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Rand Paul's Shameful 11th Hour Flip-Flop on Pompeo

Written by Subject: United States

Rand Paul's Shameful 11th Hour Flip-Flop on Pompeo

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

CIA director Mike Pompeo is an undiplomatic, hawkish neocon extremist, a Russophobic/Islamophobic lunatic - headed toward Senate confirmation as secretary of state, hardening Trump's war cabinet more than already.

Last month, Senate Foreign Relations Committee member Rand Paul vowed to go all-out to block him from becoming Washington's top diplomat.

He slammed his support for aggressive war and defense of enhanced interrogation methods - torture. It's prohibited under international and US statute laws.

Paul earlier indicated willingness to filibuster Pompeo's nomination, as well as CIA torturer-in-chief Gina Haspel. 

He called her "gleeful" in defending torture - what international law condemns and prohibits, what no civilized societies tolerate.

He was quoted saying: "People complain sometimes about the filibuster. They complain about trying to obstruct." 

"I think the debate over whether or not America is a country in favor of torture or not is an important one. I'm going to do everything I can to block" Pompeo and Haspel from being confirmed.

Republicans hold a one-seat Senate Foreign Relations Committee majority, Rand Paul the deciding vote.

Opposing Pompeo would have been the first time since record-keeping began in 1925 that the Senate Foreign Relations Committee rejected a presidential nominee for secretary of state.

Paul's 11th hour flip-flop approval of Pompeo went against what he strongly opposed last month. 

It's added proof that nothing politicians say can be believed. They're notorious liars.

Follow only what they do. Ignore what they say. Too often actions belie public remarks.

Turncoat Rand Paul showed he's like all the rest - pro-war, anti-peace, anti-democratic values, anti-rule of law principles.

When a full Senate floor vote takes place in days, Pompeo's nomination is certain to be approved.

At least three undemocratic Dem senators support him, along with all Republicans, Paul the only GOP opponent until he flip-flopped.

Trump's war cabinet is about to get meaner and nastier.

In late March, ACLU legislative and advocacy counsel Manar Waheed blasted Pompeo for using his position as a congressional member "to smear Muslims as a threat not only to security but also to Christianity - promoting the idea that religions are at war with each other and undermining our nation's values of religious freedom and pluralism."

He co-sponsored congressional legislation to ban Muslims from emigrating to America, praising Trump's xenophobic extremism.

His Russophobia and Islamophobic rage make him unqualified for any public position.

As secretary of state, he'll be Washington's top diplomat - his extremist views incompatible with what the job calls for.

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

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