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Trump Regime Escalates Aggression in Syria

Written by Subject: Syria

Trump Regime Escalates Aggression in Syria

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

Earlier I explained that there's nothing civil about war in Syria - naked aggression launched by Obama, escalated by Trump, using ISIS and other terrorists as imperial foot soldiers.

Since mid-2014, war on the Syrian Arab Republic was escalated by US-led terror-bombing, massacring civilians, destroying vital infrastructure, raping Raqqa.

Alone it was one of history's great crimes, responsible for countless thousands of civilian deaths, repeating the rape of Mosul, Iraq - by the Obama regime for two-and-half months in late 2016, over six-and-a-half months more by Trump.

Multiple US-led terror-bombing attacks were carried out against Syrian troops, mainly since Trump took office - including against Shayrat airbase, last April against multiple targets, and overnight, the Syrian Arab News Agency reporting:

Pentagon-led warplanes terror-bombed "one of the Syrian Arab Army's positions in the southeast countryside of Deir Ezzor, leaving casualties," adding:

According to a Syrian Arab Army source, "one of our military positions in the town of Al-Hiri was attacked southeast of al-Boukamal city, leaving a number of martyrs and wounding other people."

"The new aggression comes three days after that the Syrian army liberated an area extending from the road of Haqel al-Wared (field of roses) , al-M'aezleh and al-Tammah, to Ibn Muwain'e with 40 km-long axis and combed an area estimated at 2000 square kilometers in al-Mayadeen western Badiya."

Serving as an air force for ISIS and other terrorists, Pentagon-led warplanes have "been targeting the military positions in a desperate attempt to raise the collapsed morale of (these elements) due to the achievements of the Syrian army."

On the phony pretext of combating ISIS Washington created, arms, funds, trains and directs, US-led warplanes have been terror-bombing Syrian targets for the past four years - failing to halt the battlefield successes of government forces, liberating most of the country from control by ISIS and other terrorists.

So-called "rebels" in Syria are cutthroat killers, mostly imported from scores of countries, used by Washington as a proxy army, wanting sovereign independent Syria transformed into another US vassal state - the country partitioned, its resources looted, its people ruthlessly exploited, an Israeli rival eliminated, isolating Iran regionally, ahead of a similar campaign to topple its government.

The credibility of Pentagon reports is sorely lacking, never to be accepted at face value. According to spokesman Major Adrian Rankine-Galloway, the overnight attack wasn't conducted by US or other so-called "coalition" warplanes - a dubious claim.

Since Trump took office, US-led terror-bombing of Syrian targets greatly increased. According to a declassified CENTCOM report, Bush/Cheney averaged 24 bombs dropped daily, 8,750 annually, largely against Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq.

Obama escalated US terror-bombing, averaging 34 bombs dropped daily, 12,500 annually against seven countries: Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen and Somalia.

During Trump's first year in office, his regime averaged 121 bombs dropped daily, 44,096 in 2017,  against all of the above countries, notably attacking Syria and Iraq - on the phony pretext of combating ISIS Washington supports.

Instead of stepping back from the brink, winding down US aggression in multiple theaters, Trump escalated things, outdoing premeditated wars on nations threatening no one by the Clinton co-presidency, Bush/Cheney, and Obama so far in office.

He's the latest in a long line of US warrior presidents. War on Syria continues raging. 

It won't end as long as Washington's imperial objectives remain unachieved - notably with hawkish neocon extremists in charge of Trump's geopolitical agenda.

Their rage for global hegemony shows what North Korea is up against in dealings with them. 

Washington wants pro-Western puppet regimes replacing all sovereign independent countries. The DPRK, Syria and others are no exceptions.

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