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US Kremlin Envoy and State Department Spokeswoman Hostility Toward Russia

Written by Subject: Russia

US Kremlin Envoy and State Department Spokeswoman Hostility Toward Russia

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

US ambassador to Russia John Huntsman chairs the multinational chemical products company bearing his name, founded by his father.

At the time of his appointment, Russia's upper house Federation Council International Affairs Committee chairman Alexey Pushkov raised concerns about his Atlantic Council chairmanship, a hawkish Russophobic think tank.

Pushkov called him part of a group "where tough criticism of Russia has become a norm. (He's) definitely not a dove."

In response to Moscow's announced tit-for-tat expulsion of 60 US diplomats, along with closure of its St. Petersburg consulate, Huntsman blasted the move, saying:

"It's clear from the list provided to us that the Russian Federation is not interested in a dialogue on issues that matter to our two countries."

US/UK Russophobic collusion began things. Huntsman ignored it, irresponsibly bashing Moscow, its Thursday response entirely justifiable. 

US hostility toward Russia is longstanding, dangerously escalating over the Skripal incident the Kremlin had nothing to do with.

State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert, a former ABC News/Fox News pseudo-journalist is militantly Russophobic.

"I want to remind you that there is no justification for the Russian response," she roared during her Thursday press briefing, adding:

"Our actions were motivated purely by the attack on the United Kingdom, the attack on a British citizen and his daughter…a weapons-grade nerve agent, Novichok…used…" 

"We have not taken these steps lightly. We've taken these steps in concert with our allies across the world." 

"Twenty-eight countries now join the United States backing our allies in the decision to have kicked out 153 Russian spies from the various countries."

Fact: Nearly a month after the March 4 Skripal incident, Britain has yet to reveal any credible evidence proving Russian involvement because nothing damning exists.

Fact: Neither the Skripals or anyone else in Britain were exposed to a "military grade nerve agent." Exposure causes death in minutes. 

Fact: No one died. Sergey Skripal alone reportedly remains seriously ill, his daughter Yulia recovering. Allegedly poisoned police detective Nick Bailey was discharged from hospitalization around a week ago, well enough to go home.

Fact: Washington and Britain got 26 allied countries to go along with their scheme through heavy-handed bullying and pressure, perhaps accompanied by threats - the way all rogue states operate.

Fact: Diplomats are charged with protecting national security interests of nations they represent, including by closely monitoring activities of countries where they're based.

Fact: No one spies more aggressively than America, Britain and Israel, including against allies.

Nauert: "…Russia has chosen to take the regrettable, unwarranted action to respond to our entirely justified action."

Fact: Again she got things backwards. Russia's action was entirely justifiable in response to Washington's hostile collusion with Britain against its government.

Nauert: "We are still reviewing the details of the Russian action, but let me say, again, that we reserve the right further to any Russian retaliation against the United States…(W)e'll respond accordingly."

Asked if Washington reserves the right to respond to Moscow's action, she replied: "Correct."

Question: "So in other words, this is not over. This could - is not necessarily over? We could be - could see an escalation beyond this?"

Nauert declined to predict what's coming, stressing "we certainly have the ability to do so."

Question: "I'm not sure I understand. You guys threw out 60 of their people." They responded in kind.

Nauert stubbornly insisted US action was "justifi(ed)…no justification for (Russia's) response" - brazenly accusing Moscow for the Skripal incident, likely jointly carried out by Washington and Britain to blame the Kremlin for what happened.

Nauert: "Russia is choosing, through its actions, to further diplomatically and also economically isolate itself not just from the United States, from the world."

"Russia clearly is not interested in having good relations with other countries, and that is evident by the actions that they have taken."

Lies repeated enough drown out truth-telling. Nauert is paid to lie for the Trump administration. So is Huntsman.

Washington and Britain bear full responsibility for the March 4 incident - not Russia!

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