendman)

At her weekly press briefing, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova (MZ below) discussed her usual array of topics.

On Syria, she covered positive and negative developments. Positive ones include progress by government and allied forces in liberating areas from US-supported terrorists.

Successes on the ground are offset by endless war with no prospect for resolution, Washington committed to regime change, continuing its support for ISIS and other terrorists, along with endless terror-bombing, civilians harmed most.

Russian intervention in the conflict to combat terrorism turned the tide of battle, not enough to end conflict and restore peace, the latter elusive because of US imperial aims.

MZ: "The continued illegal presence of (US and other) foreign forces in Syria, which have been deployed there in gross violation of its sovereignty, is keeping the door open for anyone who is pursuing their own goals in Syria and the means to attain them." 

"This clearly cannot encourage the opponents of the Syrian government to abandon the illusion of a possible revenge for their defeat on the ground or ensure these forces' constructive involvement in the common search for a political solution." 

"As for terrorists, this situation is fueling their hopes for relaunching chaos and regaining their positions in the country."

Washington resumed its funding of al-Qaeda linked White Helmets, masquerading as civil defense workers, complicit in high crimes, grievously harming civilians they pretend to serve and protect.

MZ called the situation in Yemen a "worst-case scenario." US/UK-supported Saudi-led terror-bombing continues.

The battle for Hodeideh's airport, seaport and city continues, Houthi forces fighting valiantly against Saudi, UAE and mercenary fighters.

On Saturday after MZ's report, AMN News said Houthis launched a major counteroffensive southwest of Hodeideh, retaking areas previously lost.

They "kill(ed) scores of Gulf-backed fighters and seize(d) a large quantity of their weapons that were left behind."

They're "attempting to drive back the Gulf-backed troops after spending much of the week on the defensive."

They claimed regaining full control of Hodeideh's airport, releasing video footage showing they're in control, whether able to keep it another matter.

MZ: "The situation in Palestine and Israel remains complicated and explosive. In recent days, we have observed a new surge of tension around Gaza."

Intermittent Israeli terror-bombing continues. On Friday, hundreds of peaceful Gazan demonstrators were wounded by Israeli snipers, many by live fire, the world community failing to intervene responsibly, siding with the Jewish state for failing to hold it accountable for high crimes of war and against humanity.

Moscow disgracefully call(ed) on all sides to practice restraint and renounce any steps capable of fueling a full-scale military confrontation."

Israel is fully responsible for violence, ruthlessly attacking peaceful Gazan protesters threatening no one during Great March of Return demonstrations, putting their bodies in harm's way, struggling for liberation from a ruthless occupier. 

MZ failed to explain. She debunked the Big Lie about Russia aiding Taliban fighters, falsely claimed by past, current, and newly appointed US forces commander in the country. Afghanistan is America's longest modern-day war with no end of it in sight.

America's global gulag is filled with thousands of political prisoners, Western media suppressing what demands explaining.

Days earlier, the State Department falsely accused Russia of interning "political and religious prisoners."

MZ called the accusation "a flagrant attempt of the US side to invent and introduce its own vision of human rights issues." 

"This has happened before. However, this time around, it coincided with the (shameful) US withdrawal from the Human Rights Council" - over false claims of anti-Israel bias.

MZ: "Everyone is bored with this haughty attitude, behaving as a self-proclaimed unquestioned authority in the sphere of human rights, and the complete disregard for the traditions, history, and cultural values of other countries and peoples, and cannot take them seriously."

"US calls for the release of prisoners convicted of terrorism and extremist activity can be considered as acquittal of such acts, which is unacceptable. For our part, we consider absolutely unacceptable any attempts to interfere with our internal affairs, the work of Russian law enforcement agencies and the judiciary."

America has a long disturbing history of flagrant human rights abuses at home and abroad, an appalling record unmatched by any other country over a longer duration.

Russia's Foreign Ministry expressed grave concern about Pentagon plans to assure "American dominance in space," wanting it transformed into a battleground.

MZ: "This is fresh proof of Washington's plans to deploy weapons in space creating the prospect of space warfare." 

"It seems that the US does not intend to give up on its position on the use of force in space…set out in doctrines prepared under the Obama administration."

"We pay very close attention to Washington's initiatives in this field, and carefully weigh all the consequences." 

"It is already clear that any increase in the US military capability in space (especially bringing weapons to space) would undermine strategic stability and international security."

VISIT MY NEW WEB SITE: stephenlendman.org (Home - Stephen Lendman). Contact at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net.

My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

